Jagged Germany

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: The Brit's Dilemma (200 votes plus more)

London, England. As the capital of the world's most powerful country, this place should have been the center of the world. The former London was indeed the center of the world, and commodities from all over the world can be found here.

However, it has only been three months since the war started, and London is already in a state of depression. On the street, there are very few pedestrians, and they are in a hurry. The shops on both sides have been closed long ago. Because they simply have nothing to sell. Because of the blockade of the British Isles by the German Navy's breaking fleet and submarine forces, there has been a shortage of supplies in the UK.

Although merchant ships from the United States brought in a lot of supplies, almost all of them were food and various mineral resources. As for the rest of the merchandise, it never arrived at all. In other words, the British simply don't have the energy to manage other commodities. What they have to do now is to store war supplies as much as possible so that Britain can last longer in this war until it finally wins the war.

A car, driving on a deserted street. This is the car of Sir Edward Gray, Foreign Secretary. Originally, his car was a luxurious Daimler A-class car. However, after the war began, especially after the British Royal Navy suffered heavy losses under the attack of the German Navy, Sir Edward Gray stopped riding in that car and replaced it with his own British brand. Although, the cars made by Britain's own car brands are not very good at all, not only ugly in appearance, but also terrible in comfort. But at least you don't have to worry about being mobbed by angry mobs.

Not only Sir Edward Gray changed his car, but other members of the British cabinet also changed their cars to local brands. When the war is unfavorable and the people are angry, they dare not provoke the people anymore. If the anger of the people is aroused, the consequences will be very bad. These cabinet ministers don't want this government to be overthrown by angry people because of their stupid actions.

"Oh! It's only been three months, and London has become like this. This battle is getting worse and worse for us!" Sir Edward Gray looked at the deserted streets and couldn't help sighing.

"Sir, will we lose this war?" asked the secretary sitting in the front row.

"Will you lose?" Sir Edward Gray didn't know himself. However, he clearly knew that they could not lose. If you lose, the consequences will be very serious.

But immediately, Sir Edward Gray's eyes became firm. As a British cabinet minister, while enjoying power, his responsibility is to lead the development to become stronger. Although, Britain is now facing a great crisis. But he believes that they will be able to survive this crisis and win future wars.josei

"We will not lose! In the hundreds of years since the rise of the British Empire, what challenges have we not encountered? This time, the German challenge to us is nothing more than a small challenge that the British Empire has encountered for hundreds of years. We They can definitely be defeated! Victory will belong to the British Empire. The British Empire will continue to lead the world!" Sir Edward Gray said firmly.

The secretary's eyes immediately became firm.

"Yes, Your Excellency. We can definitely defeat the Germans and win this war!"

After the war lasted for three months, the beliefs of many British people were inevitably affected. Because, they suddenly discovered that the British Empire did not seem to be as powerful as they imagined! They used to think that the British Empire could easily win the war. But now, reality slapped them hard.

Fortunately, the determination of the British cabinet is relatively firm. This allowed Britain to continue participating in the war. However, as the situation becomes more and more unfavorable to them, how long can those senior officials of the British cabinet last?

Although, in front of the secretary, Sir Edward Gray looked confident. But in reality, it was just a show.

He went to the Prime Minister's Office this time to discuss Russian issues with the Prime Minister. The Russian Southwestern Front suffered a crushing defeat, with losses of more than one million men. This made the main force of the Russian army already annihilated by the German-Austrian coalition forces. This has minimized the threat to Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the Eastern Front. It is foreseeable that in the future, the British and French allied forces on the Western Front will inevitably bear greater pressure. This is undoubtedly very bad news for the United Kingdom.

From the standpoint of the United Kingdom, they certainly hope that Russia can continue the war. It is best to invest more troops on the Eastern Front so that it can pose a greater threat to Germany.

After Sir Edward Gray arrived at the Prime Minister's Office, he found that in the Prime Minister's Office, apart from Prime Minister Asquith, there were Richard Haldane, Secretary of State for War, and Churchill, Secretary of State for the Navy.

Sir Edward Gray greeted them and sat down at a random place. This is not a cabinet meeting, so there is not so much attention to it, and there is no need to go to a fixed position.

"Okay, everyone is here. Then, let's have a meeting!" Prime Minister Asquith glanced at everyone, and then said.

"Everyone, our Russian allies are in trouble again. Their army has just lost one million troops. Adding up the previous losses, they have already lost two million troops in this war. This is It is too hard to believe. The war has only started three months, and they have lost so many troops. However, this has also led to problems. The Russian army, which has lost a large number of main forces, has already They are no longer able to launch attacks on the Eastern Front. Therefore, the Germans hardly have to worry about the Eastern Front. They can send all the main forces to the Western Front. Soon, our troops on the Western Front may be There will be enormous pressure," Prime Minister Asquith said.

"The Russians lost two million troops in three months, which is indeed very shocking. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the entire Allied Powers. It is foreseeable that the Germans will soon launch a powerful offensive on the Western Front .In order to reduce our pressure, we need to urge the Russians to continue to launch offensives on the Eastern Front. Although their losses are large, they also have a lot of soldiers. Although the loss of two million people is a bit traumatic for them . But it doesn't knock them down." Richard Haldane said.

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