Jagged Germany

Chapter 1300

Chapter 1300: presidential emissary

"Mr. Hopkins, this time I will trouble you to go to the island country." President Roosevelt said.

Consultant Hopkins will serve as President Roosevelt's secret envoy and secretly go to the island country to meet with the prime minister of the island country. This time, the mission of the Hopkins consultant is to ask the army of the island country to implement the plan proposed by the US government to use the Philippine Islands as a springboard to attack the Southeast Asia. The U.S. government hopes that the island government can seize this opportunity and invest all its strength in this plan to launch an offensive. This is also the last chance the U.S. government will give the island nation.

"Your Excellency, I am happy to serve you!" said the Hopkins consultant. Although letting the islanders temporarily occupy the Philippine Islands is detrimental to the interests of the United States. But in the long run, this is very good for the United States. Therefore, the United States will vigorously promote this plan.

"Well, Mr. Hopkins, I wish you a good journey!" President Roosevelt said. He has great trust in the Hopkins consultant, otherwise, he would not be allowed to participate in these affairs.

The news that the Hopkins consultant will secretly visit the island country as the president of the United States was immediately informed by the US ambassador to the island country Kazushige Ugaki. Ugaki Kasunari did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported to Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro. However, the top and bottom of the island's cabinet are a little confused about this visit by the Hopkins consultant. I don't know what his real intention is.

Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe called the five ministers of the cabinet to discuss this.

"Gentlemen, Hopkins, as the secret envoy of the President of the United States, visited Tokyo secretly. What is the purpose? Can everyone guess it?" Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro asked.

"Isn't it true that the Americans are here to ask questions? After all, they have given us a lot of support over the years. However, we have not been able to win as they wished." Said General Seishiro Itagaki.

The face of General Mitsumasa Minet, Minister of the Sea, suddenly became a little unsightly. Previously, the island's cabinet decided to give the navy a special military expenditure again, so that the construction progress of the island's navy's capital ships and aircraft carriers could be further improved, which caused widespread dissatisfaction from the army. However, for the sake of the overall situation, the leaders of the island country army had no choice but to suppress this dissatisfaction. But this does not prevent General Itagaki Seishiro from confronting General Minai Mitsumasa at the cabinet meeting. After all, the conflict between the island country's army and navy has a long history.

"If the Americans really came to inquire about crimes, the Navy will naturally explain to the U.S. government!" Admiral Minai Mitsumasa said coldly.

"The Americans shouldn't make such a fuss. After all, didn't we promise to launch a new offensive soon? And the Americans also agreed to provide us with a batch of steel plates for ships. There is no need to send secret envoys to accuse us " said Ugaki Kazushige.

Konoe Fumimaro nodded. The Americans' actions really made them somewhat unpredictable.

"So it seems that the American secret envoy has other things to come here this time. Since you can't guess it, then don't worry about it. When the time comes, you will naturally know!" Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe said.

The other cabinet ministers nodded repeatedly. Although, the island country cannot do without the support of the United States. But as their military power continues to expand, the islanders don't think of themselves as a dog raised by the United States, they think more of a partnership between the two parties. Therefore, there is no need for them to bow down too much to the Americans.

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​the islanders themselves. In fact, the U.S. government has always regarded the island country as a dog they raised, and let them bite whoever they want.

A B-17 bomber on which a Hopkins consultant was traveling landed at a military airfield outside Tokyo. Kazunari Ugaki, foreign minister of the island, greeted him at the airport in person. After the two exchanged pleasantries, they drove to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Although in the car, Ugaki Kazan wanted to ask Hopkins about his visit. However, it was perfunctory. This time the U.S. government allowed the army of the island country to attack Nanyang through the Philippine Islands. The matter is of great importance and cannot be disclosed at will.

Seeing this, Ugaki had no choice but to give up that idea.

When the Hopkins consultant arrived at the Prime Minister's Office of the island country, the Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe and other important cabinet ministers of the island country had been waiting for a long time.

"Advisor, welcome to the island country again!" Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro's face was full of smiles.

"Hello, Prime Minister!" The Hopkins consultant responded with a smile.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone went to the office of Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro.

When the office door was closed and even the secretary had exited, the Hopkins consultant got to the point.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, the U.S. government is very hopeful about your navy's defeat in this naval battle. We have always hoped that your country can launch an attack on Southeast Asia and Australia as soon as possible. And this is also your government's original promise! said the Hopkins consultant.josei

"Advisor, I am so sorry!" Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro hurriedly apologized. The other important cabinet ministers also bowed one after another.

The Hopkins consultant is undoubtedly very satisfied with the respectful attitude of the islanders. In front of the islanders, they can get a sense of satisfaction, which makes Americans very proud.

"Your Excellency, our navy is already actively preparing. We will launch a new attack on the German navy as soon as possible. Soon, we will defeat the German navy. I hope the United States can give us more time." Admiral Minai Mitsumasa Said.

The Hopkins consultant shook his head: "What we lack most now is time!"

General Minai Mitsumasa and other ministers of the island countries, after seeing this attitude of the Hopkins consultant, their hearts began to sink. They are really worried that the United States will have no patience with them. In that case, how could the island nation survive this war? If it is not done well, it may face the danger of subjugation.

However, the next words of the Hopkins consultant made the important ministers of the island country realize what it means to turn around.

"We hope that the army of the island country can launch an attack on Nanyang and Australia as soon as possible. After all, Germany has only 800,000 people in Nanyang and Australia. Once Germany wins the European battlefield, they can easily send more troops to Nanyang It will be even more difficult to defeat them at that time." Hopkins consultant said.

"But, Your Excellency, how can we attack Nanyang and Australia without command of the sea?" General Seishiro Itagaki asked.

"It's very simple, use the Philippine Islands as a springboard!" Hopkins consultant said with a smile.

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