Jagged Germany

Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305: Lanyin Front Army

Lion City, Imperial Army 11th Army Command. General Yotel Hans von Kluge, commander of the army, is meeting with Lieutenant General William Adam, commander of the 23rd army who came from Borneo.

After the island army occupied the Philippine Islands, it directly posed a threat to the defense zone of the 23rd Army. It is foreseeable that the islanders will attack Borneo from the Philippine Islands next. The 23rd Army Group stationed there will bear the brunt. Although the 23rd Army has 200,000 people, it is well-equipped and well-trained. However, if the island country army launches a crazy attack, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to completely resist the island country army's attack with the strength of the 23rd Army.

The 12th Army and the 24th Army are far away in Australia. Therefore, Lieutenant General William Adam had no choice but to come to the Lion City for rescue.

"General Kluge, we were all played by the islanders! I didn't expect them to play such a trick. Now, the situation in the entire Nanyang has become very critical." Lieutenant General William Adam said.

Admiral Kluge nodded: "The total strength of the island country's army has reached several million! And we have only 800,000 people in Southeast Asia and Australia. The difference in strength between the two sides is really too big. Yes. As for those colonial troops, they don’t value their use at all. They can’t be counted on at all. Therefore, this battle will be very difficult for us.”

"Yes, General Kluge." Lieutenant General William Adam said.

Originally they all thought that even if the islanders would attack Nanyang, they would have to wait until the island navy defeated the German navy and gained command of the sea. In that case, the German Army would have a long time to prepare. But who would have imagined that the Americans would directly intervene?

"General Adam, you don't have to worry too much. If you really can't hold Borneo, then retreat to the Indochina Peninsula! We can lose Borneo, or even lose most of the defense area. But as long as we can hold the Lion City , Hold some strategic points, and when we defeat Bu Russia in Europe, we will have enough reinforcements. At that time, it is time for us to launch a large-scale counterattack." Admiral Kluke said.

Now the German Army is at a disadvantage in Southeast Asia. With no other choice, it can only abandon some defense areas, hold on to some strongholds, and wait for a counterattack.

"It seems that this is the only way to go. However, even if the islanders want to land on Borneo, I will make them pay a heavy price. Let them know that Borneo is not so easy to occupy. The army of the German Empire, let alone So easy to defeat!" Lieutenant General William Adam said.

Admiral Kluge nodded: "General Adam, didn't there be a telegram from the country saying that the Dutch troops would obey our command? Then we can command the Dutch to fight."

But Lieutenant General William Adam shook his head: "General Kluge, I understand. Those Dutchmen are simply vulnerable. If they are sent to the battlefield, I am afraid it will only have the opposite effect."

Admiral Kluge thinks about it and this is indeed the truth. If the Dutch were not only of no help but a drag on the Germans, then there was no point in sending them into battle. After all, in terms of the combat effectiveness of the German army, if no one is dragged down, it will be quite calm whether it is attacking or retreating.

"General Kluke, then I will return to Borneo. In the next battle, we still need the support of the navy and the air force. Even if the islanders occupy the Philippine Islands, but they want to land on Borneo We have to cross the Sulu Sea. If our navy and air force can teach the islanders a lesson there and make them pay a heavy price, then we will have a much better chance of stopping the islanders from attacking Already." Lieutenant General William Adam said.

"I will instruct the 5th aviation group to fully cooperate with you in combat. On the navy side, I think General Konrad Abbrecht will also make arrangements." Admiral Kluck said.

Lieutenant General William Adam nodded, then got up to leave.

When the island army is about to launch an attack on Borneo, he, the commander of the 23rd Army of the German Army, still has a lot to do. Realizing that he might not be able to defend Borneo, Lieutenant General William Adam was determined that even if he had to evacuate Borneo, he would make the island army pay a heavy price in Borneo.

Island Army Southern Command, Manila, Philippines.

After the army of the island country occupied the entire Philippine archipelago, General Hisao Nishio, the commander of the Southern Army, couldn't wait to move his headquarters here from the mainland of the island country. It seems that only in this way can he be a general army commander who can command millions of troops.

Because of the cooperation of the Americans and the Philippine government, the island army easily occupied the entire territory of the Philippines.

The Army Air Force of the island country also has a large number of fighter planes stationed at those airports on the Philippine Islands. The Americans not only handed over those airports to the island country army intact, but also donated the war materials in the airport to the island country army air force, so that they could use these airports to launch military operations soon.

However, at this moment, other troops under the southern army of the island country army are rushing to the Philippines by boat. Before the arrival of the main force, the Southern Army was unable to launch military operations for a while.

After the Philippine Front Army, the Lanyin Front Army under the jurisdiction of the Southern Army of the Island Army went to the Philippines from the mainland. The entire front army is composed of the 28th Army, the 33rd Army, four infantry divisions and three independent mixed brigades, including a total of nine divisions and three independent mixed brigades, with a total strength of more than 20 million people. They will also be the first troops to attack Dutch Indonesia after the island army occupies the Philippine Islands.

Therefore, General Hisao Nishio also attached great importance to the Indonesian Front Army, and instructed the transport fleet to give priority to transporting the troops and equipment of the Lanyin Front Army to the Philippine Islands, so that they have enough time to adapt to the climate here, so that they can be transported to the Philippine Islands. Complete the preparations in the shortest possible time, and then launch an attack on Dutch Indonesia.

On the morning of February 22, General Hisao Nishio went to Mindanao to inspect the preparations of the Lantian and Indian front forces. Lieutenant General Kawabe Masazo, commander of the Lanyin Front Army, accompanied the whole process. Regarding the morale of the Lanyin front army, General Nishio Hisao is still very satisfied. During the conversations with the officers and soldiers, General Hisao Nishio also felt their confidence, which made him full of confidence in the upcoming war.josei

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