Is this destiny?

Chapter 688 - New Boss In Sierra Leone (3)

Chapter 688 - New Boss In Sierra Leone (3)

After they came up with a plan for the mine, Sarah and Aiden shared with miners that going forward, there will be two shifts, eight hours each, with one hour lunch break and two more shorter breaks in-between. Also, they clarified that will be no physical punishment for workers. It is a job, so they either do their work properly or they will get fired.

Miners cheered when they heard that Sarah and Aiden brought with them some food supplies and shortly will send more.

Ten armed men will be left behind in order to ensure safety of the mine and miners from potential bandits. And three more men will be left to help with management.

Besides increasing their ridiculously low wages, Sarah also noticed lack of any medical staff and promised that they will take care of that as well.

Miners were very happy, and they vowed to give their best work going forward.

"Good! With this we can go back home. We will have spare time before Charlie meets with Anna." Sarah smiled while talking to Aiden. "Where are the kids?"

Aiden grimaced for a split second before forcing a straight face and gestured behind one of the buildings.

Sarah was confused by his expression changes and swiftly went there to investigate. She was surprised to see their seven kids talk to more than dozen other kids, all boys.

Just by glancing at them, Sarah can tell that the boys are below fifteen years old.

"Why are they still here?", Sarah asked her seven kids who were supposed to give to these boys six months' worth of salary and to send them home.

"Boss, hear them out…", Ade pleaded, and Sarah can see that her other six kids are giving her puppy-eyed looks as well.

Sarah narrowed her eyes. "What is going on?" She can sense that whatever is coming is not pleasant.

Some of the kids glanced at Aiden, as if they are asking for his assistance. But he shamelessly pointed at Sarah. "She is the Boss."

Sarah looked at the total of twenty-something kids in front of her, and no one spoke for a while.

"Well, will someone tell me what is going on?", Sarah was losing her patience.

Ade looked at one boy in the group and gestured with his eyes toward Sarah. It seems that he is the leader of the boys. Sarah looked at the boy and saw that he is uncomfortable. She guessed that it must be because of her expression. Sarah took a deep breath to calm down and did her best to smile. "Come on, tell me what is on your mind."

"Boss, we want to come with you.", the boy said in a week voice.

Any smile that Sarah managed to summon, disappeared in an instant. "What?"

"We don't have anywhere to go. Here, we will give you money." He extended arm with a one hundred dollar bill, it's the money they got as a six months' salary. It's actually much more than they would earn in six months, but Sarah and Aiden felt weird giving them less.

Another boy spoke. "We all speak English and want to learn things… we will be useful."

Sarah thought that the only thing missing is the boys to cling onto her limbs and she will have a full blown déjà vu. Her brows were furrowed while her eyes darted over faces of kids in front of her.

Based on how her kids are avoiding her gaze, Sarah can tell that they spoke with these boys and probably gave them some hopes.

Sarah faced the leader boy: "Don't you have anywhere to go? Families? Friends?"

Leader boy lowered his head and was silent.

Ade answered: "Boss, they are all from an orphanage. Those monsters raided the orphanage and brought them here, forcing them to work in the mine. There is nothing left for them there… buildings are burnt, and teachers and caretakers were murdered."

Sarah found this story horrifying and somewhat strange. She glanced over boys. "How old are you?"

They established that out of fifteen boys, youngest one is eleven years old and oldest one is fourteen years old.

Sarah voiced her suspicion: "Orphanage with boys only, with ages from eleven to fourteen? What is missing from this story?"

The leader boy responded in a heavy voice: "Our orphanage was keeping kids up to their fifteenth birthday. When bandits came, last year… girls above ten years old were taken away to be sold. Boys above ten years old were brought to this mine to work… And every younger kid was… killed."

Sarah could not believe what she heard, and she was glad that Aiden was holding her, because her legs were shaking. Those bandits dealt with the orphans like they are not human! Even animals get better treatment. How can such vile people exist? Sarah looked at the kids in front of her, and her heart was breaking.

"Boss, there are few more kids from that orphanage, but they are past their fifteenth birthday, and they all decided to stay in the mine as workers... because they don't have other options." Nala explained. "Since you said that no one under fifteen can work in the mine, these boys don't have anywhere to go. Boss, we can help take care of them. Teach them things. They can join us and protect you."

Sarah looked at Aiden and faced his smile. She was not sure if he is smiling like 'this-only-happens-to-you', or 'I-support-you'. Probably a mix of both.

"How many of your friends stayed in the mine?" Sarah asked leader boy.

"Four", he responded.

"Call them to come here.", she instructed and pulled Aiden to the side.

"You want to bring them along.", Aiden stated the obvious.

She gave a small nod. "Do you mind?"josei

"Of course, not. You know I support you…"

Sarah was happy that Aiden is not against it and she started explaining: "I'm heartbroken that they didn't ask for any of this. To be orphans, and then put into this environment…"

Aiden raised his hand indicating to Sarah to stop talking. "No need to explain. What is your plan?"

Sarah felt her heart melt how Aiden is sweet and supportive. She knows that if it's not her asking, he would not do this. "To give them a choice. Just how we did with our seven kids… They can stay in our California house. There is space, and it's fully staffed. We can get them new identities, teach them some basics and let them decide what they want to do with their lives. It's not really a big difference if we have seven or seventy of them. And we can afford it."

"Yes." Aiden confirmed.. "I will talk with Cash to increase living quarters so that we can accommodate more kids."

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