Jagged Germany

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089: Retreat (ask for a monthly ticket)

Rostov-on-Don, this is another important city in the south of Burus besides Josephgrad, and it is also the largest city in the Don River Basin. Especially after Ukraine became independent from Russia, it was regarded by Russia as the frontier against Ukraine.

It's just that, as the relationship between Bu Russia and Germany eased, they even entered the honeymoon period. In order to show friendship, Bu Russia took the initiative to withdraw the army from the front line. It was not until the tension between the two sides that more troops were redeployed to the front. But even so, the total number of troops near Rostov-on-Don is less than 200,000. And it is not an elite front-line force.

After the 1st Army of the Ukrainian Army entered the territory of Bu Russia, it quickly advanced along the highway to Rostov-on-Don. Thanks to the early cooperation between Russia and Germany, the transportation facilities in many places in Russia have been greatly improved. Only now can the Ukrainian army advance quickly along these lines of communication.

Although the number of trucks equipped by the Ukrainian army is far inferior to that of the German army, when the troops are marching, most of them can only rely on walking. However, Lieutenant General Vladimir, commander of the Ukrainian Army's 1st Army, is still optimistic that they will be able to reach Rostov-on-Don in two days. Even the 1st Armored Division and 1st Cavalry Division were able to arrive one step ahead.

When the Ukrainian army marched towards Rostov-on-Don, the Russian army in this area also received orders asking them to stop the Ukrainian army. But it is a pity that the Ukrainian army dispatched the most elite troops, and even if they confronted the elite troops of the Russian army, they did not lose the wind in the slightest. What's more, what they are facing now is only the second-line troops of the Russian army.

Especially the Ukrainian 1st Armored Division, whose powerful field capabilities made the Russian army's blocking completely a joke. In the face of the torrent of steel composed of hundreds of tanks, the Russian army is simply unable to resist, and often collapses at the touch of a touch. This allowed the Ukrainian army to quickly advance to Rostov-on-Don, and the Russian army's blocking could not delay their footsteps at all.

"General, the 1st Armored Division has advanced to a place less than fifteen kilometers away from Rostov-on-Don. General Carlos asked if it is possible to continue the offensive." An officer reported to Lieutenant General Vladimir.

Lieutenant General Vladimir looked at the sky, then shook: "Tell General Carlos to garrison on the spot first. Tomorrow, wait until the main force arrives before continuing to attack! In addition, order the 1st Cavalry Division to rush to meet with the 1st Cavalry Division." Armored divisions converge."

The 1st Armored Division is a precious unit of the Ukrainian Army. He didn't want this unit to fall into the siege of the Russians because of its deep penetration alone. If the 1st Armored Division is lost, even if they win Rostov-on-Don, they will lose the battle. What's more, Lieutenant General Vladimir knew that they did not really want to fight the Russians desperately when they attacked Bu Russia this time, they just wanted to anger the Russians and then find an excuse for the German Empire to go to war.

"Yes, General." The officer immediately conveyed the order.

On the afternoon of September 2, the Ukrainian army reached Rostov-on-Don. At this moment, the Russian army is still frantically shrinking its forces, trying to resist in Rostov-on-Don.

Lieutenant General Vladimir is not a mediocre person either, but he went to the German Army University for further study.

Lieutenant General Vladimir did not order the troops to launch an attack immediately. Instead, he used the 1st Armored Division and the 1st Cavalry Division as the main force to wipe out the surrounding area of ​​Rostov-on-Don, and then used the 1st Heavy Artillery Brigade as the main force to attack the surrounding areas of Rostov-on-Don. Rostov trained in heavy shelling.

Hundreds of cannons were shelled from afternoon to night, and it was unknown how many shells were fired. The violent shelling destroyed a large number of buildings in the city of Rostov-on-Don. At the same time, the Russian troops stationed inside also suffered heavy losses. There are still many Russian people who were not able to escape in time, and inevitably suffered great casualties in the shelling.josei

On the morning of September 3, Lieutenant General Vladimir sent four infantry divisions to attack Rostov-on-Don. At this time, there were only tens of thousands of Russian troops in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Moreover, their morale was low, and they couldn't resist the attack of the imposing Ukrainian army at all. Although under the coercion of political workers, they had to take up arms and fight. But it often collapses at the touch of a button. Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly very simple for the Ukrainian army to take Rostov-on-Don.

On the afternoon of September 4th, when the sun went down, the Ukrainian army had successfully captured Rostov-on-Don. Most of the Russian troops in the city surrendered to the Ukrainian army, and only a few broke through.

Kyiv, General Staff of the Ukrainian Army. Although Admiral Maxim came to the front line as a relative, he has been paying attention to the movement of the front line. This is the first foreign battle after Ukraine's independence, especially since all the main troops are invested. If there is any mistake, the loss is enough It has been a long time since Ukrainian flesh hurts.

"Your Excellency Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Vladimir reports that they have captured Rostov-on-Don!" A staff officer reported.

"Okay, very good. Immediately report to the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of War." Admiral Maxim was very happy.

"In addition, tell General Vladimir that the whole army will go on the defensive. After two days of garrisoning Rostov-on-Don, they will withdraw at full speed!" Admiral Maxim ordered.

"Yes, General." The staff officer replied.

Although, after the capture of Rostov-on-Don, the rapid evacuation made many people feel that it was a pity. However, the Ukrainian military did not dare to go against Germany's will. Among other things, if they refuse to retreat, as long as Germany does not send reinforcements, once the main Russian troops arrive, the little troops invested by the Ukrainian army will definitely not be able to match the Russians. Unless Ukraine can continuously invest more troops, in that case, it will become a competition of national strength. The national strength of the Kingdom of Ukraine is obviously incomparable to Bu Russia.

Lieutenant General Vladimir faithfully carried out the orders of General Maxim. During the two days of garrisoning Rostov-on-Don, he repelled many attacks by the Russian army.

On the afternoon of September 6, the Ukrainian army suddenly withdrew from Rostov-on-Don and began to retreat to Ukraine at full speed. This surprised the Russian army. They couldn't understand why the Ukrainians would retreat at this juncture? You know, they had always had the upper hand before!

However, the Russian army took advantage of the situation to recapture Rostov-on-Don, and then launched a pursuit. After all, this is a military achievement delivered to the door!

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