Indestructible God King

Chapter 144.1 I’m Innocent (1/2)

Chapter 144.1 I’m Innocent (1/2)

Qing Capital—In the Royal Palace!


The golden dragon’s tails whipped a palace hall into pieces. Countless bricks and pieces of wood flew into the air and were scattered all around.

Outside the Royal Palace—the officials and commoners were being evacuated. But still, many people looked up into the sky in fear. Many of the Innate Stage hired helpers were awed by the scene.

“Calm down, everyone. A foul dragon is wreaking havoc in the royal palace. We invited some immortals from the cultivation sects to subdue the dragon! Please be mindful of your own safety and protect the commoners in the Qing Capital! Evacuate them first!” Big cousin-brother directed his men according to Wang Ke’s requirements.

All of the hired Innate Stage fighters passed saliva.

Never have I seen such a massive being!I’ve seen many demonic beasts, including the big ones! But never something so freaking huge!

“Clan Lord Wang is becoming really successful! He’s even catching dragons for sport!”

“Yeah, I knew Clan Lord Wang was an extraordinary person, and that he is. Look, those Golden Core immortals flying on swords! They came to give our Clan Lord face!”

“Our Clan Lord even invited two Astral Infant powerhouses? Wow!

“This time around, the Wang Clan will surely conquer the empire! Thank goodness I was recruited by Clan Lord Wang!”




The people outside the Royal Palace marveled at what was happening.

But on the inside, Wang Ke dodged the falling tiles from the sky, almost getting struck a few times.

“That’s the draconic ley line? It hasn’t exploded yet, but it’s already this destructive?” Wang Ke was shocked by what he saw.

“Heavenly Violet Net!” Zi Bufan cried out.


Countless lightning bolts shot down from the thunderclouds in the sky, homing on the golden dragon.

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“Hongyi Chain!” Zhu Hongyi shouted.

“Clink, Chink!”

Immediately after, ten dragon-like chains coiled around the golden dragon.


The golden dragon bellowed, trying to break free from the suppression of two Astral Infants.

“Everyone, attack the golden dragon. Quick!” Zhu Hongyi commanded his men.

“Yes, Parlor Lord!” All the demonic sect disciples responded.


Qi swords and sabers blasted the golden dragon, and the entire Royal Palace was turned into a battlefield.

The dragon was translucent, but it was sentient. It became furious, knowing it could not escape; it flung its tails at the Golden Core cultivators and sent them flying backward. The crushing blow had a seemingly unstoppable strength. Of course, there was no way that Wang Ke would step up to offer help; he watched as the palace halls exploded into pieces, while his heart ached.

“My money! You beast!” Wang Ke cursed in frustration.

He looked around, and his gaze landed on the palace hall where the Golden Crow Sect disciples were held captive. The demonic guards had their post to deal with the golden dragon.

Should I go and release the Golden Crow Sect disciples?

“Why should I care for them? They have nothing to do with me! I will be in trouble if the demons catch me while I try to rescue them!” Wang Ke muttered to himself with a frown.

But then he thought of Zhang Li'er, who was unconscious and badly injured.

“Sigh. Damn it, I’m just too soft-hearted! Zhang Li'er, you troublemaker. Why did you develop feelings for me? It’s your fault that I feel so passive! It’ll be harmful to my reputation if word gets out that I refused to rescue you!” Wang Ke sighed.

Forget it, let me try!

However, he decided not to open the gate from the outside; he would be in big trouble if someone saw him.

“I shall go through the tunnels so no one sees me. There was one at the Empress' Residence, which leads to the place where they are kept. I’ll go there!” Wang Ke muttered to himself and rushed out.

While an intense battle raged on—Wang Ke treaded furtively toward one of the palace halls. Once entering, he made sure no one followed behind him and shut the gate.

He thought had done everything to perfection, but little did he know that two people were watching him from the dark.

“Where is Wang Ke sneaking to?” Tong An'an was curious. Everyone’s busy catching the golden dragon. What is Wang Ke doing?The way he’s lurking around… I wonder what he’s up to.

“That’s the Empress' Residence!” Zhu Yan said with a complicated look.

“The Empress' Residence? What’s inside?” Tong An'an asked.

“I had a dungeon built underneath! I don’t know what Wang Ke is planning to do, either!” Zhu Yan was also puzzled.

“Humph, a dungeon? Alone? Isn’t that better for us? Go, let’s follow after him!” Tong An'an said in excitement.

“Okay! Let’s be careful!” Zhu Yan nodded.

While making use of the chaos around them as cover, the two followed Wang Ke stealthily all the way to the Empress' Residence. They made sure no one noticed them before they quickly entered the residence. Their alarms were raised once they were inside.

Tong An'an looked at Zhu Yan and asked, “Where is he?”

“I don’t know either!” Zhu Yan was at a loss. The entire place was empty and there was no one inside.

“A dungeon? You said that there used to be a dungeon. Where is it?” Tong An'an urged.

Zhu Yan quickly led Tong An'an to the dungeon he had dug in the past. The two stood silently inside for a long while.

“You call this a dungeon?” Tong An'an said in frustration.josei

“I didn’t expect this, either! Wang Ke and his men must have been too bored! Why did they have to fill the place with soil again? Even if they weren’t going to use it, they didn’t have to bury it!” Zhu Yan felt annoyed.

“What should we do now? Wang Ke is gone,” Tong An'an asked. Did he just disappear like that?Who can accept this?

Zhu Yan took a deep breath and suggested, “There’s no backdoor in this place; I’m sure there are other secret tunnels. Let’s search the place!”

Tong An'an had no choice but to agree to the plan. So, the two began searching the Empress' Residence, both high and low. They had no idea where the entrance to the tunnels was; unlike Wang Ke, who had a clear idea from the map. He descended into the tunnel and headed toward his destination, immediately after he entered the residence.

The battle outside was intense. Wang Ke could feel the shockwaves even while being underground.

“Damn. Fortunately, I taught my Big cousin-brother and the rest to use concrete to build the tunnel, or else I would have been buried alive!” Wang Ke heaved a sigh of relief.

After some traveling—Wang Ke finally reached the place underneath the great hall, where the Golden Crow Sect disciples were kept. He pushed the door on top of the tunnel.

Wang Ke’s eyes widened in shock!



Inside the hall where the righteous disciples were being detained—fierce flames surged from Zhang Li'er’s body.

“Eldest apprentice-sister’s energy is recovering quickly. Did she break her seal? Thank goodness!” a junior brother exclaimed in joy.

“Why do I hear a beast roaring outside? Also… Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi are shouting? Who are they fighting?”

“Is someone coming to save us?”

“That’s unlikely; it could be a powerful demonic beast.”




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