Jagged Germany

Chapter 420

Chapter 420: The decisive battle is coming

Late at night on March 19th, London, England, Downing Street Prime Minister's Office.

Prime Minister Asquith's office was filled with smoke, and a group of British cabinet ministers were smoking cigars and frowning.

"Your Excellency Churchill, has the information been confirmed?" Prime Minister Asquith asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister, it has been confirmed. All the main warships of the Germans have left Wilhelmshaven a few hours ago. I think the Germans are coming for us." Churchill said.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, it seems that the Germans are more eager than we expected! They clearly want to defeat the Royal Navy in the shortest possible time, and then defeat the British and French allied forces to completely win this war." Foreign Secretary Edward said Sir Gray.

"The longer the war drags on, the greater the price the Germans will pay in the war. Therefore, they don't want the war to drag on." Lloyd George, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, also said.

Obviously, the current situation is very unfavorable to Britain. The German Navy's aggressive departure from port must be a decisive battle with the Royal Navy. This also means that the German Navy is sure of victory. Otherwise, the German Navy would not be so eager for a decisive battle. Of course, this is very unfavorable for the British Navy.

"Everyone, what should we do now? Are we going to let the Royal Navy go to sea to fight the Germans?" Prime Minister Asquith asked.

Although, once they have a decisive battle with the German navy, they have no chance of winning at all. However, if luck is good and everything can develop in their favor, there may still be a slight chance of winning.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I will immediately give an order to the Royal Navy to prepare them for a decisive battle with the Germans. However, I personally think that we should wait a little longer. Wait until the Germans are exposed. After all, our strength Far inferior to the Germans," Churchill said.

Prime Minister Asquith nodded: "It's up to you professionals to be responsible for how to fight. The hope of the British Empire rests on you. I hope that in this battle, the Royal Navy can do its best , Fight for a victory for the British Empire! This is the last chance for the British Empire."

If the Royal Navy is defeated, then the battle will inevitably ignite on the British mainland. Unless they are willing to surrender to the Germans immediately after the defeat of the Royal Navy. Otherwise, the German army will definitely plan to conduct a landing operation on the British mainland.

It is impossible for Britain to surrender to Germany, especially in the last contact, Germany offered conditions that they could not accept. If they accept the conditions proposed by Germany, Britain will become a small third-rate country, which is definitely not acceptable to them. Britain has been the world's hegemon for hundreds of years, and neither the king nor the subjects will allow such a situation to happen. Unless they are really completely defeated by the Germans, they will accept the reality when there is no other way.

People are like this, they will not die until the Yellow River, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, they will try their best to fight for it. Although, such hope is very, very slim.

"Your Excellency, the Royal Navy will definitely do its best to win the victory." Churchill looked determined. Although, he knew that it would be very, very difficult to win. However, this is their mission, and they will do their best to win.

"Everyone, it is time for the life and death of the British Empire. I hope God can bless the British Empire and get through this crisis safely!" Prime Minister Asquith said.

"God bless the British Empire!" everyone said. Everyone's expression is very serious. Their fate has long been tied to the British Empire. If the British Empire were defeated, or even destroyed, they would quickly go from a group of powerful people to penniless people.

Scapa Flow, the home port of the Royal Navy Grand Fleet. The defense here is now much stronger than when it was attacked by a submarine of the German Navy. Under the water, anti-submarine nets were also deployed urgently. It is almost impossible for the submarines of the German Navy to sneak into it without anyone noticing.

However, the atmosphere of the entire Grand Fleet is very dignified. The officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy seem to be able to feel that as the strength of the Royal Navy is getting more and more damaged, the day when the German Navy will launch a decisive battle against them is getting closer and closer. If it is said that they still regarded themselves as the number one in the world before, then now, the officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy have become more and more tense. Although the decisive battle has not yet begun, they seem to have been able to guess the ending. That is, in the fierce battle, they will be defeated by the German navy. The Royal Navy will not only lose the world's number one throne, they will also likely lose their lives in battle.

As the commander of the Grand Fleet, Admiral John Jellicoe and Chief of Staff Lieutenant General David Beatty, the pressure on their shoulders was also very great. Especially after learning about his plan from Churchill. In order to give the British Empire Navy a chance to turn defeat into victory, Churchill actually demanded that the Grand Fleet fight to the end, even if it was sunk, it was not allowed to retreat, and the German Navy's warships had to be sunk as much as possible. This also makes them know that once a decisive battle breaks out, unless they are lucky and win. Otherwise, what awaits them is all killed in battle. Such a result was too cruel for them.josei

"Your Excellency Commander, Your Excellency Chief of Staff, a telegram from the Ministry of the Navy." The communications officer reported to them.

General John Jellicoe took the telegram and looked at it, and his face immediately became very ugly.

"What's the matter? Your Excellency, Commander." David? Betty Lieutenant General asked.

"The main force of the German navy has all gone to sea, and the target is most likely us. It seems that the decisive battle between us and the Germans is coming soon." Admiral John Jellicoe sighed.

"Oh, Your Excellency, Commander. The Germans will not waste their chances. It seems that we are in serious trouble this time. However, there will be such a day sooner or later, and we cannot hide. We can only do our best to fight for The empire is fighting for a chance." Lieutenant General David Beatty said.

Admiral John Jellicoe nodded: "Order the fleet to prepare for battle at the port! After Churchill's order is issued, we will immediately fight the Germans."

"Yes, General." Lieutenant General David Betty nodded.

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