Jagged Germany

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307: Air Combat (ask for monthly ticket)

FW-190 fighter jets are the most advanced fighter jets of the Luftwaffe, and each aviation cluster is equipped with only one wing. After the production of BF-109 fighter jets has ceased, the German Air Force will equip more and more FW-190 fighter jets.

In front of the FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe, the Type 1 fighters and Type 97 fighters of the Japanese Army Air Force had almost no power to fight back. The maximum flight speed of the FW-190 fighter is as high as 760 kilometers per hour, while the maximum speed of the Type 1 fighter is only more than 500 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed of the Type 97 fighter is only 470 kilometers per hour. Even the BF-109 fighter jet has a maximum speed of 686 kilometers per hour. In terms of maximum speed, the gap is undoubtedly very large.

Of course, speed is not the only indicator of a fighter's performance. But definitely a very important metric. In terms of climb performance, maximum ceiling, etc., the Type 1 fighters and Type 97 fighters of the Army Air Force of the island country are also at a disadvantage. In terms of weapons and equipment, the firepower of the Luftwaffe fighter jets is also more powerful.

In addition, in terms of the quality of pilots, the training of fighter pilots of the Luftwaffe is obviously much more perfect than the training of pilots of the Army Air Force of the island country.

After the thirty-six FW-190 fighter jets of the 511th Fighter Group of the German Air Force took off, the BF-109 fighter jets of the 52nd Fighter Wing also took off in an emergency. However, only two fighter battalions took off.

The fighter jets of the Luftwaffe were much faster, so that the fighter planes of the Army Air Force of the island country had just flown to the middle of the Sulu Sea before they were intercepted by fighter jets of the Luftwaffe.

"The target was found, more than a hundred fighters. Most of them are Type 1 fighters and Type 97 fighters, and a small part are Type 97 heavy-duty bombers and Type 97 light bombers. Launch an attack and get rid of them!" Commander Colonel Hans of the 511th Fighter Group of the German Air Force ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The pilots replied one after another.

Subsequently, thirty-six FW-190 fighter jets swooped down from high altitude and launched an attack. Their primary targets are those heavy and light bombers. No need to think about it, the fighter planes of the Army Air Force of the island country must be heading for the airport of the Luftwaffe. After solving these bombers, the Luftwaffe's airport will be safe. Then they have enough time to deal with those island fighters.josei

"Boom boom boom!"

The machine guns began to roar, and shells shot towards the island nation's aircraft fleet at high speed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of explosions sounded, and the bombers of the Japanese army air force were blasted out one after another with big holes the size of basketballs.

One after another, the bombers were hit, and then fell to the sea.

"Baga! German fighter jets. We have been attacked!" Major Sato Yuo, the 64th Flying Squadron of the Japanese Army Air Corps, shouted loudly.

The fleet of the Army Air Force of the island country responded immediately. More than sixty fighter jets pursued the fighter jets of the Luftwaffe. And those bombers fled in all directions. Obviously, in front of the flexible Luftwaffe fighter jets, these clumsy bombers have no power to fight back.

"Damn, those German planes are too fast, we can't catch up at all!" An island pilot yelled in horror.

In front of the FW-190 fighter jets of the German Air Force, the Type 1 fighter jets and Type 97 fighter jets of the Army Air Force of the island country are as slow as snails. They can only watch the German Air Force fighter jets get rid of them and return to attack their bombers .

"Damn island monkey, go to hell!" A FW-109 fighter jet dived from high altitude and attacked a Type 97 heavy-duty bomber.

"Da da da!"

The two 12.7mm aviation machine guns on the wings started to fire, and the bullets hit the pilot in the cockpit. Blood sprayed out from the pilot's body, staining the glass of the cockpit red.

After the plane lost control, it fell directly into the sea, splashing a jet of water.

"Brothers, speed up, those guys from the 521st Brigade will be here soon. Let's try to kill all these islanders before they arrive!" Colonel Hans ordered.

"Yes, boss!" The German pilots replied imposingly.

The 521st Fighter Group is equipped with BF-109 fighters, which are relatively slower. So left behind. However, it is undoubtedly very difficult to get rid of all the fighters of the hundreds of Japanese Army Air Forces before the 521st Fighter Brigade arrives.

"German, I've bitten you, go to hell!"

A Type 1 fighter finally bit the tail of a FW-190 fighter, and then pressed the launch button.

The 12.7mm aviation machine gun began to fire, and the dense bullets were fired at the FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe.

However, the pilot of the FW-190 fighter jet, as if he had eyes in the back of his head, immediately steered the plane to climb up, avoiding those bullets. And he ran behind the Type I fighter in a tumble.

"Island monkey, it's too early to shoot me down!" The German pilot pressed the launch button with a look of contempt.

"Boom boom boom!"

The 20mm cannon fired, and the tail of the Type 1 fighter jet of the Army Air Force of the island country was directly knocked out. The fighter jet fell towards the sea, dragging thick smoke.

"Damn it, the performance of the German fighters is completely ahead of ours. Our loss is too great!" Major Sato Yuo's face was very ugly.

"Sir, almost all of our blasters are lost. Do we want to continue the attack?" A squadron leader asked.

The battle has only lasted more than ten minutes, but their more than 30 bombers have all been shot down by fighter jets of the Luftwaffe. Such a loss is undoubtedly very large for the Japanese army air force. Their Type 1 fighter jets and Type 97 fighter jets are not at all opponents of the advanced fighter jets of the Luftwaffe.

"Sir, another batch of German fighter jets are here!"

Major Sato Yuo saw dozens of planes flying from the western sky. Obviously, it was a fighter jet of the Luftwaffe.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately!" Major Sato Yuo ordered immediately.

He knew that if they did not retreat, all of their fighter jets would have to be lost here.

The remaining dozens of Type 1 fighters and Type 97 fighters of the Army Air Force of the island country began to flee one after another. But the Luftwaffe finally found such an opportunity, how could it easily let it go? They pursued the fighter planes of the Army Air Force of the island country, and did not return until they ran out of fuel. All but a few of the hundreds of fighter planes dispatched by the Army Air Corps of the island country were shot down.

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