Indestructible God King

Chapter 93.2 “God Wang” (2/2)

Chapter 93.2 “God Wang” (2/2)

“What is a company?” Zhang Zhengdao asked.

“Hmm, it’s similar to a merchant’s store!” Wang Ke explained.

“Shop? Then why don’t you just call it God Wang Store?“ The concept piqued Zhang Zhengdao’s curiosity.

“No, I’m going to call it God Wang Company! How can other people’s stores be compared to my company? They are stuck in the ignorant primitive stage. Meanwhile, my company will be managed with modern methods; my company will be beyond comparison!” Wang Ke explained with dead seriousness.

“God Wang Company? Then what do you plan to sell?” Zhang Zhengdao asked.

“I can sell anything! Financial plans, saving plans, loans, stocks, firearms, logistics, deliveries, booking cars; whatever earns money! Anything goes!” Wang Ke answered.

“What are all those things? Why can’t I understand any of them?” Zhang Zhengdao felt lost after hearing all the unfamiliar terms.

“Of course you can’t understand! Because I have yet to start selling!” Wang Ke said confidently.

“But, I have never heard of a company. Have you opened one before? Don’t lose money in the end!” Zhang Zhengdao warned him.

“Of course, I’ve opened a company before. There’s also no way I’d lose money!” Wang Ke replied in disdain.

He had a company back on Earth! And he didn’t use “merchant store” to name his company as a sign of reminiscence.

There could come a day when this company opens a branch back on Earth! Wang Ke’s eyes glowed with hopefulness.

“When do we start then?” Zhang Zhengdao asked, also looking forward to it.

“Hold on a bit!” Wang Ke shook his head and said, “I’m still designing the first product.”

“Design?” Zhang Zhengdao was lost again.

“You wouldn’t understand it even if I explained it to you! Don’t waste so much breath! I will let you try being a manager when I’m satisfied with the design! You will be tasked with expanding the market. Although you don’t have thick enough skin, it’s still rather durable! I can make good use of you!” Wang Ke said.

“What’s a manager?”

“It’s something like the main shopkeeper. Why do you have so many questions? If you don’t want to do it, just forget it!” Wang Ke said as he shot him with a stare.

“No, don’t please. As long as I can rake in some money, I can do anything!” Zhang Zhengdao quickly showed his determination.

But he didn’t really want to become the main shopkeeper; he only wanted to learn how Wang Ke would make money with reputation alone. Once I learn, why would I still work for you? My skin is so thick, what can you do to me?

Just when the two were discussing how to open a company, there was a ringing sound coming from somewhere near the foot of the Sword-study Peak. It became louder as time passed.

“What’s going on?” Zhang Zhengdao walked to the platform and looked down.

“Wang Ke, I think you’re in trouble!” Zhang Zhengdao cried out in shock.

“Trouble?” Wang Ke sat up from his deck chair.

“Hundreds of Heavenly Wolf Sect disciples are swarming up the mountain. Murong Luguang is leading them; that old brat is here for trouble again. He looks really aggressive, like he’s about to eat you up!” Zhang Zhengdao told Wang Ke what he saw.

Wang Ke was taken aback, “Murong Luguang?”

Murong Luguang had already stepped into the Sword-study Square while Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao were trying to figure out what was happening.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

The Heavenly Wolf Sect disciples swiftly leaped up to the peak; it was only a matter of a few steps for immortal sect disciples to climb a peak.

“Where is Wang Ke?” Murong Luguang shouted.

“Where is Wang Ke!” his followers echoed angrily.

Zhang Zhengdao: “..........................!”

Wang Ke took off his shades and said, “Murong Luguang, they didn’t see me before, but how is it that you can’t recognize me? What’s all this fuss about?”

An unexpected voice came from the crowd, “Yeah, Murong Luguang, are you shouting loudly just to boast about how awesome you are? This is the Sword-study Peak, not the East Wolf Peak!”

Zhang Zhengdao was stunned. Who is speaking on Wang Ke’s behalf?

And next, he saw a rather handsome and plump man walking toward them and then stand guard in front of Wang Ke. That was the man who chided Murong Luguang.

A little fatty?

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao looked at each other in dismay. Who is this guy?

“Tie Liuyun, this has nothing to do with you. Move aside!” Murong Luguang demanded.

“How is this not related to me? Junior brother Wang’s matter is also my matter! Murong Luguang, if you want to act recklessly just because you are the eldest apprentice-brother, then forgive me for not showing you respect!” the little fatty Tie Liuyun berated with determined eyes.

That took Zhang Zhengdao by surprise. This Tie Liuyun is bold! He is but a junior, yet he dares to defy the eldest apprentice-brother.

“This is so strange. Wang Ke, I didn’t expect any disciple to stand by your side,” Zhang Zhengdao said in amazement.

“Well, I have a good relationship with people!” Wang Ke said as he stood up.

Ptoeyy! Wang Ke, that’s just bullsh*t.

But the next scene turned Zhang Zhengdao’s mind upside down.

He saw another group of Heavenly Wolf Sect’s disciples standing by Tie Liuyun’s side to protect Wang Ke while staring at Murong Luguang.

One of the disciples asked, “Eldest apprentice-brother, did you act with this little restraint while we weren’t in the Heavenly Wolf Sect? Are you going to disregard the Heavenly Wolf Sect’s rules? You barged into the Sword-study Peak without getting permission from the respective Hall Lords?”

“Tie Liuyun! Are you really going to oppose me? To stubbornly protect Wang Ke?” Murong Luguang asked coldly.

“Yes, that’s right. Whoever wants to trouble Wang Ke must step over my body!” the fatty Tie Liuyun said.josei

“Me too!”

“And me!”




A crowd of people stood by Tie Liuyun’s side, blocking Murong Luguang’s way.

There seemed to be many of Tie Liuyun’s followers. As Tie Liuyun and Murong Luguang stood in opposition, the other disciples were split in two factions with a similar number of people.

Zhang Zhengdao looked at Wang Ke in disbelief. “This is unbelievable! How is it that this many disciples are protecting you? This shouldn’t be!”

Why do they want to protect this shameless Wang Ke?Damn, how long has it been since Wang Ke joined the Heavenly Wolf Sect?It’s only been a few months, and mostly outside the sect. If he were to stay for a few years, the Heavenly Wolf Sect would probably change its name to Wang Wolf Sect!

“This, uhh, senior apprentice-brother Tie? Do I know you?” Wang Ke stepped forward and looked at Tie Liuyun with an awkward expression.

Tie Liuyun looked back at him and said, “Junior brother, it’s me. You don’t recognize me anymore?”

“You are…?” Wang Ke was curious.

Tie Liuyun answered expectantly, “After I came back two weeks ago, I heard that you had just gone through a breakup and wanted to spend some time alone, that’s why I told everyone not to disturb you. It was only today when I heard that our eldest apprentice-brother wanted to cause trouble for you; that’s why I called everyone to come. It’s me! Take another look!”

“Junior brother Wang, he’s our second senior apprentice!” another disciple explained with a smile.

“Second senior apprentice? Ahh, you really changed a lot! It’s only been a few weeks; you gained that much weight? I couldn’t recognize you!” Wang Ke was surprised.

Tie Liuyun patted his chest and promised, “Haha, junior brother Wang, it’s not too late to recognize me! I heard about the grudge between our eldest apprentice-brother and you. Don’t worry, you won’t be bullied with us around!”

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