Indestructible God King

Chapter 143.2 A Dragon Sprout on Native Soil (2/2)

Chapter 143.2 A Dragon Sprout on Native Soil (2/2)

“Me?” Zhang Li'er was a little stunned to hear that.

A junior brother who had a cultivation partner said, “Yeah, Eldest apprentice-sister. Wang Ke knows that you have feelings for him; that’s why he saved your life, risking his life! Now that we’re trapped, he will surely come and get you out! Senior sister, I am sure of it. I’ve had such an experience before!”

Zhang Li'er glowered and said, “You... You dumb*ss! Shut up!”

Another junior sister scolded that junior, “Enough, don’t mention this in front of our Eldest apprentice-sister anymore! Save her some face! Let’s keep this in our hearts… enough already!’

Zhang Li'er looked at that junior sister of hers and couldn’t think of anything to shut her mouth. What do you mean by ‘it’s enough to keep it in your hearts’?Enough your *ss!

“Humph, Wang Ke will never come and rescue us. We must do it on our own!” Zhang Li'er said sternly.

“Yes, yes. Eldest apprentice-sister, you’re absolutely correct!” Everyone nodded.

But their eyes said otherwise, as though thinking that she was in denial. From that point on they stopped talking about Wang Ke to avoid embarrassing her. But Zhang Li'er knew what the look on their faces meant; she could only give up out of anger and close her eyes to regulate her Qi flow.

“Baaam! Baaaam! Baaaam......!”

Muffled sounds came from inside her body; it was the sound of her trying to break through the demons’ seal on her cultivation. She was the most powerful among them, so it was only a matter of time for her to break the seal.

Find the original at Hosted Novel.

While everyone was waiting for time to pass—a thundering dragon roar came from outside the hall.


The deafening roar reverberated in all directions and shocked the captives.


Qing Capital’s Royal Palace—in a shady corner of a great hall.

Zhu Yan stood silently by the pillar along with a man in black.

“Zhu Yan, don’t lie to me!” said the man in black.

“Chapter Lord Tong, why would I lie to you? You know about my grudge against Wang Ke! I want him dead; it’s a pity that I can’t kill him! That’s why I looked for you! Besides, who else is more familiar with the Royal Palace than me? I lived here for decades and know every corner. Follow me, and only then will we find an opportunity to kill Wang Ke!” Zhu Yan persuaded with a sinister look.

Tong An'an—the black dressed fellow—nodded.

“I’m surprised to see that you came alone, though. Where are your bald subordinates? Why didn’t they follow you? Everyone counts! That way we can ensure Wang Ke’s death!” Zhu Yan asked with a frown.

“They don’t didn’t have the guts to come!” Tong An'an replied after a moment of silence.

“Why?” Zhu Yan was perplexed. “You are the one mentioned on the Demon Sovereign’s wanted list, not them!”

“First of all, Parlor Lord Zi Bufan no longer wants Wang Ke dead,” Tong An’an replied, “They didn’t want to act against Zi Bufan’s wishes! Although we lost the Lightning Whips together, I’m the person in charge and they were just following orders. That’s why they don’t want to risk it! Even if Zi Bufan does pursue the matter, most responsibility falls on me!

“They’re only afraid that Zi Bufan might punish them?” Zhu Yan said, looking worried.

“Second, they don’t dare to come because they’re afraid you might lie to us! They don’t find you reliable!” Tong An'an said.

“Bullsh*t! Between me and Wang Ke stands an irreconcilable grudge! What have I ever lied to you about?” Zhu Yan said in a rage.

Tong An'an looked at Zhu Yan with a complicated look. This Zhu Yan is like a jinx. Damn, I wouldn’t be working with you if I weren’t in a hurry to recover the Lightning Whips.

“Enough talk! Find Wang Ke, quick!” Tong An'an said.

“Found him. Over there, look!” Zhu Yan pointed to somewhere under a roof.

Nearby, Zi Bufan was setting up the spell array while Wang Ke was looking at some blueprint with a clan member.

“Clan Lord, Big cousin-brother has evacuated all the mortals from the Royal Palace. Right before he left, he asked me to hand you the blueprint of the Royal Palace!” the clan member reported respectfully.

“Oh?” Wang Ke looked at the blueprint with a puzzled look.

The other continued with an embarrassed smile, “Our clan took over the capital this year and used the Royal Palace as our base of operations. So, we’ve already made some modifications! Maybe our clan has been raiding tombs for too long… Some of our senior members were too bored, so they dug many escape tunnels! This is the map for those tunnels! Pardon our poor execution!”

“What’s there to pardon?” Wang Ke said with a stare, “How can we forget our roots just because we rose up the ranks? We, the Wang Clan, are born to be groundhogs. We’d only be seeking death if we did things without an escape plan! The tunnels are well done! We must not discard our life-saving skills because we have more authority now! Else we might not even know how we die! Get Third grand-uncle to investigate thoroughly; see if any clan members dare to look down on escape tunnels! If anyone’s got their head in the clouds, educate that person for me!”

“Understood!” the Wang Clan member acknowledged.

“Okay, you should leave the Royal Palace immediately; I don’t need you here. As for the map, I will take a closer look!” said Wang Ke.

“Yes, Clan Lord!” The clan member bowed courteously before leaving the palace. Meanwhile, Wang Ke studied the escape tunnels under the Royal Palace and memorized most of them.

He then turned around and looked toward the palace holding Zhang Li'er captive. Demonic disciples were keeping watch outside the hall.

Wang Ke fell into deep thought, There’s an escape tunnel right under the place where Zhang Li'er is locked in. Should I tell them? But, what’s in it for me? Why should I keep helping them? Just because Zhang Li’er is my lovesick pursuer? Damn, this is such a bad trade for me! If all the women in the world liked me, I would die from helping them! Sigh! I can’t be too good of a person!

While Wang Ke pondered—Zi Bufan leaped into the air and shouted, “Zhu Hongyi, the spell array is complete. It’s about to begin!”


Zhu Hongyi stepped out from a hall in the palace and rushed into the sky. The two demonic Parlor Lords looked loftily at the blood-drawn array etched on the parade square beneath them. A large number of spirit stones had been placed around the array to activate it.

“Begin!” Zhu Hongyi gave the order.

All the demonic disciples channeled a full measure of energy into the spell array.


The crimson spell array beamed with a blinding red flash. Even Wang Ke—who was standing farther away—had to squint, as though a frightening power were rushing against Wang Ke’s soul.

“Dao Lineage Blood? It can give off light and heat?” Wang Ke muttered to himself in shock.

“Dao Lineage Rune; Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe! Dao Lineage Blood. Activate~~~~~~~~~~~!” Zi Bufan shouted.


The ground underneath the spell array trembled. At the center of the array—space seemed to contort.


A dragon’s roar came from underground, followed by a powerful quake in the vicinity.

“Earthquake?” Wang Ke was shocked.


Following the loud explosion at the center of the blood array, many rocks and soil flew and were sprayed all around. After that, the golden head of a massive dragon emerged from the earth.

The dragon's head was translucent and appeared ethereal; six meters wide and beaming with brilliant golden rays. The radiant eyes of the dragon looked so powerful that they shook the souls of the onlookers.

“Dragon... head?” a demonic disciple cried out in shock.

Wang Ke’s eyes were wide as saucers; it was his first time ever seeing something as grand.

“The dragon is real? And it sprouted in native soil?” Wang Ke looked at the gigantic head in amazement.


Following a thunderous blare, the parade square blew up. Everything, including the demonic sect disciples, were sent flying outward.

A hundred-meter-long, golden and translucent dragon climbed out from the ground. Its eyes were glowing with excitement at its newly gained freedom. Another roar ensued the moment it was completely free.


Then, it sped toward the horizon.


A palace building crumbled when the dragon's head crashed into it. Fragments of the building were scattered all around.

“Don’t you dare escape!” Zi Bufan shouted and instantly caught up with the creature.


Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi’s Qi-palms bombarded the golden dragon.

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