Jagged Germany

Chapter 1304

Chapter 1304: ready to fight

Germany, Berlin, Supreme Command.

Emperor Qin Tian and a group of important ministers from the cabinet have all arrived here. There is only one topic today, and that is the rapid occupation of the Philippine Islands by the islanders, and how much impact this will have on the situation in the entire Southeast Asia or the Asia-Pacific region.

The island country declared war on the Philippine Islands, and then quickly occupied the entire Philippine Islands, which was completely unexpected by Germany. Didn't even get any news before. By the time they reacted, the islanders had already gained a firm foothold in the Philippine Islands. Moreover, the army of the island country is now continuously heading to the Philippine Islands by sea. It is foreseeable that after the army of the island country sends more and more troops to the Philippine Islands, it will launch an attack on Dutch Indonesia. At that time, the situation in the entire Nanyang will be corrupted.

"Everyone, it seems that we have all been tricked by the Americans and the islanders! They put on such a show under our noses." Qin Tian said with a sneer. He was very angry that the Americans and the islanders had united against the German Empire. What made him even more dissatisfied was that the intelligence agency of the empire had no news at all.

"Your Majesty, this is my negligence." The intelligence chief immediately admitted his mistake.

Qin Tian shook his head: "The Americans and the islanders want to hide it wholeheartedly, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"Your Majesty, I have already summoned the US ambassador to Germany. However, the other party insisted that they were attacked by the islanders. And the US ambassador also claimed that their government is discussing that they will declare war on the island!" Foreign Minister Ribbent Luo Fu said.

"Hmph! This is just their show. According to the information we have obtained, the reason why the islanders quickly occupied the Philippine Islands is because of the help of the Americans. The hundreds of thousands of American troops stationed in the Philippine Islands, They surrendered to the islanders without firing a shot. They even took the initiative to hand over a large amount of war materials and equipment to the islanders. In addition, the ships that transported various materials from the west coast of the United States to the islanders were not affected at all. Influence. In the United States, it seems that they don’t even know that their Philippine colonies have been invaded by the islanders!” said Imperial Prime Minister Wahit.

The military and political ministers of the German Empire all looked very solemn. From the information obtained so far, it can be easily analyzed that the islanders and Americans are acting this time. Even, the Americans have come to the foreground from behind the scenes this time.

Although the United States has not officially participated in this war, they have been intervening in the war since before. Behind the scenes, they continue to provide various materials to Bu Russia and the island countries, so that they can continue the war. Now seeing the failure of the island country, it is even more direct to provide substantial help to the island country.

"It seems that the island nation's navy failed to defeat our Pacific Fleet and Indian Ocean Fleet in naval battles. The Americans are in a hurry. That's why they adopted this method to help the island nation!" Marshal Raeder said.

"Your Majesty, ministers. The Philippine Islands fall into the hands of the island nation, which will have a great impact on the situation in the entire Southeast Asia. The island nation can use the Philippine Islands as a springboard to launch attacks on Dutch Indonesia and other places. This For us, it will be very unfavorable. Our troops in Southeast Asia and Australia are still too small. Once the islanders invest a large number of troops, we are likely to be defeated by them." Marshal Manstein said.

"Order our troops in Nanyang and Australia to prepare for battle! No matter what, we must do our best to defeat the islanders! If necessary, we can deploy troops from the mainland to reinforce Nanyang and Australia!" Qin Qin God said.

It has been half a year since the war broke out. The mobilization of the third batch of the German Army is about to be completed. This allowed the German Army to have 12 more army units. Originally, these troops were used to defend the mainland and other European regions in case the Americans attacked. But judging from the current situation, the Americans dare not go to war for a while. In this case, troops can be temporarily deployed to reinforce other areas.

Of course, even if the Americans want to start a war, they first need to defeat the German Navy's home fleet and Atlantic Fleet. Although the strength of the U.S. Navy has expanded rapidly over the years, the strength of the German Navy is also very strong. It is not so easy for the U.S. Navy to defeat the German Navy and seize command of the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, the safety of Germany's west coast is guaranteed.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marshal Manstein nodded. However, he made up his mind that he would not deploy local troops unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Your Majesty, if possible, let us command the Dutch army in Indonesia. In this way, the possibility of us resisting the attack of the islanders will be greatly improved." Marshal Manstein said.

Qin Tian nodded: "You can contact the Dutch. However, the Dutch don't have many troops in Indonesia. If they really can't resist the islanders, they can abandon Dutch Indonesia and retreat to the Indochina Peninsula. As long as we can Hold on to the Indochina Peninsula and Australia, and when we defeat Bu Russia, we will have enough troops to go to other battlefields," Qin Tian said.

Once Germany defeats Bu Russia, millions of troops can be liberated. At that time, whether it is to attack the United States or send it to the Far East, Germany will have more room for maneuver. Coupled with a larger number of slave countries* armies, this will make Germany no longer lack in troops.

"Everyone, the biggest goal of our army this year is still to defeat Bu Russia! At this stage, Bu Russia is our biggest enemy. After defeating Bu Russia, we can free up our hands to deal with other fronts .” Qin Tian said.

Throughout 1940, Qin Tian's goal was to defeat Bu Russia. All other fronts can be on the defensive. After defeating Bu Russia, you can transfer your troops to other fronts.

Of course, Qin Tian also knows this, and the Americans also know this, so they will not let Germany defeat Bu Russia so easily. In addition to giving Russia material resources, the Americans will open up other battlefields, forcing Germany to fight on two fronts, or even on multiple fronts.josei

Faced with such a situation, Germany has no other choice but to fight.

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