Jagged Germany

Chapter 360

Chapter 360: Uprising (ask for a monthly ticket)

In November 1914, the activities of the Russian cloth party became more and more frequent. They were active among the factory workers and peasants in and around St. Petersburg. The activities of the cloth party have attracted the attention of the Russian government. It's just that the tsar's attention was all on the army and he ignored it. In other words, he has long been numb to these riots and uprisings, and he is no stranger to them.

On November 3, large-scale strike demonstrations broke out across Russia to commemorate the "Bloody Sunday" in 1905. Workers in St. Petersburg, the capital, responded to the call of the cloth party and held strikes and demonstrations. They: Shouted the slogans "Down with war!" and "Bread and peace!"

Subsequently, about 130,000 male and female workers in 50 factories in St. Petersburg went on strike and marched, which opened the prelude to the February Revolution. The next day, the number of people participating in the strike demonstration increased to 200,000.josei

Under the leadership of the cloth party, almost the entire St. Petersburg workers joined the strike. This makes the scale of the strike further expanded. And this also attracted the attention of the Tsar.

"Your Majesty, the situation in St. Petersburg is already very bad. A large number of workers have participated in the strike under the instigation of those rebellious parties. The order in the entire capital is already in chaos. If we don't want to stop them, there will be riots. It may expand to the whole country. This will be very unfavorable to us!" The Minister of Internal Affairs, P. A. Stolypin, looked flustered.

"Bastards! Those damned chaotic parties. They shouldn't have been let go in the first place. When the country was in crisis, not only did they not want to serve the country, but they also made trouble for us again and again. This time, I will never let it go They are gone. Tell the chief of police in St. Petersburg to arrest all those rebels and hang them all if they dare to resist! In addition, all those untouchables will be dispersed. Their task is to work hard and produce for our army. More war materials, instead of listening to the demagogy of those chaotic parties and opposing the government and the country. If the situation is out of control, I authorize you to use the army to suppress it!" Nicholas II said viciously.

The disastrous defeat of the army on the front line has already caused a fire in his stomach, and there is no place to vent it. Now, someone actually conspired to rebel against the country, which made him even more unbearable. The angry Nicholas II had murderous intentions in his heart. After capturing those guys from the cloth party, he planned to hang them all to deter other people who opposed his rule.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Stolypin nodded. Although, he believes that Nicholas II's order may further intensify the relationship with the people. However, at such a critical juncture, there is no other way except to adopt strong measures.

On November 5, the St. Petersburg Police Department dispatched a large number of police forces to raid the headquarters of the striking workers, arresting hundreds of members of the Burundi Party and the backbone of the strike in one fell swoop.

That night, the angry Nicholas II ordered the execution of a group of people. Dozens were hanged without any trial. Their bodies were hung on Nevsky Prospekt.

Nicolas II's original intention was to take this opportunity to warn those workers who were on strike, so as to have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys, so that they would retreat in spite of difficulties. This approach has been tried and tested in the past few years. When the workers on strike saw that Tsar Nicholas II was killing people, they all hid in fright, not daring to continue the strike. Nicholas II believed that this time it would be business as usual.

It is a pity that Nicholas II made a wrong calculation this time. The death of those cloth party members and strike activists not only did not frighten them, but further aroused their anger.

Ulyanov and other leaders of the Burundi Party stood up at the right time, calling on the workers and the people to take up arms and overthrow the brutal rule of the tsar. And this further intensified the conflict between the workers and the Tsarist Russian government.

On November 7th, tens of thousands of workers gathered on Nevsky Prospekt. They shouted the names of the arrested Burundi Party members and strike activists, and demanded that the government release them unconditionally.

However, the tsarist government was simply unmoved. The troops of the St. Petersburg Military District even set up a blockade on Nevsky Avenue and set up machine guns to prevent the striking workers from taking further radical actions.

"Let people go! Let people go!" The workers shouted slogans with anger on their faces.

"Crack!" Suddenly, there was a clear gunshot, and the chest of a worker leader was immediately stained red with blood.

"Ah! Killed. The army killed!" Someone in the crowd immediately shouted.

The angry workers rushed towards the military police immediately.

"Stand back! Back off! Otherwise, you'll shoot!" A Russian officer shouted loudly. Sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

"Crack!" There was another gunshot. A bullet hole the size of a thumb appeared on the officer's forehead. Blood mixed with white matter flowed out. His body fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Russian officers were shot, as if a ladle of water had been poured into a frying pan. Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded.

"Fire! Kill the mob."

"Da da da!" The machine guns of the army began to fire, and the dense bullets shot at the crowd. Countless workers fell to the ground under the shooting of the Russian army. The entire Nevsky Prospekt was filled with blood.

Under the fire of the Russian army, the workers who participated in the march and strike suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat.

However, if the Tsarist Russian government thought that this would suppress the workers' uprising, it would be a big mistake.

Ulyanov, Joseph and others were all very excited after hearing that the army had shot at the workers on the march.

"Very good, very good. This time, the Tsarist Russian government is even more unpopular. Tonight, let our people act! This time, we must overthrow the brutal rule of Tsar Nicholas II in one fell swoop!" Uri In Yanov's eyes, the light of ambition shone. They seemed to have seen that victory was just around the corner. This huge country will change its owner, and he will have the final say in the future.

"Yes, leader." Joseph also had a smile on his face. As Ulyanov's main assistant, if this uprising succeeds, his status will also rise.

That afternoon, the workers in St. Petersburg launched an armed uprising. They stormed the police station, seized the arsenal, and distributed weapons to the revolting workers. The gathered insurgents attacked government agencies directly and seized these strategic locations. At night, the situation in St. Petersburg was already very bad.

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