Jagged Germany

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: undercurrent

Russia, St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg at the end of October has already entered winter. The north wind howled and the temperature plummeted.

Because of the heavy losses suffered in the war, Russia's economy has also encountered difficulties. All kinds of materials are given priority to the army, which inevitably affects the lives of the people. Food prices continued to rise, as did fuel. In order to raise huge military expenditures, the tsarist government borrowed heavily and at the same time issued excessive banknotes, causing the ruble to continue to depreciate. The living conditions of St. Petersburg and the entire Russian people have become more and more embarrassing. Countless Russians died of starvation and freezing because they could not afford food and fuel.

However, Tsar Nicholas II, who was affectionately called "little daddy" by the Russian people, turned a blind eye to this at all. In his eyes, there is only the army, only war. In Nicholas II's view, the suffering of the people is no big deal. Only winning the current war is the most important thing, and that is related to the future of Russia.

Tsar Nicholas II, although his talent is mediocre. However, he is very experienced in suppressing popular riots, and he often gives cruel orders, causing countless Russians to bleed to death during the suppression.

In an unremarkable farmhouse on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, a group of people are plotting in a dark and simple room. Among this group of people, the most conspicuous one is undoubtedly Ulyanov, who is talking loudly and promoting his views to others.

"Comrades, the tsar's rule has become increasingly unpopular. He has involved our country in imperialist wars. This has brought endless disasters to the country and the people. In the just-concluded In the Battle of the Southwest, the Southwest Front Army suffered a disastrous defeat, the entire army was annihilated, and millions of troops were lost. This made us lose more than two million people in this war. Two million families were torn apart because of this. But However, the Tsar seemed to have never seen it at all. He was still mobilizing troops and sending more and more young men to the battlefield to die. The lives of the people in the country were also affected by the war. It is extremely difficult. The anger in the hearts of the people has accumulated to its peak. As long as we release the anger of the people, it will surely erupt like a volcanic eruption. At that time, the brutal rule of the Tsar will definitely be overthrown." Uri Yanov looked excited.

"Yes! Comrades, now is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for us. The 1st Russian Guards Army stationed around St. Petersburg has already been transferred to the front line. The entire St. Petersburg perimeter is empty. If we If you take the opportunity to launch an uprising, you will definitely win!" Joseph also said excitedly.

Joseph, as Ulyanov's envoy, contacted the German side. After the German army won a decisive victory on the Eastern Front, he rushed back to Russia. In his view, the time has come. If an armed uprising can be launched, the rule of the tsar will definitely be overthrown in one fell swoop. And isn't this what they have been striving for for many years?

"Will it be too violent to launch an armed uprising? Will the people support us? If it fails, the consequences will be disastrous." Kamenev, who was sitting next to Ulyanov, frowned.

"It will not fail. The anger of the people has been suppressed for too long. This time, we will succeed. Besides, even if it fails, the most we can do is escape from Russia." Joseph said nonchalantly.

For the leaders of the Russian cloth party like them, it is already commonplace for them to escape from Russia, and they are already very experienced.

The other leaders of the cloth party also looked at Ulyanov, waiting for him to make the final decision.

In this time and space, because Ulyanov and others have received strong support from Germany, their power has developed rapidly. Among the Burundi Party, it is undoubtedly the largest faction and has absolute power. Compared with another time and space, the strength and power of Ulyanov and others are much greater. Therefore, they have the strength to have the opportunity to launch an uprising in the first year of the war.

Of course, there is one main factor in this, that is, Russia suffered an unprecedented defeat in the war. Under such circumstances, the Russian cloth party had the opportunity to launch an uprising earlier than in another time and space.josei

"Joseph, can our connection with Germany remain open?" Ulyanov asked.

"Leader, we have been in touch with the German side. They have just provided us with two million marks in financial support and a batch of weapons and equipment for us to launch an uprising." Joseph said.

Many leaders of the cloth party could not help short of breath when they heard that they had received another sum of funds from the Germans. Their life was already very embarrassing. Otherwise, they would not have joined the cloth party. Thanks to the support from Germany, their living conditions have been greatly improved. Otherwise, their lives will be even worse.

"It doesn't seem too good for us to accept the help of the Germans for so long! Anyway, they are our enemies." Kamenev frowned.

There was a flash of displeasure in Ulyanov's eyes, thinking that Kamenev was questioning that he should not accept help from Germany. But who else in the world will support them besides Germany? Although, Ulyanov also knows that the Germans are not good birds. They support Russia because they have bigger plans. However, as the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. It is undoubtedly a very good thing and an excellent opportunity for them to use the power of the Germans to overthrow the tsar's rule. Ulyanov, of course, would not miss this opportunity.

"We are just using the Germans. After we overthrow the tsar's rule, we don't have to rely on their support anymore." Ulyanov said expressionlessly.

Kamenev saw that Ulyanov was a little unhappy, so he had to keep silent. The current cloth party has become the voice of Ulyanov and others, and there is no so-called democracy at all.

"Since the time is ripe, let's do it! Whether our revolution in Russia can be successful depends on this time!" Ulyanov said.

"Yes, leader. We will definitely succeed." Joseph and the others all looked excited, as if they had seen the success of the revolution and the moment when they became the rulers of Russia.

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