Jagged Germany

Chapter 383

Chapter 383: Difficult Choices (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Good morning, Ambassador!" William Jennings Bryan had a smile on his face.

Although, the United States also hopes to become a world hegemon one day. However, judging from the current situation, the United States is still a long way from being a world hegemon. And the German Empire seems to be only one step away from the world hegemony. Therefore, even if he was only facing an ambassador of the German Empire, Secretary Brian did not dare to put on airs.

"Hello, Your Excellency Secretary of State. Sorry to disturb you so early in the morning!" Ambassador Glass said coldly. Although he said sorry. However, there was no apology on his face.

"Your Excellency, it's all for official business, I can understand. I don't know if your Excellency is meeting me this time, what's the matter?" Bryan asked. The attitude of Ambassador Glass made him even more worried. The other party seemed to be a bad visitor!

"Your Excellency, Secretary of State, on behalf of the German Empire, I express my protest to your country. Your country's violation of the law of neutrality by transporting weapons, equipment and war supplies to Britain and France has caused serious damage to the interests of the German Empire. The empire absolutely It cannot be tolerated that this situation will continue to happen. Therefore, the Empire requires the United States to stop transporting weapons, equipment and combat supplies to Britain and France from now on, so as not to damage the relationship between our two countries!" Ambassador Glass said.

Secretary of State Bryan's complexion suddenly turned a little ugly. As the Secretary of State, the United States transported supplies to the Allies, so he naturally knew it clearly. What's more, that was a strategy formulated by the US cabinet, using the hands of Britain, France and other countries to weaken Germany's power and prepare for the future competition between the United States and Germany for world hegemony.

It's just that the Germans have always turned a blind eye to this before. Unexpectedly, now the Germans have directly disclosed this point. Obviously, after winning the Eastern Front, Germany began to inflate its self-confidence, and it no longer feared that the United States would fall to the side of the Allies.

"Damn it, it seems that the balance has been broken. The Germans thought they had won the victory, and they didn't pay attention to us at all." Secretary of State Bryan thought about it all at once. However, this is obviously not good news for the United States.

"Your Excellency, I think there must be some misunderstanding. The United States has always been strictly neutral. We have never done anything that violates the neutrality law." Brian denied Ambassador Glass's accusation.

Such a thing, of course, cannot be admitted. Once admitted, this will not only have a great impact on the reputation of the United States, but will also make the relationship between the United States and Germany immediately hostile. Although, the Americans have been trying to find ways to stumbling Germany. But if they are asked to stand uprightly and confront Germany, they dare not. At least, now they dare not, they are not ready yet.josei

"Your Excellency, if it is a misunderstanding, it would be the best. However, the German Empire will never tolerate the misunderstanding becoming reality. We will take corresponding measures. But if it is proved that it is not a misunderstanding, but a reality If not, then everyone's face will look ugly." Glass reminded.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured that the United States will strictly abide by the law of neutrality. We have always regarded Germany as our friend, and we will never damage the relationship between the two countries." Secretary of State Bryan said.

After the two of them said some polite words without any nutrition, Ambassador Glass left.

When the door of the office was closed, Secretary Brian's expression suddenly became very ugly.

"Damn the Germans, don't they think they have won the war and become the world's hegemony?" Secretary of State Brian cursed.

After venting his anger, Brian called his secretary to come in.

"Pack up and prepare the car. I'm going to the White House. At the same time, inform the other cabinet ministers who are still in Washington to go to the White House." Bryan ordered.

"Yes, Your Excellency Secretary of State." The secretary nodded, and immediately went out to make arrangements.

Ten minutes later, Secretary of State Brian got into the car and headed to the White House. At the same time, other cabinet ministers also rushed to the White House by car. They all knew that something important had happened.

Half an hour later, U.S. President Woodling Wilson, Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, and a group of cabinet ministers all gathered in the White House conference room. Cigars were smoked one by one, and the meeting room soon became smoky.

"Secretary of State, what happened?" President Woodrow Wilson asked, and he still hadn't figured out what happened.

"Your Excellency, ministers. The Germans already know about our secret support for Britain and France." Bryan said.

"Didn't they know about this a long time ago?" Vice President Marshall was a little surprised. It can be said that with the capabilities of German intelligence agencies, it is almost impossible for the United States to completely conceal it.

Woodling? President Wilson frowned.

"Yes, the Germans did know about it a long time ago. However, they have always pretended not to know before. But the problem now is that the German ambassador to the United States has officially warned us and asked us not to report to the Allies. We have provided weapons, equipment and war materials. Otherwise, they will take action! It can be seen that the attitude of the Germans has undergone a fundamental change." Bryan said. ,

"What? The Germans dare to warn us? Don't they know that what they do is very likely to force us into the Allied Powers? In that case, it will not be of any benefit to them." Treasury Secretary McAdoo exclaimed.

You know, the war broke out only half a year ago, but the United States has further accelerated its economic development because of selling various war materials to the Allied Powers. If it is affected by this, it will have a serious adverse effect on the US economy.

"Everyone, it seems that we have to face a difficult choice again this time. The Germans have already shown us their cards, and they don't want us to engage in small tricks in private. So, what should we do?" Wood Ro Wilson sighed. If possible, he certainly hoped that the war could continue as long as possible. In this case, the United States will be able to reap enough benefits from it. After the old continent is completely smashed, the United States will be able to seize the opportunity to seize the leadership of the world.

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