Interstellar Age

Chapter 96 A Potential For Galactic War

Chapter 96 A Potential For Galactic War

As part of the agreement made with the Great Oni Emperor, the Germanic Star-Empire dispatched a second fleet to aid in the war with the Lutharian Ascendency. However, what was initially supposed to be a rather quick military conflict with a peer. Had turned into a war of attrition. 

Not because the Germanic Navy was incapable of breaking through the enemy's defenses. But because the Great Oni Empire was entering a state of civil war. All across their empire, worlds began to burn in riots, which were put down violently by the local governments.

This created a need for the rebels to get their hands on some weapons, and who did they turn to for this matter? Well, certainly not the Germanic Star-Empire. After all, they were allied with the Great Oni Empire and would never support a violent insurrection.

Instead, these rebels got their hands on old Germanic weapons via a third party, which was the largest purchaser of Germanic weaponry in the galaxy. And thus, the Germanic Star-Empire was circumventing its alliance to supply the Oni Rebels, all while maintaining total deniability. 

But while the Great Oni Empire had entered the first stages of its Civil War, there were other battles being waged across the galaxy. Currently, there was a communication going on between two of the major galactic players. 

Empress Lunaria Asterion was speaking with a blue skinned, four armed humanoid via holographic projection. The four armed humanoid was the leader of the Asura Cabal, and had a smug expression on his devilishly handsome face as he dealt with the beautiful and powerful Empress of the Light Elves.

"You can rest assured Lunaria, the Cabal will not interfere with your ongoing border dispute with the Svartalfheim Federation, but if those self-righteous pricks decide to invade your territory, I will support Alfheim in its war efforts. The full military might of the Asura Cabal will be at your disposal."

Lunaria wore a pretty smile on her face, as she accepted the aid that the Asura Cabal had promised her. 

"I thank you for your generosity. Let's just hope that this dispute can be settled with our proxies. I believe that the upcoming war games will be enough to show those dark-skinned freaks just what our vassals have to offer..."

However, the leader of the Asura cabal did not seem convinced of Lunaria's words, and was quick to give her caution in this regard. 

"Do be careful with your attack hounds, Lunaria. I understand that you have lost the Ryloanians, and that those recent upstarts which you are so fond of have suffered some serious setbacks during their war with the Naraku.

As much as I have faith in the Alfheim Navy, I doubt your remaining vassals are in the necessary condition to contend with those subordinated of the Svartalfheim Federation. And you should be aware, the Dark Elves have begun to produce some propaganda that paints your favorite attack hounds in a rather poor light." 

Lunaria immediately understood just what her Asuran counterpart was referring to, and was quick to discuss the matter in detail, in order to dismiss any concerns he might have about her favorite pets. 

"Are you referring to the Confederation of Human Worlds?"

The leader of the Asuran Cabal raised his brow in curiosity, as he voiced his disbelief allowed. 

"Oh, so you have heard about them? That is hard to believe, considering they are not even the equivalent of a minor power. So tell me, if you have done so much research, are the rumors true?" 

Lunaria's face turned stoic, as she denied the allegations that the Svartalfheim federation were now making about her favorite vassals. 

"Absolutely not, while it is true that the Germanic race has a shared origin with humanity. The claims that the Svartalfheim Federation has made are completely false."'

Despite Lunaria's words, the leader of the Asura Cabal was not entirely convinced, and was quick to discuss this matter further. 

"If what you say is true, then why did the Germanic race flee their homeworld? If they were not violent oppressors who terrorized the other sub-species, why would they be forced to embark on an exodus a quarter of the way across the galaxy to find a new world to call home?" 

Lunaria's expression did not falter when she was asked this question, as if she had been preparing for it for some time. Her words were the same ones the Germanic Star-Empire used to justify their separation from humanity centuries ago. 

"It's simple, the ancestors of the Germanic race were a minority in their homeworld, and had even begun to become a minority in the countries which they had created. The foreigners who flooded their lands brought crime, violence, and poverty along with them. Meanwhile, the Germanic people were forced to accept all of these things in the name of a suicidal political ideology which the elites forced upon their society. 

Seeing as how it would only be a matter of time before their people went extinct, the ancestors of the Germanic Star-Empire got their hands on a warp drive and took a chance among the stars. Taking a few million people with them on their exodus to the world that we now know as Germania. 

And what happened to the rest of their people who stayed behind on Earth? They have gone extinct just like the founders of the Germanic Star-Empire expected they would. Today, you won't find a single pale skinned, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed person among the modern human species. In fact, humanity now has more in common physically with the Dark Elves, then they do their Germanic cousins."

The leader of the Asura cabal thought about Lunaria's words for some time before finally responding. He sighed heavily as he spoke the words which proved he that he had been convinced by the Alfheim Empress.


"To be a minority in your own society, while being ruled by a political class who welcomes the destruction of your people. I can understand why they would wish to leave their world behind, and to start anew among the stars. 

Very well, until proven otherwise, I will accept your side on this matter. If I'm being honest, I would not put it past the Dark Elves to make it seem like their newest pets have been the victims of Germanic oppression. After all, they do seem to have a hard on for making themselves out to be the victims in every possible scenario. 

I will spread the truth throughout Asura space, so my people are not influenced by this false narrative. I just hope that your favorite pets are capable of taking on the Svartalfheim Dominion's proxies in their current state, because if they are not, then I am afraid war will be your only option."

An excited look appeared on Lunaria's face, as she licked her lips at the thought of unleashing her war hounds onto the proxies of her rivals. She then spoke in a rather sinister voice as she assured the Asuran leader that her pets were indeed ready for war. 

"Oh, don't worry about my pretties, they are recovering their military strength at a rapid rate. It won't be long before they kick the teeth in of those dark-skinned freaks and their playthings. I thank you for your time, but I really should attend to some personal matters which I have been avoiding. Farewell, for now!"

After saying this, Lunaria hung up on the leader of the Asuran Cabal. This agreement she had brokered with the man was one that would inevitably drag the entire galaxy into war if her rivals dared to invade her borders. 

And a Galactic war was something which only one species would benefit from. A species which had an immense influence over both her society and that of her rivals. Thus, there was a very grim expression on Lunaria's otherwise beautiful face as she debated the consequences that this border conflict might have if it escalated into a full-scale galactic war. 

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