Jagged Germany

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: The fleet goes to sea (ask for a monthly ticket)

On the evening of March 19, 1915, Wilhelmshaven Naval Base, Germany.

Emperor William II of the Empire, Crown Prince Qin Tian, ​​Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow, Minister of the Imperial Navy Marshal Earl Tirpitz, Minister of the Imperial Army and Chief of the General Staff Feng Marshal Kenhein...

All the leaders and rulers of the empire gathered in Wilhelmshaven. Their purpose is only one, and that is to see off the Imperial Navy High Seas Fleet. This time, the Imperial Navy High Seas Fleet will go to the North Sea, looking for an opportunity to fight the British Navy. Whether Germany can pull Britain down from the throne of world hegemony in one fell swoop will be crucial.

In the port, warships are ready to leave the port. The boiler was already burning and began to accumulate steam. Officers and soldiers in white navy uniforms lined up on the deck. This moment is an extremely important day for the entire German Navy. Because, starting today, they will make history anew.

"Officers and soldiers of the Imperial Navy, I am your emperor. You are about to go to a decisive battle with the British Navy for the German Empire. I sincerely wish you victory in this battle. The Imperial Navy has developed to the present, using It has been decades. Before, we have been suppressed by the British. Now, we finally have the strength to challenge the British. I believe that God will bless us! The German Empire will win!" William II said to The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Navy's High Seas Fleet announced their plans.

As the top power in the world, Germany has always been dissatisfied with what happened to itself. Because Germany was unified in 1870. By the time they rise, the world has already been divided up by Britain, France and other countries. Therefore, Germany has great strength, but has acquired very few colonies. This does not match Germany's strength at all. Therefore, Germany has always wanted to re-divide the world through war.

Of course, this is also of great benefit to ordinary citizens. If Germany can win the war, the country can gain huge benefits. People's lives will also be improved as a result. Therefore, the German people also support Germany in this battle. This also made the soldiers participate in this battle with great enthusiasm. They also hope to pass this battle and gain glory.

William II's speech came to an end soon. The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Navy burst into cheers.

"Long live Your Majesty! The German Empire will win!"

As the strength of the German Navy became stronger and stronger, it repeatedly defeated the Royal Navy, which made the officers and soldiers of the German Navy more and more confident in this naval battle. Almost all naval officers and soldiers believed that they would definitely be able to win this battle.

The expedition ceremony ended soon, and the warships of the High Seas Fleet began to sail out of the naval port and into the North Sea in accordance with the scheduled formation.

At this moment, the sun is sinking into the sea. The afterglow of the setting sun, sprinkled on these warships, is very spectacular and shocking.

These ships of the German Navy's High Seas Fleet were grouped because of the large number. The 1st Battleship Squadron is composed of five 'Bavarian-class' battleships. Admiral Reinhard Scheer is also the commander of this squadron.

The 2nd Battleship Squadron, consisting of five "King-class" battleships, was commanded by Rear Admiral Schmidt.

The 3rd Battleship Squadron consists of five "Caesar-class" battleships, commanded by Rear Admiral Engelhart.

The 4th Battleship Squadron consists of five "Helgoland-class" battleships, commanded by Rear Admiral Mao Fu.

The 5th Battleship Squadron consists of four "Nassau-class" battleships, with Rear Admiral Burdick as the commander.

The 1st Battlecruiser Squadron consists of three "Makensen-class" battleships and three "Blücher-class" battleships, with Lieutenant General Hipper as the commander.

The 2nd Battlecruiser Detachment consists of three "Derfflinger-class" battleships and three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers, with Lieutenant General Spee as the commander.

In addition to capital ships, there are several cruiser units, destroyer units and so on.

Of course, as the main force of the fleet and the decisive force in this naval battle, it is still the main fleet composed of battleships and battlecruisers. Cruisers and destroyers, more in this battle, are responsible for detection and protection tasks.

When necessary, they can also launch lightning strikes to attack the enemy fleet. The naval guns of these small and medium-sized warships do not pose any threat to capital ships. However, the heavy torpedoes they carry can pose a fatal threat to capital ships.

The active ships of the High Seas Fleet this time, if all the large and small ships are added together, there are more than 120 ships, which is much more than in another time and space.josei

Of course, the total number is less than that of the British Navy's large fleet. Although the Royal Navy suffered heavy losses in many naval battles. But a lean camel is bigger than a horse. The foundation of the Royal Navy still exists. In addition, in terms of small and medium-sized warships, the British Navy undoubtedly has an advantage. Of course, this is only a numerical advantage. In terms of performance, the existence of Qin Tian, ​​a guy who is similar to cheating, has greatly improved the performance of not only the capital ships of the German Navy, but also the performance of these small and medium-sized warships. Therefore, although the Royal Navy has an advantage in numbers. But if they really want to fight, they can't take any advantage at all.

After the High Seas Fleet left Wilhelmshaven, the two aircraft carriers of the German Navy, which were secret weapons, also set off. They passed through the Kiel Canal, arrived in Wilhelmshaven, and sailed into the North Sea under the cover of night. On the two aircraft carriers, a total of 24 fighter jets and 72 torpedo planes were carried. Although, such power may not play a big role in this naval battle. However, this is the first time an aircraft carrier has participated in actual combat. When everyone's eyes were still on capital ships like battleships and battlecruisers, Qin Tian had already regarded the aircraft carrier as the future development direction of the navy.

The movement of the German Navy's High Seas Fleet has always been valued by people. All countries are paying attention. Although, it was already evening when the High Seas Fleet set out to sea. Germany's intelligence agencies have also stepped up secrecy measures. However, the news that the German High Seas Fleet left the port in large numbers was still known.

Suddenly, all countries in the world became tense. They know that there will be a battle between Britain and Germany to determine who is the hegemony of the sea.

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