Is this destiny?

Chapter 687 - New Boss In Sierra Leone (2)

Chapter 687 - New Boss In Sierra Leone (2)

~ Sierra Leone, area of diamond mine ~

Office is in one small building with two rooms. Because of the drones, they already know the layout and where people are. Infrared cameras revealed the exact position of the person inside.

Ade and Oni approached the windows while Sarah slammed the front door open and faced a slender man in his late thirties who was stuffing raw gemstones in his pockets.

Based on his action, it seems that he knew they are under attack, and he was in the middle of grabbing some goods before running away.

The man was shocked at first, but when he saw an attractive girl looking at him with her bright green eyes, he relaxed and sneered. "Looks like dessert arrived."

Sarah was confused. Shouldn't he be worried that suddenly he sees an unknown girl in front of him? Maybe he should ask her from where she came? Just one glance at her, and he should be able to see that she is not local. But then, who knows how his brain works?

"How dare you talk like that to the Boss?", Ade growled from the window and leaped toward the man.

Man stumbled backward, but Ade was fast and within a second, man was on the floor, unconscious. Ade stood above the man with his chin held high and arms akimbo… waiting for a praise.

Sarah laughed. "Great job, Ade! I see that you improved significantly." She rubbed his head with her fist affectionately.

"Thanks, Boss!" Ade grinned.

Few seconds later, Aiden arrived. When his eyes landed on Sarah, he sighed in relief.josei

"Didn't you hear Imani saying that we are fine?" Sarah asked when he pulled her in a near-suffocating hug.

"It's one thing to hear, and another to see." Aiden explained.

Aiden was worried that something will happen to Sarah, and as soon as he finished his part of the mission in the mine, he rushed toward her.

Sarah hugged Aiden back and gave him few light kisses while assuring him that she is fine, and he should let go. Or at least loosen his grip. It took him a while to relax.

Per Imani's instructions, four Jeff's men arrived, and they dragged two unconscious men to join others.

"Let's gather the workers.", Sarah instructed.

Not long later, five men were tied up in between miners on one side and Sarah, Aiden and their people on the other.

Sarah explained that they are the new owners. Majority of miners understood her, because English is the official language in Sierra Leone, but few spoke Mende only and needed translators. Their fellow English speaking miners helped them out to understand what is going on.

The miners were happy that they are having a 'management change'.

Sarah promised that she will hear them out and that her goal is to continue operations in this mine while doing her best to make them content.

Miners relaxed when they heard that they will not lose their jobs, and that made Sarah's heart ache. She already knows that they are not earning more than few dollars a month, and they are working in harsh conditions, away from their families. How can they be so happy that they get to keep such jobs?

She instructed her kids to distribute six months' pay to everyone under fifteen years old and to send them out. They can't work in the mine anymore. Also, if any miner is not satisfied, he will get six months' pay as well and is free to leave.

Few men took that offer. They were captured and forced to work in this mine against their will. Lots of kids rejoiced as well.

"Now… about these five…" Sarah gestured to the five men who were tied up and sitting on the ground. "We don't have grudges against them, but I guess you do." Sarah was talking to the remaining miners. "They bullied you and forced you to work until you collapse. You are free to do with them whatever you want."

She remembers gruesome videos how those five abused workers. They beat them until they bled, and few times they killed miners by viciously hitting them in the head. Sarah thinks that it's only fair to let these miners get revenge for themselves and for their fallen companions.

Sarah was not surprised when one miner took a fist size rock and threw it at the men. Few seconds later, other miners followed as well, and when they were out of rocks, they started using their fists and legs. Sarah and Aiden allowed them to lash out and release their frustration from many years of abuse.

Sarah looked at her seven kids and saw that all of them observed bloody scene in front of them, unphased. She can't imagine through what they went in their lives if they can watch all this without any facial cramps. By seeing them now, she can tell that these seven will not give up on the idea to raise their fighting skills and to stand by her side. Sarah found it very conflicting, sadness for what they went through and happiness for what they are ready to do for her. 

As if he can sense her emotional turmoil, Aiden embraced Sarah from behind and kissed her temple. It worked. She calmed down. Sarah turned to face him and took a deep breath while settling her head under his chin. She was surprised that even when he is covered in dust, after a long flight, hike through the jungle, and a fight in the mine, she can still smell that woody-flowery fragrance which she loves.

Sarah estimated that about fifty miners were left as willing to work and are of the right age. She instructed Imani to organize miners in groups of about five and to send them in batches to the office so that Aiden and Sarah can talk to them. They want to hear about their work conditions and expectations and also to assure them that two of them, as new Bosses, will treat them well.

Aiden instructed miners to take turns and dig a grave for five people. Miners were not willing to give them a proper burial. Aiden saw their reluctance and explained that this is about not attracting predators and preventing diseases from spreading. After hearing those explanations, miners agreed and started working on it.

When Sarah and Aiden finished talking with the miners, they got a general understanding that miners don't mind the work itself. They all pointed as downsides: harsh disciplining, ten hours long shifts and bad food.

Both Aiden and Sarah were surprised that no one complained about low wages. It seems that because miners received food and lodging, they didn't care about super-low wages.

Among the men Jeff arranged, three are proficient in managing mines.. Sarah and Aiden called those three men and discussed options to decrease displeasure of miners.

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