Indestructible God King

Chapter 143.1 A Dragon Sprout on Native Soil (1/2)

Chapter 143.1 A Dragon Sprout on Native Soil (1/2)

Inside one of the Royal Palace’s great halls—

Zhang Li'er gradually regained her consciousness. Although Zi Bufan had left her heavily injured and then knocked her out, she had a powerful rejuvenating capability; she wasn’t affected much, even after the blood extraction. There was also the fact that more blood was taken from her younger brother.

“I... Am I dead?” Zhang Li'er opened her eyes. Pain surged in her head.

“Eldest apprentice-sister, you are awake! Thank goodness!”

“Eldest apprentice-sister! Wang Ke’s efforts didn’t go to waste!” The junior's voices woke her up further.

Zhang Li'er was shocked as she looked around. I’m not dead?I’m still alive?But, what happened? I’m tied up and my power has been sealed; I can’t move at all.

“Am I imprisoned......?” Zhang Li'er said worryingly, “What about Zhang Shenxu?” She looked around frantically and saw her younger brother tied up beside her. Compared to her, Zhang Shenxu was in much worse shape; not only was he unconscious, his face was also pale as paper, as though on the verge of dying.

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“Eldest apprentice-sister, Senior brother Shenxu is still alive, but he lost too much blood and was badly injured!” one of her juniors said.

“He’s alive? Good, as long as he’s alive!” Zhang Li'er heaved a sigh of relief. Wang Ke really got us into deep sh*t this time around! It’s all his fault! Resentment filled her heart.

“Eldest apprentice-sister, you’ll have to thank Wang Ke for this!” A junior brother sighed.

“Thank Wang Ke?” Zhang Li'er felt dismayed. Junior brother, is something wrong with your brain?Thank him for what?We wouldn’t be in such a miserable state if it wasn’t for him!

“Yeah, senior sister. We now know how things are between you and Wang Ke!” a junior sister said.

“Wang Ke and me?” Zhang Li'er was confused.

“Yeah, senior sister; the love affair you have. How touching!” the junior sister exclaimed, “To have such a gentleman as your cultivation partner… nothing beats that! You found your Mr. Right!”josei

“Wh...What? What happened? Whose love affair? Between Wang Ke and who?” the alluded asked. Her eyes widened in shock.

“You!” all her juniors replied in unison.

“Nonsense! Who the f*** would have a love affair with Wang Ke? What the hell are you guys talking about!” Zhang Li'er cried out in anger.

“Eldest apprentice-sister, we know everything. Wang Ke said you were quite smitten by him!” a junior brother explained.

“What a f***ing load of bullsh*t! Who said that?” she yelled angrily.

“Shut up!” another junior sister reprimanded that tactless junior, “Why are you being that obvious? You’re embarrassing her! She needs to keep her face, understand?”

“Ohh yeah, right. Sorry for speaking too much!” the junior lowered his head and apologized.

The glaring Zhang Li'er: “.............................!”

“What do you guys even mean? Who brainwashed you all? How am I related to Wang Ke?” she raged on.

“Eldest apprentice-sister, you missed the whole thing. Wang Ke took a hundred palm strikes from a Golden Core cultivator just to save you! He almost died!”

“Wang Ke vomited so much blood, all for your life to be spared. Of course, some of the blood was fake, but he did risk his life to appease the demons so he could save you!”

“We don’t know why Wang Ke is all chummy with the demons, but I’m sure he did it to rescue you, Eldest apprentice-sister!”

“Senior sister, I was moved to tears by what he did for your sake!”




Praises for Wang Ke flooded Zhang Li’er ears.

With a shocked look, Zhang Li'er: “.............................!”

“Are you all nuts! How can there be anything between Wang Ke and me? Is he too obsessed with my beauty that he wants to take advantage of me?” she asked in dismay.

“No, Wang Ke said that he already has a girlfriend. He said that he has no feelings for you, but he felt obliged since you are the one who has gone after him relentlessly!” a junior said.

“F***ing bullsh*t!” Zhang Li’er was hopping mad.

“Junior brother, what crappery are you spouting? If Wang Ke had no feelings for our Eldest apprentice-sister, why would he even think of risking his life? He said that to avoid laying an emotional burden on our senior sister! You dimwit!” a junior sister berated that junior.

Zhang Li'er said, “Aren’t you a dimwit yourself? There’s no way I’d be into Wang Ke! Don’t you know why we are imprisoned here in the first place?”

“Eldest apprentice-sister, you don’t have to pretend any longer. We understand! Although Wang Ke is weak, he’s a very responsible man! Just now, it was Wang Ke who risked his life to save you!” another junior sister said.

Zhang Li'er: “.............................!”None of you believe me? Are you all living in your own worlds?

“Yeah, if it weren’t for Wang Ke, our Eldest apprentice-sister would be dead already! Wang Ke even begged the demons to spare her brother, all for her sake! The demons were getting ready to consume me, but it was also Wang Ke who saved me!”

“The demons were calling Wang Ke ‘Branch Lord’, but I think that’s fake. Why would he risk his life to save us if he is a Branch Lord? There must be a reason behind that; he’s definitely not a demon!”

“Of course! If Wang Ke were a demon, why would Chen Tianyuan not know it? I’m sure Wang Ke has a righteous heart!”

“Wang Ke spared no thought for his own life just to save our Eldest apprentice-sister! She entrusted her life to the right man!”

“Only someone like Wang Ke is worthy of such trust!”

“Our Eldest apprentice-sister and Wang Ke are a match made in heaven!”




The juniors kept at it, singing praises one after the other… while Zhang Li'er felt like her lungs were about to burst with anger!

“Definitely not! I am not in any sense related to Wang Ke! Damn it. What’s wrong with all of you!” She was fuming.

“Okay, okay, it’s all right! Senior sister, please calm down; let’s pretend there’s nothing going on between you two! Don’t be angry!” said a coaxing junior sister.

Zhang Li'er’s face was charcoal black. What do you mean by ‘pretending’ there’s nothing going on?Are you guys insane?Me? Have feelings for that bast*rd, Wang Ke?Ptooey!

She stared at her juniors and reprimanded, “Humph, I really don’t know what’s in your minds all day long! We are imprisoned right now; shouldn’t you be thinking about how to escape?”

“Our cultivation was sealed with spells and we’re tied up. There’s no way we can escape!”

“We racked our brains for a solution, but I’m afraid that Wang Ke is our only hope for escaping!”

The juniors sighed in dismay.

“You’re hoping for Wang Ke to save us? Waiting for death would be better; why would he come and save us?” Zhang Li'er scoffed.

“That’s not set in stone; things are very chaotic outside and Wang Ke can’t make his way over. But I’m sure he will act and rescue us when an opportunity arises!” a junior brother said.

“Why are you so sure?” Zhang Li'er looked perplexed.

“Because of you!” that junior answered.

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