Jagged Germany

Chapter 382

Chapter 382: Warn the United States (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Father, the current situation is very beneficial to the empire. However, there are despicable and shameless villains who are attacking the empire." Qin Tian said to William II.

"Oh? Oscar, what's going on?" William II couldn't help but frowned.

Although Germany has not yet won the war, this does not prevent William II from calling himself the sovereign of the world. He absolutely cannot accept that kind of behavior that provokes Germany.

"Father, the Americans have always supported the British and the French under the cloak of strict neutrality. The support for the British in particular has reached an outrageous level. According to the information we have obtained, the Americans are A large number of merchant ships are used to transport various resources to the UK, including weapons and ammunition. This has undoubtedly violated the law of neutrality. The Americans do this for nothing more than two purposes. The first purpose is to start a war Cai, take advantage of this opportunity to plunder the wealth of Britain. Another purpose, I am afraid, is to use the hands of Britain and France to weaken our strength. If Britain and France can persist in this war for a long time, it will be for the empire. In other words, it is undoubtedly more unfavorable. Because this will make the empire pay more casualties in the war. At that time, the Americans can reap the benefits. Don't forget, the United States is the world's largest industrial power. The status of world hegemony is also coveted. At the beginning of this century, they have already put forward the slogan that America is the America of Americans. It can be seen that their ambitions. If the strength of the United States further increases, no one can guarantee , Will they come up with the slogan that the world belongs to Americans!" Qin Tian said.

After hearing Qin Tian's words, King William II's face immediately became ugly. William II was not unaware that the Americans were secretly violating the neutrality law and transporting weapons and other war materials to Britain. However, because Germany's situation was not very good before, and they didn't want to offend a powerful country like the United States at that juncture, they could only turn a blind eye and close one eye. But now, the situation seems to be different. After solving the troubles on the Eastern Front, Germany seems to have no need to continue to endure.

"The Americans are indeed provoking the empire by doing this. We can't let them continue to behave like this. In that case, many young men from the empire will lose their lives on the battlefield. Our blockade of Britain was originally It has worked. However, the Americans have made our blockade useless. This is absolutely unacceptable to the German Empire." Wilhelm II said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone replied.

"It's just, Your Majesty. What should we do? If we take a tough attitude, will the United States be forced to the side of the Allies?" Foreign Minister von Kidren Wachter was a little worried.

The reason why the Americans dared to unscrupulously transport weapons and equipment to Britain and France was not because of their strength. Whether it was the Allies or the Allies, they dared not offend them easily, but could only win them over? But now, Germany seems to have the strength to stop worrying about the Americans.

"Your Excellency, Minister of Foreign Affairs, don't worry. The United States is indeed one of the world's most powerful countries. But unfortunately, although the United States' industrial strength is strong, their military strength is very weak. Even if they start to expand their armaments, it will not be for a while. It can be done in a while. When they expand their military strength, we have already won the victory in the European battlefield. At that time, will the Americans still have the courage to continue to confront us? I personally have serious doubts about this Yes." Qin Tian said.

"Well, what Oscar said is right. As long as the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Army win the next two decisive battles, then the Americans will not dare to do anything to us. Even if they are allowed to participate in the war, they will not have that Courage!" William II looked contemptuous. For William II, a powerful empire is undoubtedly his confidence. The strong strength of the German Empire made him not care whether the Americans would hold resentment at all.

"Your Majesty, the behavior of the Americans is indeed very detrimental to the empire. However, if the United States is involved in the war, it will make the empire spend more energy and pay a higher price to win the war. Therefore, you can It is undoubtedly the best thing not to force the United States into the camp of the Allied Powers." Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow said.

"If the Americans are sensible and stop transporting weapons and other war materials to the UK, that would be the best. Otherwise, they will be responsible for their actions." William II's attitude seemed very tough.

"Let the foreign ministries warn the Americans first! If the Americans can stop this, then we can let the past go. Otherwise, we have to take relative measures. We need to let the Americans see that the German Reich is not soft. Persimmons are not something they can provoke. Even if the empire goes to war with other great powers at the same time, they are not afraid of them!" Qin Tian said.

"Let's do it according to Oscar's opinion! I hope this time, the Americans can understand each other." William II said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow and Minister of Foreign Affairs von Kidren Wacht nodded repeatedly. With William II and Qin Tian having made up their minds, they could only follow the orders.

Immediately after the imperial meeting ended, the Imperial Foreign Minister von Kidren Wachter sent a telegram to the Imperial Embassy in the United States, requesting that the Imperial Ambassador to the United States protest to the United States and warn them not to send any further inquiries to the British embassy. Transport weapons and other combat supplies.josei

Glass, the imperial ambassador to the United States, immediately sent someone to meet with the US Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan regardless of whether it was still morning in the United States.

When William Jennings Bryan entered the office, he found that Ambassador Glass was already waiting there. This made him feel tense, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

With the turmoil in Russia, withdraw from the war. Germany's advantage in this war has also become more and more obvious, which has also caused fierce debates in the US cabinet. Some cabinet ministers believed that it would be quite unwise for the United States to continue to support Britain and France, and it would offend Germany to the death. However, President Woodrow Wilson still failed to change his attitude.

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