Jagged Germany

Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425: air force action

"Gentlemen, now that the military preparations have been completed. Then, after a week, we will launch an attack according to the plan! I believe that this time we will be able to defeat Russia in an upright manner and crush them! Future victories must belong to Ours!" Qin Tian said.

"The empire will win!" The marshal and generals shouted one after another. Everyone is obviously full of confidence in the upcoming war.

After the war has progressed to this stage, it is not very useful to use conspiracies and tricks. Now it's time to use strength to defeat the opponent openly.

Qin Tian and the German marshals and generals have great confidence in the strength of the German army. They all believe that in the next battle, Germany will win. Because the current German military power has reached its peak. Although Bu Russia's military strength is also strong, compared with the German army, the gap is still not a little bit. With Germany's strength, there will be no problem in defeating Bu Russia. Even if the United States intervenes in this war, it will not be able to change the outcome of the war.

"Marshal Kesselring, the Air Force still has to be the vanguard in this attack. Are you ready?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, all the soldiers of the Air Force are ready to fight. We will definitely crush the Russians!" Marshal Kesselring replied confidently.

Several aviation clusters deployed by the German Air Force on the front line have all been replaced with advanced FW-190 fighter jets. Even if the Russian Air Force began to equip the Yak-1 fighter jets. But the gap between the fighters of the two sides is still very obvious. Under the strong attack of the German Air Force, it is almost impossible for the Russian Air Force to persist.

In the previous wars, the Russian Air Force had already suffered heavy losses and lost its air supremacy. Their backward I-16 fighters and I-15 fighters, as well as the P-40 fighters obtained from the United States, are not opponents of the Luftwaffe's ME-109 fighters and FW-190 fighters. Coupled with the sudden attack launched by the German Air Force, a large number of Russian Air Force fighter planes were blown up on the airport, which further severely damaged the Russian Air Force. Although within half a year, the Russian Air Force is also recovering its strength. Their large number of pilots still retains a strong combat effectiveness. However, the strength gap between the two sides has not narrowed because of this, but continues to expand. Because the strength of the Luftwaffe is still rising rapidly.

Qin Tian nodded, he believed that the German Air Force would be able to easily win this battle. The performance gap between the fighters of the two sides and the quality gap of the pilots are not so easy to make up.

Time passed bit by bit, and the German military preparations continued. A large number of troops who have been transferred to the front line are adapting. Especially the armies of those slave countries, many of them have never been on the battlefield.josei

A large amount of war materials are also being transported to the front from Germany and other European countries. In the case of Germany integrating the whole of Europe, the industrial production capacity has been further improved. In addition to the production of the most important military materials in Germany, a large number of secondary military materials were handed over to the slave countries and protectorate countries for production. In order to maximize the industrial production capacity of the whole of Europe.

After all, war is about industrial strength. It is very easy to defeat Bu Russia. But another industrial power on the other side of the ocean is very powerful. This made Germany have to unite the power of the whole of Europe and twist it into one rope. Otherwise, once it loses in the war, Germany will be over. The empire that was finally built will collapse.

Germany's military preparations are not concealed, and they cannot be concealed at all. The Russian army, through the information obtained from various channels, has already felt that the war is imminent.

Especially Marshal Voroshilov, the commander of the Russian Army's Western Front, is even more like an enemy. The Western Front under his command confronted Army Group B, the most powerful German army. Although, after strengthening the strength of the Western Front Army, it has reached more than three million. But too many of these troops were formed later. Although the equipment in front of him is replenished, the combat effectiveness is obviously not comparable to that of the veterans, let alone confronting the powerful German army. Therefore, Marshal Voroshilov was not at all sure whether he could withstand the German attack.

What's more, the German Army Group A will also go south from Ulyanovgrad. That is also a huge army of more than one million people. Once Army Group A and Army Group B cooperate to besiege the Russian Army's Western Front, Marshal Voroshilov knows that he will never be able to resist it.

For this reason, Marshal Voroshilov repeatedly asked Joseph to send more troops to reinforce him. It's just that it wasn't allowed. Allowing Voroshilov to control more than three million troops has already made Joseph feel a little worried. If he is given more troops, once Voroshilov has a disobedient heart, then Joseph will die. Are you sure?

However, in order to ease the pressure on Voroshilov, Joseph still dispatched the reserve front army with Zhukov as the commander to deploy on the flank of the Western Front to resist the German Army Group A.

Although, the Russian army has fully mobilized and deployed a large number of troops on the front line. However, the Russian army has no confidence in whether it can withstand the German attack. Even Joseph himself knew that this time it might be a bad one. If the United States cannot win in the Atlantic, then Bu Russia may be dead.

So, Joseph could only order the Russian army to do everything possible to resist the German attack. Then pin your hopes on the Americans.

On the morning of April 15th, at the field airport of the Luftwaffe at the front line, fighter jets and bombers that had been prepared began to take off one after another.

8 aviation clusters, it can be said that they are all dispatched. FW-190 fighter jets carry auxiliary fuel tanks. This increases the hang time. Small bombs are also hung under the wings so that they can perform ground strike missions after seizing air supremacy.

Dive bombers and ground attack aircraft also carry bombs to the maximum extent. Their goal will be the front-line airport of the Russian Air Force.

Farther away, the medium bombers and heavy bombers of several strategic aviation clusters are also ready. They will be involved in operations after the Air Force has seized air supremacy. Launch a larger-scale bombing of the Russian Air Force's front-line airfields.

Just after 6:00 in the morning, the first FW-190 fighter took off from the field airfield of the Luftwaffe. Followed by a huge fleet.

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