Jagged Germany

Chapter 1107

Chapter 1107: All guns fired

On the border between the German Empire and its many protectorates and Bu Russia, the German Army and the troops of the protectorates have already entered their positions.

On the artillery position, the cannons of the doors have raised their muzzles, aiming at the position of the Russian Army on the opposite side. As long as the order is given, these cannons will start roaring, pouring shells at the opposite Russian position.

The eighteen armies of the German Army are all ready. There are more than 20,000 cannons assembled. And half of them are cannons with a caliber of more than 100 mm. There are even thousands of 210mm heavy guns. These cannons are deployed on a front stretching over a thousand kilometers.

When the German Air Force began to shell the airport in Bu Russia, the artillery of the German Army also received the order to fire.


As the order to fire was issued, the German artillery on the defense line started firing one after another.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The cannons started to roar. Shells slammed into the positions of the Russian Army like raindrops.

The sound of violent explosions sounded on the Russian army's position.

The fortifications built by the Russian army were gradually destroyed under the heavy shelling of the German army.

Originally, the fortifications built by the Russian army were not very strong. On the one hand, there is a lack of resources, and on the other hand, the ability of those Russian soldiers to build fortifications is not strong. Under such circumstances, it is natural that their fortifications cannot be expected to withstand German shelling. Especially those powerful 210mm heavy guns, one shot down is a huge crater.

Each army group of the German Army has a heavy artillery brigade under its jurisdiction, equipped with 72 210mm heavy howitzers. These heavy howitzers, placed on the site of medium tanks, were self-propelled. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for these heavy cannons to follow the troops during the war.

"Boom!" A 210mm artillery shell exploded on the Russian army's position, leaving a large crater with a diameter of five or six meters. All nearby fortifications were destroyed. The Russian soldiers stationed inside were also torn to pieces.

"Boom!" A bunker of the Russian army was blown to pieces in the explosion.

The German army used the calibration aircraft to continuously correct the parameters of the bombardment, so that the positions of the Russian army were destroyed bit by bit under the bombardment of the German army.

In the tactics of the German Army, before launching an attack, it has become a very important part to destroy the enemy's fortifications with as powerful shelling as possible and kill the enemy's vital forces. In this case, it can not only enhance the grasp of breaking through the enemy's position, but also effectively reduce the casualties of one's own side in the battle, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Of course, such tactics will also consume a lot of shells, which will increase the pressure on one's own logistics supply and increase the cost of war.josei

However, as long as the war can be won, it is acceptable to pay more costs. In particular, the German Army has always cherished the lives of officers and soldiers. Enemies that can be solved with shells will never need officers and soldiers to work hard. This also enables the troops to effectively control casualties during the battle.

Kingdom of Belarus, east of Minsk. General Guderian, commander of Army Group B of the German Army, placed his headquarters here. Although, here is less than 20 kilometers away from the front line, it is already very dangerous. However, General Guderian, who was born as an armored soldier, has always liked adventure. He likes to stay close to the front line, smell the smoke, and at the same time be able to keep abreast of the situation on the front line.

"Give orders to the artillery units, so that they can shoot out all the prepared shells within two hours, and destroy all the Russian defense lines!" Admiral Guderian ordered.

"Yes, General." A staff officer immediately went to convey the order.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the artillery positions of the German army, many artillerymen took off their shirts and carried the shells shirtless. Even though his whole body was already drenched with sweat, no one cared.

Compared to the infantry who are about to attack against the enemy's bullet rain, they are undoubtedly very lucky. At least, don't worry about your own safety. Therefore, they will fire as many shells as possible. In this way, it will undoubtedly reduce the casualties of the infantry brothers when they attack.

On the positions of the Russian army, even though they entered a state of emergency combat readiness after receiving the order. However, in the face of the fierce German shelling, they still had nothing to do.

Smolensk, Russian Army Western Front Command, Commander General Timoshenko and Political Commissar General Fominekh are listening to reports from the front.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Political Commissar, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. Our front-line airports have all been attacked by the Germans, and a large number of aircraft have been destroyed by the German Air Force before taking off. Now, the Germans We are constantly bombarding our line of defense with heavy artillery. Our fortifications are being destroyed bit by bit by the Germans. The casualties of the troops are constantly rising. If this continues, we want to resist the German attack, I am afraid It will be very difficult," said a general.

"Order all the frontline units to stick to their positions. Before receiving the retreat order, they are absolutely not allowed to retreat. I believe that the brave fighters will be able to withstand the German attack!" Admiral Fominekh said.

"Yes, Comrade Political Commissar!"

General Timoshenko couldn't help frowning. Unlike those guys who can only shout slogans, he knows how tough the Germans are. It is undoubtedly very difficult to easily resist the German attack.

"Let our artillery fire back, and the German artillery can't let the artillery fire so recklessly!" General Timoshenko ordered.

"However, Comrade Commander, our artillery is weaker than the Germans. If we start an artillery battle with them, our artillery and artillery will probably be completely lost soon." Admiral Fominekh said.

Although, the Russian Army also attaches great importance to artillery. However, due to the constraints of national power, they are still unable to develop the artilleryism to the extreme. If you just fight artillery, the Russian army is definitely at a disadvantage.

"I can't control that much. If we don't fight back, the morale of the troops will be greatly affected. At that time, we won't be able to hold on for long." General Timoshenko said.

Admiral Forminekh frowned, and seemed dissatisfied with General Timoshenko's negative emotions. However, in view of General Timoshenko's stature and influence, he didn't say much.

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