Interstellar Age

Chapter 95 Starting A Rebellion

Chapter 95 Starting A Rebellion

While Erich was currently enjoying a peaceful life with his two Oni lovers. A civil war had begun to brew within the Great Oni Empire. One which was spearheaded by the agents of German intelligence.  josei

On the ground, within the capital of the Great Oni Empire, was a large protest. Millions of people had showed up, and refused to work, after a video was released on the grid, which purported that Emperor Kenji had attempted to assassinate his aunt. 

The reason that was proposed in the video suggested that Kondo Yumi had discovered that her nephew was actually an illegitimate child of her brother, and thus, in all actuality, she was the rightful heir to the throne. 

Obviously, the Kondo Dynasty refuted these claims by claiming that Yumi herself had attempted a coup against her nephew, and that she was in fact killed during the ensuing chaos. However, videos of Yumi surfaced on what was clearly a tropical world, where she seemed to be perfectly healthy. 

This only led people to believe that the rumors were true, and that Emperor Kenji had indeed tried, but failed, to assassinate his aunt, after she discovered the "truth" about his questionable lineage. Because of this, a large protest was held outside the Palace Grounds, which was named Justice For Yumi. And though its members were currently peacefully protesting, the overwhelming display of force from the Kondo Dynasty acted as nothing but a source of escalation. 

Standing on the ground was a member of the Royal Guard, who was dressed in full combat armor. In his hands was an assault rifle, which was fully loaded. Though lethal force had yet to be authorized. The option was still available if this protest suddenly were to turn violent.

A protestor stood in the soldier's face and spit at him, all while making a suggestive gesture, one which was clearly an act of disrespect. This protestor was just one of many who engaged in such actions, all while others shouted through voice enhancing devices demanding to know the truth about Yumi's alleged demise. 

"We know the truth. Yumi is still out there! Our true Empress hides in exile, while you bastards protect a false emperor! Down with the system! Down with tyranny!" 

The Royal Guard stood firmly in the center of the capital, as a wall protecting the palace grounds from this unruly mob. If push came to shove, they were not afraid to use lethal force to protect their emperor. However, things had yet to turn violent, and thus, one of the police officers spoke through his own speech enhancing device, warning the protesters to disperse. 

"Disperse! Or you will be fired upon. You are trespassing on hallow ground! Any further protest will be considered an act of rebellion and will be treated as such. "

In response to this demand, one of the Protestors threw a bag of feces at the royal guard, which splattered upon impact like a water balloon. Upon having his visor smeared with such a disgusting substance, the Royal guard finally lost his mind, and aimed down the sights of his rifle towards to perpetrator. Pulling the trigger, as he killed the man on the spot. 

This sudden hostile action resulted in a chain reaction, where the royal guard immediately assumed they were being fired upon, and thus fired their lethal weapons into the crowd of protestors. Though the protestors fled in terror, the end result was a massacre, one which was broadcasted across the entirety of Alfheim space. 

This bloody event would be the catalyst that compelled all the people who were angry at the current establishment to raise up in rebellion and to ignite the flames of war. 


Erich was currently playing with Ayumi at the beach, meanwhile Yumi had an important call to take. One which came from the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire himself. While sitting in a comfortable office, one which was normally reserved for Erich. The attractive Oni woman gazed upon the holographic projection and witnessed the events that were unfolding across her homeland. 

It had been three months since she went into exile within the Empire, and during this time her hosts had been hard at work manufacturing outrage at her homeland. The end result was a bloody massacre of a bunch of mostly peaceful protestors. 

By now there were groups across the Great Oni Emperor, all of which wanting to install a new regime of their own ideology. What commonly united them was their combined hatred for the current emperor. Yumi had become a martyr, and though some believed she was still out there, biding her time to reclaim a throne which was rightfully hers. The Kondo Dynasty insisted she had died in a failed coup. 

Emrys' voice came after the video of the massacre had concluded, one which was filled with an absolutely smug tone. 

"It appears that we did not need to do as much work as we had anticipated. One simple video, and a couple of reposts, and your society was ready to tear itself apart. We also leaked some footage of you at your current residence. Though we ensured that there was no architecture, or people in sight, to identify what world you are in.

A civil war is about to begin. The peaceful days that you have been enjoying thus far are now over. Be prepared to take charge of these rebels and coordinate their efforts to overthrow your nephew. As for his fate, I will let you decide what that is."

A sadistic smile curved itself onto Yumi's flawless face as she assured the Supreme Leader that she would not be merciful when the time came to claim her nephew's head. 

"That little brat killed me, and Erich. You think I would be foolish enough to spare his miserable existence? I assure you when the time comes, I will have no hesitation in putting him down, like the fucking dog that he is!"

This response caused Emrys to smile and nod his head in agreement with Yumi's words. He could not help but express the pleasure it was to deal with a like-minded person like her. 

"I must admit, dealing with you has always been smoother than that brain addled nephew of yours. The man has no respect for his superiors. But I believe that is about to change. You and I have the power to make a new society, one that will lead both of our peoples to greatness." 

Yumi responded to Emrys' claims with a snide remark, one which did not seem to have any particular effect on the man's state of mind. 

"I'm sorry to break it to you, Emrys, but I get along better with your little protégé. He and I will accomplish great things together, but I'm afraid you don't have long to sit on your little throne..." 

Despite her words, Emrys simply smiled and nodded his head in agreement with Yumi's crass remarks. 

"You are correct, I was never meant to be in my current position, and when Erich has matured enough to govern our people, I will step down so he can take his rightful position as the Supreme Leader. But if you keep coddling him like you do, then it might be decades before that happens.

Either way, I will wait here patiently for that day to finally arrive. Have a good rest of your evening, Yumi and remember what we discussed. The time for you to lead your people once more is on but a moment away."

With that said, Emrys hung up on Yumi, leaving her to ponder his words. Did the man truly mean that he was waiting for Erich to seize the proverbial throne? Or was he up to something far more sinister? Yumi did not know the answer to these questions, but she would do everything in her power to protect Erich from those who sought to harm him. 

Thus, she concluded her business, and went back to the beach, where Erich and her great niece were currently enjoying themselves in a game of volleyball. One which she sought to join. 

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