Jagged Germany

Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108: Fierce artillery battle (ask for monthly ticket)

On the artillery positions of the Russian army, a door of 122mm howitzers and 152mm howitzers have already raised their muzzles. These two types of artillery are the main artillery of the Russian Army.

The Russian Army also attaches great importance to artillery. They also know very well how powerful the German artillery is. As early as the last world war, the German Army had already used powerful artillery to make Britain, France, Russia and other countries suffer. Therefore, they also know that if a war breaks out with Germany, they will have to face the powerful German artillery, and they must have powerful artillery that can confront the German artillery.

It's just that, due to technology constraints, it cannot be compared with Germany, so the development of the Russian Artillery is very difficult.

When Germany and Russia were in the honeymoon period, they tried to introduce the technology of the 105mm light howitzer and the 150mm heavy howitzer from Germany, but they did not get agreement. These two types of artillery, but the main infantry support artillery of the German Army, naturally cannot be easily transferred to other countries, especially potential hostile countries.

Unable to do anything, Bu Russia can only develop it by itself. Because the performance of gun steel is much inferior to that of Germany, the 105mm light howitzer and 150mm heavy howitzer developed by Bu Russia are completely incomparable with the two types of artillery equipped by the German Army in terms of performance. This makes them only able to find another way.

Increasing the caliber of the cannon and lengthening the barrel became the only way. This is why the Russian Army developed the 122mm howitzer and the 152mm howitzer. However, even so, there is still a certain gap in the performance of these two cannons compared with the German Army's 105mm howitzers and 150mm howitzers.

In addition to these two cannons, the Russian army is also equipped with a small number of B-4 heavy howitzers. This howitzer, with a caliber of 203 mm, is used on a tractor turret. The gun barrel plus the chassis weighed 27 tons. The maximum range has reached 17.5 kilometers, and the maximum rate of fire can reach one shot per minute. This kind of heavy artillery is very powerful, and the German side called it the "Joseph Hammer"!

It's just that Bu Russia is not equipped with many such breakthroughs, and a group army is only equipped with one artillery battalion, only 12. Compared with a group army of the German Army equipped with an artillery brigade, with a total of 72 210mm heavy artillery, it undoubtedly seems a bit petty. Of course, this is mainly because the national strength of Bu Russia is far from being comparable to that of Germany. Even if they want to equip more of these cannons, they are powerless!

"Fire! Destroy the German artillery!" The artillery commander of the Russian army gave the order to fire.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Russian cannons began to roar. Orange flames shone at the muzzle, and the heavy shells smashed into the German positions under the action of huge kinetic energy.

Especially those B-4 heavy howitzers, each one will cause a lot of movement when firing.


A 203mm artillery shell fell on a field artillery position of the German army. A huge explosion sounded, and the entire artillery position was shrouded in gunpowder smoke. When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the 75mm field guns were staggered, and some of the cannons even had their barrels twisted. As for the German artillerymen, they were killed in the explosion.

"Suppress Russian artillery!"

The German artillery responded immediately. Those 210mm heavy artillery and 150mm heavy howitzers with a longer range began to fire on the Russian artillery positions to suppress their artillery positions.

For a while, the tragic artillery battle began. However, regardless of the number of artillery or the performance of artillery, German artillery has an advantage. This caused the Russian artillery, and the losses of the Russian artillery began to rise sharply at the time of the artillery battle.

"Boom! Boom!"

Twelve 210mm heavy artillery from a 210mm heavy artillery battalion, under the guidance of a calibration plane, opened fire violently on an artillery position in Burus. One after another, the heavy artillery shells fell like raindrops. The entire artillery position was shrouded in flames and smoke. The cannons deployed by the Russian artillery on this artillery position were all destroyed in less than five minutes.

The artillery battle is undoubtedly tragic, because once the artillery position is hit by the enemy's shells, it may be torn to pieces.


A sky-shattering explosion sounded, and a large cloud of black gunpowder smoke rose from an artillery position of the Russian army.

This is a bunch of shells being detonated, which caused such a big commotion.

In order to speed up the shooting, the artillerymen of Bu Russia piled up a large number of shells on the artillery positions in advance. Doing so can of course further increase the rate of fire. But at the same time, there was also a great crisis. If these artillery shells are martyred, the damage caused to the artillery position may be greater than being hit by enemy shells.

Now, that's the case. The entire artillery position was swept by the explosion and smoke. When the smoke cleared, the artillery position no longer existed.

"General, the Air Force reports that their fighter planes will enter the battlefield in ten minutes!"

In the sky, after the Luftwaffe completed the air strike on the Bu-Russia airport, it immediately invested in the attack on the Bu-Russia defense line. A large number of fighter jets covered the dive bombers and ground attack aircraft, entered the battlefield, and began to attack the Russian positions.

The dive bomber dived down from a high altitude with a sharp and piercing howl, and accurately dropped the aerial bombs on the artillery positions of the Russian army, destroying those cannons and artillery.

Those ground attack aircraft used aviation machine guns, cannons and bombs to attack the positions of the Russian army.

Ground attack aircraft stay in the air for a long time and carry a large amount of ammunition. Although the accuracy is not as good as that of the dive bomber, it is also relatively clumsy. However, the losses they caused to the Russian army were no less than those of dive bombers.

As for those fighter jets, when there is no threat of fighter planes from the Russian Air Force in the sky, they are naturally all devoted to the attack on the ground positions of the Russian army.

A BF-109 fighter jet skimmed over the Russian army's position, and the bullets from the aviation machine gun were on the ground, leaving a row of bullet holes. When the bullet entered the trench of the Russian army, it immediately left a long bloodstain. Many Russian soldiers were killed by bullets from aviation machine guns and fell to the trenches screaming.

After the German Air Force joined in, the losses of the Russian army began to rise in a straight line. In particular, the artillery positions of the Russian army were destroyed one after another under the air strikes of the Luftwaffe, making them completely suppressed in the artillery battle, and their losses increased. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before their cannons will be lost, and their artillery will suffer heavy casualties.josei

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