Jagged Germany

Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424: The army gathers (ask for a monthly ticket)

On April 8, German Emperor Qin Tian summoned the generals above the army group deployed by the Empire on the Eastern Front at the Supreme Command. At this time, it was only a week before the German army launched another large-scale offensive.

In order to ensure that the German army can annihilate the main force of Bu Russia in one fell swoop in 1940, Germany has tried its best this time. Except that the 18 armies deployed to the Eastern Front have all been supplemented and their full combat power has been restored. The protectorates and slave states were also required to send more troops to the Eastern Front, striving to complete their combat missions before this winter.

"Marshals, generals, have you completed the preparations for the frontline battle?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, all preparations for war are almost complete. Eighty percent of the mobilization of war supplies has been completed. The remaining twenty percent will be completed within the next week!" Marshal Manstein reported road.

Throughout the past winter, the main force of the German army was resting. However, they have also been gearing up for this year's showdown. The marshals and generals of the German army also know that this year will be a critical year. So, everyone has done their best.

"Very good! So, are you all ready to defeat the Russians in one fell swoop this year?" Qin Tian continued to ask.

"Get ready, the empire will win!" The marshals and generals of the imperial army and air force replied one after another.

Next, Marshal Manstein began to introduce the attack plan this time. What will be implemented this year will be the third and most important stage of the 'Barbarossa Plan'. In the first two stages, the Russian army has suffered heavy losses. And the third stage is to destroy the foundation of Bu Russia in one fell swoop, so that Bu Russia will be completely powerless in this war.

According to the combat plan, this attack is mainly divided into two combat directions. One combat direction is Moscow, which is completed by Army Group A, Army Group B and Army Group C.

In addition to the 1st, 4th and 10th Army of the Imperial Army, Army Group A also includes the 1st Army of Finland and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Baltic Armies, with a total strength of 1.2 million people.

In addition to the 3rd, 8th, 13th, 14th and 15th armies of the Imperial Army, Army Group B also included the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Polish armies, and the 1st and 2nd Belorussian armies , the Hungarian 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Army, and the Bohemian 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Army, with a total strength of four million people.

In addition to the 7th, 9th, 16th, 17th, and 18th Army Groups of the Imperial Army, Army Group C also includes the 4th, 5th, and 6th Army Groups of Ukraine, the 6th and 7th Army Groups of Hungary, Bohemia The 4th and 5th Army, the 1st Army of Dalmatia, the 1st Army of Croatia, and the 1st Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina have a total strength of three million people.

The army that the German army plans to use to attack Moscow alone has reached a full 820 people. It can be seen how huge the scale of this battle is.

Of course, among these armies, only the 18 German Army Groups are truly powerful. The remaining more than four million people are the army of the slave country. Their main task is still to ensure the smooth flow of logistics supply lines and the maintenance of the security of the new occupied area.

Once the German army advances aggressively to Moscow, it will inevitably gain more occupied areas. Under Bu Russia's call, more Russians will inevitably take up arms and resist the German attack. The threat of the Russian guerrillas to the German logistics supply line alone is enough to cause headaches for the German army. Therefore, this must require a large number of troops to garrison.

The armies of these slave countries may not have enough combat effectiveness to use them on the frontal battlefield to counter the Russian army. But against the guerrillas in the rear, there is still no problem.

Even, when the main force of the Russian army was almost wiped out, the combat effectiveness of those armies formed later may not be much stronger than that of the German servants. The armies of Germany's vassal states can still go to the frontal battlefield.

In fact, in the first two stages of operations, the troops from Finland, the three Baltic countries, Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine all performed fairly well. Therefore, in this battle, their troops will also be dispatched to the frontal battlefield.

In the fourth and fifth stages of the follow-up "Plan Barbarossa", the armies of these slave countries will even become the main force. The elite troops of the German army need to be prepared to attack another powerful enemy on the other side of the ocean.

In addition to Moscow, another main direction of attack is Josephgrad. This important city is in charge of Army Group D and Army Group E.

In addition to the 2nd, 19th, and 20th Army Group D, it also includes the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Army of Ukraine, the 1st and 2nd Army of Yugoslavia, and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Army of Italy. reached 2.2 million people.

In addition to the 21st and 22nd armies, the E army group also includes the Turkish 1st, 2nd, and 3rd armies, and the Persian 1st, 2nd, and 3rd armies, with a total strength of 1.6 million.

Army Group D and Army Group E add up to only 3.8 million people, which is less than half of the troops attacking Moscow. The elite German army has only five group armies, which is only one-third of the elite German army that attacked Moscow.

However, this is also because the Russian army deployed in Josephgrad is far less than the army deployed in Moscow. Moscow is the main attack direction of the German army this time, and Joseph Grad is just a secondary attack direction.

In addition to the army, the Imperial Air Force also dispatched the main force. In addition to the five aviation groups previously dispatched to the battlefield, the newly formed aviation group also dispatched three to the Eastern Front to assist the Army in operations. The number of tactical aircraft dispatched by the Luftwaffe reached more than 4,800.

In terms of the strategic air force, the bombers of the four strategic aviation clusters will assist the German army in operations. At the same time, strategic bombing of major cities and industrial bases in the hinterland of Russia will be launched, further weakening the war potential of Bu Russia, and doing its best for Germany to defeat Bu Russia.josei

After listening to Manstein's overall introduction, Qin Tian was very satisfied. In his view, this time Germany has gone all out. Although the strength of the German army is not as good as that of the Russian army, with the addition of the slave countries, the strength of the German army exceeds that of Russia by a large amount. This gives Germany an even greater advantage in this war. The possibility of winning will also be greatly increased.

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