Jagged Germany

Chapter 1308

Chapter 1308: Frustrated (seeking monthly ticket)

"Your Excellency, Commander, our offensive has failed. The 5th Flying Division has suffered heavy losses." Lieutenant General Hideyoshi Obata, head of the 5th Flying Division, reported to General Michio Sugawara with an ugly face.

"How big is the loss?" General Michizane Sugawara asked with a dark face.

"Forty-two fighters and 34 bombers were lost." Lieutenant General Hideyoshi Obata reported.

"What? So big?" Lieutenant General Michiyo Sugawara suddenly didn't know what to say. As the main flying division of the 3rd Air Force, the 5th flying division has only a little over a hundred aircraft. The current loss has reached 70%. It can be said that the entire 5th Flying Division has been lost.

"Your Excellency Commander, the performance of German fighter jets is much stronger than ours. Our Type 1 fighter jets and Type 97 fighter jets are no match for the Germans at all. According to Major Yusa Sato's report, the speed of the advanced German fighter jets is faster than that of the Germans." Our Type 1 fighter jets are at least two hundred kilometers faster. So much so that in air combat, our fighter jets have no way to bite the opponent, let alone launch an attack." Lieutenant General Hideyoshi Xiaobata felt very aggrieved. It's not that their pilots are greedy for life and afraid of death, but because the performance of the enemy's fighters is completely ahead of them, and the performance gap between the fighters of the two sides is too great. That's why they are not the opponents of the Luftwaffe, with such a big loss.

"The Type 1 fighter is already our most advanced fighter. In a short period of time, it is impossible for us to have more advanced fighters in service. Therefore, we can only use the Type 1 fighter to compete with the Germans. As for how to counter the Germans, this is what we need. Think of a way!" Said General Michi Sugawara.

"Hi, Your Excellency Commander!" Lieutenant General Hideyoshi Obata replied. But he has no idea.

"Starting tomorrow, the 9th Flying Division and the 55th Flying Division will also participate in the attack. We must destroy the German airfield and seize air supremacy. Otherwise, Your Excellency, Commander of the Southern Army, will not let it go. Ours." Said General Michizane Sugawara.

Lieutenant General Hideyoshi Obata's face couldn't help but become even uglier. He knew that this was undoubtedly letting them go to die! However, they have no other way. The Southern Army pinned its hopes on them. So, they just had to work hard.

On February 25, the island nation's Army Air Force launched another attack. This time, they once again dispatched hundreds of planes. Even the newly formed 55th Flying Division joined the battle.

However, in the face of the defense of the German Air Force, the Army Air Force of the island country was still battered and suffered heavy losses, and it did not play any role at all.josei

Facing the defense of the Luftwaffe's 5th Aviation Group, the Army Air Force of the island country simply could not win air supremacy. This made General Nishio Hisoka's expectations completely dashed.

On February 26, General Hisao Nishio summoned Lieutenant General Michizane Sugawara at the Southern Army Headquarters in Manila.

General Nishio Hiszo's face was livid, obviously very dissatisfied with the performance of the 3rd Air Force.

"General Michi Sugawara, today is the third day. However, the 3rd Air Force still failed to seize air supremacy, and instead suffered heavy losses. How can we continue this battle?" General Hisao Nishio asked angrily .

"Your Excellency, Commander, I am very sorry. We failed to complete the mission! However, the 3rd Air Force has done its best. After two days of fighting, we have lost 70% of the fighter planes. The pilots who died in the battle are not counted." The number." Admiral Sugawara Michidazhong explained.

"However, you still haven't been able to complete the task!" General Nishio Hiszo seemed to be paying close attention to this point.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the reason why we failed to complete the mission is entirely because the performance of our fighter planes lags far behind the Germans. Therefore, even if our pilots try their best, they cannot defeat the Germans. Under such circumstances , It will be very difficult for us to defeat the Germans and gain air supremacy.” General Michizane Sugawara replied.

General Hisao Nishio was obviously not satisfied with such an answer. However, he has no other way. He can't just remove Lieutenant General Sugawara Michio because of this, right? He doesn't have that power yet.

"General Michi Sugawara, you should be clear that this battle is of great importance to the future of the empire. If we cannot defeat the Germans in this battle, then the empire may perish. Therefore, we must do our best to Alright!" General Nishio Hiszo said.

"Hi, Your Excellency Commander. The 3rd Air Force will do its best in this battle! However, we need to be replenished as soon as possible. In addition, the 4th Air Force should also join the battle as soon as possible. In this case, we may We can defeat the Germans and gain air supremacy,” said Lieutenant General Michizane Sugawara.

In the case that the performance of fighter planes is seriously inferior to that of the Luftwaffe, the Army Air Force of the island country can only defeat the Luftwaffe through numerical superiority and compete for air supremacy.

General Hisao Nishio nodded: "I will contact the Directorate of Aviation and provide you with reinforcements as soon as possible. The 4th Air Force will also arrive on the battlefield as soon as possible."

Michiyo Sugawara did not say much.

Borneo, Brunei City, the headquarters of the German 23rd Army. Lieutenant General William Adam, commander of the Army Group, is listening to the report.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the 5th Aviation Group has caused great losses to the island nation in the past two days of fighting. They have shot down at least 150 island nation fighter planes. The current air supremacy is still firmly in control In our hands!" Major General Erwin Vilo, chief of staff of the Army Group, said with a smile.

"Very well, the 5th Aviation Group is really good. Send a telegram to the 5th Aviation Group Command in my name, thank them!" Lieutenant General William Adam smiled.

If the army air force of the island country does not have air supremacy, it is likely that it will not launch a landing operation for a day. This also allowed the 23rd Army to hold out in Borneo for a longer period of time. The longer it drags on, the better it will be for the German army. It would undoubtedly be the best if the stalemate could continue like this.

"However, Your Excellency, Commander, the islanders have suffered a loss this time, and they will definitely not let it go. It is estimated that they will mobilize more forces to launch an attack soon." Major General Erwin Vero said.

William? Adam nodded. The islanders and Americans carefully planned this operation, and it is impossible to give up after encountering a small setback. However, for the 23rd Army, they also had no other choice but to stand up and fight.

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