Jagged Germany

Chapter 356

Chapter 356: Do it alone (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke, Your Excellency the Marshal. This is a great opportunity for us! If we seize this opportunity and launch an attack on Russia, it is conservatively estimated that we will also be able to obtain a territory of millions of square kilometers! Western Ukraine, southwestern Belarus , will fall into our hands. This will play a huge role in enhancing the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Crown Prince Karl said happily to Archduke Friedrich and Baron Marshal Herzendorf.

In order to persuade Franz Joseph I to agree to their plan, Crown Prince Karl has already won the support of many senior government officials and military generals. However, Archduke Friedrich and Baron Marshal Herzendorf, the two giants of the military, have never made a statement, which made Crown Prince Karl very anxious. So, can't wait to get their support.

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke, Your Excellency the Marshal. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! If we miss this opportunity, we will definitely regret it." Crown Prince Karl said.

"His Royal Highness, in the past battle, although we won the victory on the Eastern Front and wiped out millions of Russian troops. But, don't forget, we didn't beat the Russian army to the ground. Russia The army still has millions of troops." Archduke Friedrich said.

"Those Russians are just new recruits. How much combat power can they have? Even if they dare to come, we can still defeat them!" Crown Prince Karl said vigorously. It's as if after winning this battle, the German army has become the defeated general of the Austrian army. He seemed to have completely forgotten that when the war first started, they were always suppressed and beaten by the Russians. If it weren't for Germany's timely action, the Carpathian Mountains might have been captured by the Russian army. Now the Russians are looting wantonly on the Hungarian plain on the platform.josei

"His Royal Highness, I also think that you seem to be too optimistic. The support of the German allies is very important for us to defeat the Russian Southwestern Front. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to win. Now, the German allies are not involved In the further attack on Russia. Therefore, it is better for us to be more cautious." Baron Herzendorf said.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, I can't agree with your point of view. Although the Germans are very powerful, they played a vital role in this battle. However, if you want to exaggerate their combat effectiveness because of this, I would I disagree. When the German 8th Army attacked the Russian 4th Army, would the German Army have successfully defeated the Russian 4th Army without us resisting the fierce attack of the Russian 4th Army? That is impossible Yes. Therefore, our role is equally irreplaceable!" said Crown Prince Karl.

"Even if the mobilization of the Russians is completed, their recruits are definitely not the opponents of our troops who have experienced the baptism of war. What's more, our mobilization has also been completed. Isn't the 7th Army already dispatched to the Eastern Front? Have you gone? If necessary, we can also send the 8th Army and the 9th Army to the Eastern Front. Now we are not afraid of the Russians. On the contrary, we still have this strength stronger than them!" Crown Prince Karl Appear confident.

Archduke Friedrich and Baron Marshal Herzendorf both believed that Crown Prince Karl was too optimistic. However, they also know that blindly blocking it will not have any effect. On the contrary, it will also arouse the resentment of Crown Prince Karl. At the same time, don't forget that there are countless people with the same thoughts in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is already a very powerful force. Even the two of them couldn't forcefully stop them.

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke, Your Excellency the Marshal, this opportunity is really not to be missed! Once we miss it, we will never have such an opportunity again." Crown Prince Karl said.

"Your Excellency, how about we launch a small-scale attack on the Russians first. During the attack, stay vigilant to avoid being attacked by the Russians." Baron Herzendorf said.

Marshal Herzendorf, Baron, does not want to have any grudges with Crown Prince Karl. After all, Austrian Emperor Joseph Franz I was already very old, and he might go to see God sometime. At that time, Crown Prince Karl will be the emperor of the empire. It is undoubtedly very uneconomical to offend the future emperor of the empire because of this.

Besides, Baron Herzendorf, Marshal Herzendorf, also longs for the expansion of the empire. As Crown Prince Karl said, this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Russia has been hit hard and will be powerless to withstand their attack. And the Germans were busy fighting a decisive battle with the British and French forces on the Western Front. Therefore, if the Austro-Hungarian Empire wants to gain benefits in this war, this is the best opportunity. Once Germany and the Anglo-French allied forces decide the outcome on the Western Front, no matter who wins or loses, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will never have such a good chance.

Archduke Friedrich glanced at Baron Marshal Herzendorf and understood what he meant.

"If we do this, will it cause dissatisfaction among the German allies?" Archduke Friedrich asked. In his view, Germany's attitude is very important. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire is defeated in the battle to attack Russia, it will need Germany to save its life. Or, once Germany wins the World War, if Germany is dissatisfied with the Austro-Hungarian Empire's attack on Russia, it will also cause very bad consequences.

"Your Excellency, why are the Germans dissatisfied? Even if they are dissatisfied, they will not do anything to us. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is one of the most powerful countries in the world. In the current war, the Germans need our help, and it will definitely not be because of us. Attacking Russia will cause dissatisfaction," said Crown Prince Karl.

"Your Excellency the Grand Duke, I have tested His Royal Highness Oscar, and he has not expressed any objection to our attack on Russia. Therefore, I don't think he will be dissatisfied with us for this." Baron Herzendorf said. .

"Okay, so be it, I will go to convince His Majesty!" Archduke Friedrich said.

"Then I will leave everything to His Majesty the Grand Duke!" Crown Prince Karl suddenly looked ecstatic.

Baron Marshal Herzendorf also had a smile on his face.

Two days later, the Austrian Emperor Joseph Franz I approved the plan of the Austrian army to continue to attack Russia. However, without the help of Germany this time, the Austrian army's offensive did not go smoothly, and soon tasted the taste of failure again.

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