Indestructible God King

Chapter 93.1 “God Wang” (1/2)

Chapter 93.1 “God Wang” (1/2)

At the Sword-study Peak.

Wang Ke chatted with Zhang Zhengdao. As for Princess Youyue’s father, Wang Ke had no way of getting around him. I feel so helpless!My Revered Teacher told me that there’s no hope! Not even the slightest sliver of hope!He told me that her father is a big deal in the righteous faction. So what if he’s a big deal?

“Wang Ke, I’m sorry to say this, but you have to give up on her. Princess Youyue’s father is as good as his word! It’ll be useless even if you’re the Heavenly Wolf Sect Lord! Right now you are barely a disciple of the sect!” Zhang Zhengdao explained.

“Is her dad such a big deal?” Wang Ke asked doubtfully.

Zhang Zhengdao explained with an analogy, “Yes, he is! He is second to only one person! If her dad is a giant dragon, you are merely an earthworm in comparison!”

“Ptoeyy! You are the worm!” Wang Ke stared at Zhang Zhengdao.

Zhang Zhengdao tried to persuade him. “Wang Ke, there’s no use thinking about it anymore. You should start thinking about the things you should be doing!”

“Like what?” Wang Ke asked with a frown.

“For example, all the money you raked in from both the demonic and the righteous sects at the Zhu Cultivation Town. Isn’t it time to give me my share?” Zhang Zhengdao said expectantly.

“Uhhh, thanks for reminding me. I still have a flying sword and an empty storage bangle with you. When are you going to return them to me?” Wang Ke said after he suddenly remembered those items.

“Wang Ke! You are too much of a bully!” Zhang Zhengdao jumped in rage.

But Wang Ke stared back at him and said, “ Why? You don’t plan to return what you borrowed from me?”

“Ptoeyy! You are so rich already! Why do you still keep your eyes on the things in my pocket?” Zhang Zhengdao complained in anger.

“When was I rich? All the money I have, I’ve earned by risking my life!” Wang Ke said, glaring at Zhang Zhengdao.

“You’re not rich when you compare yourself with Princess Youyue’s father. But compared to me, can you say that you’re not rich?” Zhang Zhengdao rebutted in frustration.

Wang Ke fell silent all of a sudden.

“Why? Did I hit your soft spot? How dare you complain you are poor? Humph!” Zhang Zhengdao said indignantly.

“It’s not that,” Wang Ke said with a serious face, “I’m just thinking about what you said just now. Is Princess Youyue’s father very rich?”

“Of course! Didn’t he just give you a million pounds for breaking up? Still, you feel humiliated. Please, if there are more humiliations like this in the future, count me in. I’d rather be humiliated a hundred times... Uh no, I want to be humiliated until he goes bankrupt!” Zhang Zhengdao said, feeling jealous.

“Then, what if I become richer than her father? Will her father still object to our relationship?” Wang Ke asked, looking hopeful.

But Zhang Zhengdao felt for Wang Ke’s forehead, “Do you have a fever?”

“What are you doing! I’m being serious!” said Wang Ke as he stared at him.

“You must be joking. How can her father be compared to you? His wealth is larger than that of the entire Ten-thousand Great Mountains combined. You must be dreaming!” Zhang Zhengdao poured cold water on the idea.josei

But after being silent for a moment, Wang Ke said, “That’s the plan. I shall start raking in money first! Damn it, how dare he beat me down with money? He can’t do that even if he’s my father-in-law! I shall smack him with money next time!”

“Aren’t you the Iron Rooster? The Petty King? And you talk about smacking him with money? Are you nuts?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in bewilderment.

Wang Ke rolled his eyes and replied, “You know nothing! I’m petty because I’m prudent! It’s not because I can’t let go of money! Why should I waste money on unnecessary things? I never hesitate when I need to spend!”

“But you said you wanted to smack him with money. Wouldn’t that be spending money recklessly?” Zhang Zhengdao asked, astonished.

“I said to smack him, not ‘give him’. Can’t I pick it up after I smacked him?” Wang Ke rolled his eyes again.

“So you mean, you are just earning money for her father to see? It’s just for show? To blind him with your gold mountain?” Zhang Zhengdao was in a daze.

Wang Ke stared back at him and asked, “What else do you want?” 

“I thought......!”

“He’s not lacking in money! He just feels that I’m not a match for Youyue. I just need to show off my wealth and make him think I’m worthy of his daughter!” Wang Ke said it as a matter of course.

“I was still thinking… Uhhh, indeed. You are still an Iron Rooster!” Zhang Zhengdao commented.

“Get lost!” Wang Ke cursed at him.

“But the key thing is, where will you get all that money?” Zhang Zhengdao asked.

The question led Wang Ke into deep thought, as he considered how to rake in more money.

“Why don’t we raid tombs again? I know of a few massive tombs that weren’t suitable previously. Why not try now that you’re a disciple of the Heavenly Wolf Sect?” Zhang Zhengdao suggested in a hopeful manner.

But Wang Ke shook his head, “I can’t do that! Tomb raiding hurts my reputation.”

Zhang Zhengdao stared back at him and said, “What about hurting your reputation? What’s the use of reputation? Didn’t you enjoy tomb raiding in the past? There were so many tricks in tomb raiding I had no idea of, but you knew them all!”

“Bullcrap,” Wang Ke said in disdain, “That’s because I had no reputation, that’s why I didn’t care about it. But now, I’m a reputable person. How can I not take it into consideration? Besides, how much can I really earn from raiding tombs? How much can dead people carry? Is it really worth it to throw away my reputation with tomb raiding?”

“What do you mean?” Zhang Zhengdao was a little lost.

“Don’t you know the phrase ‘fame and wealth’?” Wang Ke said in a serious tone.

“Fame and wealth?”

“Yes, ‘fame and wealth’; with fame comes wealth! Now that I’m reputable, a man of social status, with so many sources of wealth laid in front of me, why should I discard them and go after puny tombs? Wouldn’t I be nuts?” Wang Ke explained.

“Reputation?” Zhang Zhengdao said in disbelief, “Can that really make money? How come I didn’t know that? There are so many Heavenly Wolf Sect disciples, and yet I haven’t seen any of them striking it rich!”

Wang Ke shook his head in contempt and explained, “That’s because they don’t know how to make use of their social standing! See, the Heavenly Wolf Sect is a really useful backing. You just have to say the right things when you’re outside and money will flood you. But they don’t know how to make use of that, tsk tsk!”

Zhang Zhengdao stared at Wang Ke and said, “Keep on bluffing! Do you really think you can rake in money just by talking? Why didn’t I see anyone succeed at doing that? I…!”

Zhang Zhengdao froze halfway through his sentence because he remembered Wang Ke was the right kind of talent. Didn’t he earn money by talking?

Zhang Zhengdao suddenly changed his tone and tried to curry favor with Wang Ke, “Brother Wang, no, I mean Big Brother Wang. Let me follow you. Bring me along. Let’s go rake in some money together, please?”

Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao in astonishment.

“Big Brother Wang, look, I’m also talented too. Leave all those dirty and shameless tasks to me while you just have to sit down and rest. All kinds of tiring work, you can entrust them to me. We have the best chemistry!” Zhang Zhengdao continued.

Wang Ke’s face twitched as he said, “Your smile is too fake. Please don’t be like this. I feel so disgusted looking at your smile; I’m going to vomit my breakfast!”

“Okay, okay, Big Brother Wang, as long as you agree. From now on, we shall rake in money together! Big Brother Wang, how shall we do it?” Zhang Zhengdao said with a sudden seriousness.

“Rake in money? First, we need to have a name!” Wang Ke said with a frown.


“Let me ask you. Am I godlike when it comes to making money?” Wang Ke asked, looking at Zhang Zhengdao.

“Yes, you are godlike! Back at the Zhu Cultivation Town, not only were you able to rake in the demons’ money right in front of their faces, you swept away the righteous sect disciples’ possessions under their eyes too. Nothing happened to you in the end… How shameless, no, I mean, how godlike!” Zhang Zhengdao quickly answered with some bootlicking.

“Godlike? And I have to name it with my surname, Wang? Why don’t I call it ‘God Wang’?” Wang Ke muttered. (TL: The Chinese character for “Wang” also means “King.”)

“Huh? What exactly are you trying to name?” Zhang Zhengdao was a little confused.

“I’m naming a company! God Wang Company!” Wang Ke answered.

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