Jagged Germany

Chapter 1301

Chapter 1301: ecstatic islander

"Borrowing the Philippine Islands?" General Itagaki Seishiro jumped up from his chair with an expression of disbelief.

The other important ministers of the island's cabinet also looked at the Hopkins consultant in surprise. Obviously, I did not expect that the United States would propose such a plan. This is something they have never thought of before!

In the plan of the army of the island country, they launched an attack on Southeast Asia and Australia, and they would not launch the attack until the navy of the island country defeated the German navy and took control of the sea. After all, to land in Southeast Asia and Australia, you must rely on the protection and support of the navy.

After the naval defeat, the island army thought they would have to wait patiently for a while longer. But I didn't expect that the Americans would propose such a bold plan.

"Everyone, if you use the Philippine Islands as a springboard, the army of the island country can easily land in Southeast Asia, right? With the help of the Philippine Islands, you can easily capture Dutch Indonesia. Go back and attack the Indochina Peninsula in the north and Australia in the south. Even if there is no navy With your support, you have a great chance of winning. Even the navy of the island country can use this support to reverse the situation and defeat the German navy in one fell swoop!" Hopkins consultant continued.

All the important ministers of the island country were stunned. Of course they knew how feasible this plan was.

"We can send a large number of Army Air Force aircraft to the Philippine Islands. In this way, we will not be afraid of the threat of the German Navy. Under the protection of the Army Air Force aircraft, our transport ships can directly transport troops to the Philippine Islands, Even landing in Dutch Indonesia and other places." General Seishiro Itagaki said excitedly.

"If we can use the Philippine Islands, after the army captures Dutch Indonesia, the space for the German navy's activities will be reduced by us. It is even possible to drive them out of Nanyang." General Mitsumasa Minai also said.

The important ministers of these island countries have realized that this is undoubtedly an opportunity for them. As long as this opportunity is seized, it is not impossible for the army of the island country to march into Southeast Asia and Australia. That would be relatively easy.

"Gentlemen, it seems that you also approve of this plan. Then, let's implement it according to this plan! The US government hopes that you can succeed this time!" said the Hopkins consultant.

"Your Excellency, if we have the Philippines as a springboard, we will definitely be able to defeat the Germans!" General Seishiro Itagaki said confidently.

Consultant Hopkins nodded in satisfaction, regardless of whether the islanders could defeat the Germans in Southeast Asia and Australia. But at least after they send a large army to launch an attack, it will put a lot of pressure on Germany, thereby restraining part of the German army. This has satisfied the US government very much.

"Your Excellency, is your country planning to go to war against Germany?" Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro asked.

After all, the Philippines is a colony of the United States. If the army of the island country enters the Philippines, it will definitely be regarded as the United States and the island country joining forces.

The Hopkins consultant shook his head: "Now is not the time for us to go to war with Germany. This time, it is you who attacked the United States and occupied the Philippine Islands. Of course, our troops stationed in the Philippine Islands will not resist, but will cooperate with you Those who use those military facilities. The various war materials we store in the Philippine Islands will also be handed over to you for use."

Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe and others immediately understood what the US government meant. The Americans are not ready for war yet, so they don't want to go to war with Germany at this time. The typical one wants to be a **** and also wants to set up a chastity archway.

However, this is undoubtedly very beneficial to the island country. With the help of the Philippine Islands, they will be able to attack the South China Sea and Australia when the navy has no way to control the sea. As a result, the possibility of their victory in this battle will be further improved.

"Your Excellency, the U.S. government hopes to sign a secret treaty with the island government. After the war, your country will return the Philippine Islands to the United States!" Hopkins consultant said.

"Your Excellency, of course. We are only temporarily using the Philippine Islands to attack the Germans. After we defeat the Germans, we will definitely return the Philippine Islands to the United States!" Konoe Fumimaro said road.

The Philippine Islands are an important foothold for the Americans in the Asia-Pacific region, and of course they will not give up. Even after winning the war, they will keep the Philippine Islands in order to check and balance the island countries.

"In addition, we can gradually withdraw the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Philippine Islands. Our government hopes that they can be properly resettled!" Hopkins consultant reminded.

The reputation of the island nation’s army is not very good. The US government does not want the US army in the Philippines to be treated as prisoners of war by the island nation. In that case, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to the military.

"Of course. Adviser, please rest assured that we will properly accommodate those American officers and soldiers!" General Seishiro Itagaki assured, patting his chest.

"Everyone, then we have reached an agreement!" The Hopkins consultant said with a smile. His trip to Tokyo this time was undoubtedly a complete success.

The important ministers of the island's cabinet all laughed. They were very happy, thinking that they would be able to enter Southeast Asia and Australia soon. Once Nanyang and Australia are occupied, the rich resources there will immediately be able to free the island country from its dependence on the United States. In the future international situation, they will also have greater autonomy.

That night, the Hopkins consultant and Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe signed their names on the secret agreement.

And the Hopkins consultant did not stay in Tokyo for too long, and took a plane back to the United States the next morning to return to his command. The army of the island country is preparing to send troops to the Philippines.

The army air force of the island country has successively stationed in Okinawa and Baodao. With the help of these fighters, the transport fleet of the island country can be kept safe in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Then cross the Bashi Channel and land in the Philippines.josei

The elite troops of the island country army have also begun to mobilize. With the cooperation of the Americans, they only need to send a small amount of troops to occupy the Philippine Islands. At that time, a large number of aircraft from the Army Air Force of the island country will fly to the Philippines and station at those US military airports. And a large number of elite troops of the island country army will also set off later and land on the Philippine Islands. Then use the Philippine Islands as a base to attack Southeast Asia and Australia.

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