Jagged Germany

Chapter 1090

Chapter 1090: American Commitment (seeking monthly ticket)

"Comrade Joseph, good news. Marshal Budyonny is commanding the troops and has recovered Rostov-on-Don. Now, the Ukrainians are retreating, and Marshal Budyonny is commanding the troops to pursue them!" Shaposhnikov said. smile.

When Rostov-on-Don was occupied by the Ukrainian army, Joseph lost his temper severely. Several unlucky ones were sent by Joseph to Siberia to dig potatoes. This also made Shaposhnikov worry all day long, for fear that Joseph would remove him from the post of chief of staff in a fit of anger. Well now, the Ukrainians took the initiative to evacuate Rostov-on-Don, and they have regained their lost ground.

"Really? Very good, great. Marshal Budyonny is indeed the most outstanding military strategist in our army." Joseph's gloomy face in the past few days also dissipated, and a smile reappeared on his face.

After learning that the Ukrainian army had taken the initiative to attack Bu Russia, Joseph was furious. He asked the Bu Russia army to immediately drive and wipe out the Ukrainians from their land. Moreover, he personally appointed Marshal Budyonny's general and asked him to go to Josephgrad to command the Russian army there.

Now, Budyonny has just taken office not long ago, and he has already achieved success, which naturally makes Joseph very satisfied.

"How many Ukrainians did we kill?" Joseph asked.

"This..." Shaposhnikov didn't know what to say.josei

Joseph immediately realized that there seemed to be something hidden in it, and the smile on his face also disappeared.

"Comrade Joseph, the Ukrainians are retreating on their own initiative. Although Marshal Budyonny is leading an army to pursue them, so far, he has not caught up with the Ukrainians. Therefore, the casualties we caused to the Ukrainians are actually not large." Sha Boshnikov replied truthfully. He knew that if he concealed and deceived Joseph, once Joseph found out, the consequences would be even more unbearable.

"In other words, we just recovered a city that was abandoned by the Ukrainians! In fact, we didn't cause much casualties to the Ukrainians at all. On the contrary, we suffered heavy losses under the Ukrainian attack. "Joseph said with a livid face. His tone was cold, making Shaposhnikov feel like he was in the middle of winter.

Shaposhnikov lowered his head and said nothing.

"Comrade Joseph, the Ukrainians must be afraid of the powerful strength in the hands of Marshal Budyonny, so they had to retreat." Voroshilov said quickly.

Joseph thought for a while, then nodded. He knew that if the investigation continued, the military would be dissatisfied.

"Well, regardless of whether the Ukrainians retreated on their own initiative or not, we have at least recovered Rostov-on-Don. This is undoubtedly a victory for us. When publicizing to the outside world, we must let the public know that our army Soldiers, after a hard and **** battle, they regained Rostov-on-Don," Joseph said.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Voroshilov and Shaposhnikov nodded again and again.

"Tell Marshal Budyonny that chasing the Ukrainians can only go to the border and never cross the border. We can't give the Germans an excuse." Joseph said. He wasn't carried away and knew where their line was.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Voroshilov and Shaposhnikov also did not want to go to war with Germany at this time. In that case, they have no chance of winning.

"Comrade Joseph, the US envoy has arrived." Molotov knocked on the door and came in, reporting to Joseph.

"Please come in!" Joseph nodded, then got up, tidied his clothes, and waited for the US envoy.

Soon, Hopkins, led by Molotov, entered Joseph's office.

"Hello, Your Excellency Secretary. President Roosevelt asked me to convey my sincere regards to you!" Hopkins had a smile on his face, and his posture was very low.

"Your Excellency Special Envoy, please sit down. Please also convey my greetings to President Roosevelt when you go back. I look forward to the day when he will be able to visit Bu Russia." Joseph said.

"Okay, Your Excellency Secretary, I will convey it to Your Excellency the President." Hopkins said.

After some pleasantries, their conversation also entered the topic.

"Your Excellency Secretary, the US government is very concerned about the current war between your country and the Kingdom of Ukraine. I don't know how the current war situation is going?" Hopkins asked.

"Your Excellency, it was just a conflict, not a war. Although the Ukrainians sent a large army to invade Bu Russia to retaliate against us. However, Bu Russia has enough strength to deal with it. Now, Rostov-on-Don has already It was recovered by us. The Ukrainians are retreating in embarrassment under the attack of our army. Soon, we will be able to drive the Ukrainians out of Burus! The final victory must belong to us." Joseph seemed to be full of this Confidence the same.

Hopkins nodded: "The U.S. government also believes that the Russian government has enough strength to deal with the provocation of the Kingdom of Ukraine. However, we believe that the Kingdom of Ukraine's daring to provoke Russia this time is definitely a very dangerous signal. This means that the German Empire behind the Ukrainian Kingdom seems to be unable to sit still. They have already begun to actively plan the next war. This will be very bad news for other peace-loving countries.”

Joseph nodded: "Yes, the German Empire wants to conquer the whole world, so they have been expanding outward. This is undoubtedly a huge threat to the whole world."

"Your Excellency Secretary, we believe that due to geographical conditions, your country may have become Germany's first target." Hopkins continued.

"Yes, I admit this. I also admit that the Germans are really powerful. With Bu Russia's strength, it is indeed difficult to fight against Germany. However, I guarantee that Bu Russia will never bow down to the Germans. They want to defeat us, unless they destroy all the Russian troops." Joseph gritted his teeth.

"Your Excellency Secretary, the President of our country believes that at this point, we must cooperate more closely. Only in this way can we resist the German attack and defeat them." Hopkins said.

Joseph nodded again and again. If he could get the support of the United States when he went to war with Germany, it would undoubtedly be a great thing for Bu Russia.

"Your Excellency Secretary, the U.S. government can promise that once Russia is attacked by Germany, we will provide military supplies and financial loans to the Russian government to help you tide over this difficulty," Hopkins said.

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