Jagged Germany

Chapter 423

Chapter 423: Condemn Germany (seeking monthly ticket)

The battlecruiser 'Derfflinger', with three triple-mounted 50-caliber 380mm main guns, is firing. Each salvo can smash eight high-explosive bombs weighing one ton to the port of Edinburgh Inside. After each shell exploded, it caused huge damage to the sea and inside the port. One after another buildings were destroyed in the explosion. Huge bomb craters one after another are densely covered in the port.

"God! Run away!" Countless British people fled in all directions.

"Boom!" A shell fell from the sky and exploded among the crowd. After the shell exploded, it left a huge crater in the ground. As for the British, they have all disappeared. It is estimated that it has been blown into powder!

The six battlecruisers of the 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron of the German Navy are firing fiercely. With their powerful firepower, the port of Edinburgh was turned into ruins. In the face of the fierce German shelling, the defenders of Edinburgh did not fight back at all.

Although, the United Kingdom built coastal defense shells and deployed coastal defense troops in Edinburgh. However, the old coastal defense guns have limited range. In the face of those advanced battleships with a range of more than 20 kilometers, they are often powerless and can only watch the German warships destroy their ports.

On the bridge of the battlecruiser Derfflinger, Lieutenant General Maximilian von Spee watched this scene with a blank expression. Watching the fleet of the German Navy destroying the port of Edinburgh with artillery fire. Although he knew that these fierce artillery fires would definitely cause great casualties to the British, and even civilians would die in the artillery fire. However, this is war, and everything is so cruel.

"Be careful, the British may have submarines in this sea area. All warships are activated, and the British submarines cannot be given any chance." Lieutenant General Spee ordered.

The British Navy is also equipped with a lot of submarines. Although, the performance of their submarines is far from being comparable to that of the German Navy. However, once it is out of reach and attacked by a submarine of the British Navy, the German Navy will also pay a considerable price for it.

"Yes, General." The communications officer immediately issued Lieutenant General Spee's order to the ships.

The six battlecruisers, even during the bombardment, still kept their speed above ten knots to ensure that they would not be easily locked by enemy submarines. The light cruisers and destroyers on the periphery are constantly cruising around, looking for suspicious targets. When sonar had not been invented, anti-submarine was undoubtedly very difficult.

The 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron of the German Navy ravaged the port of Edinburgh with artillery fire for nearly an hour before evacuating swaggeringly. At this time, the port of Edinburgh has been completely destroyed. The entire port has been turned into ruins. The wharves were bombed to pieces, a large number of factories were destroyed, and a raging fire was burning.

"General, the port of Edinburgh has been destroyed by us." A staff officer reported to Lieutenant General Spee.

"Order the fleet, retreat. Tonight, we will launch shelling on the next target. Until the main force of the British is forced out of Scapa Flow!" Lieutenant General Spee ordered.

"Yes, General."

The second target chosen by the 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron was Dundee at the mouth of the River Tay. It is also one of the important cities in Scotland. Together with Glasgow in the west of Scotland, it can be called the largest cities in Scotland.

"I hope the British will be more sensible this time, and send their navy out to fight us! Otherwise, our bombardment can only continue forever." Lieutenant General Spee said.josei

The task of attacking British cities with powerful warships was not what he wanted. He even hopes to be able to fight the British Navy in an upright manner. That would make him feel like a soldier, not a butcher.

Edinburgh was heavily bombarded by the German navy and was immediately reported to the British Cabinet. Prime Minister Asquith was having dinner when Home Secretary McKenna reported the situation to Prime Minister Asquith. However, after he heard the news, he immediately lost his appetite.

"God! Damn Germans, are they going to slaughter our civilians? How can they be so despicable and shameless." Prime Minister Asquith cursed.

Although, in war, civilian casualties will inevitably be caused. After all, human life is especially fragile at this moment. However, this was the first time that the German navy had openly bombarded a British port.

"Call other cabinet members immediately to discuss this issue." Prime Minister Asquith ordered.

The secretary of the Prime Minister's Office went to make a call immediately. Soon, a group of cabinet ministers gathered in the prime minister's office. However, everyone's faces were very ugly. On the way here, they all knew about the attack on Edinburgh.

"Tell me, what should we do now? The Germans have launched shelling on our port. Today is Edinburgh, will it be London's turn tomorrow?" Prime Minister Asquith was very angry.

"Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, we should condemn the massacre of civilians by the 3 Germans. Let the whole world see the true face of the Germans and win the sympathy and support of the international community." Sir Edward Gray, Foreign Secretary said.

Prime Minister Asquith couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. When does the British Empire need to win the sympathy of the international community? But who made them weak now?

"Let's leave this matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No matter what, we must expose the despicable and shameless behavior of the Germans." Prime Minister Asquith said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." Sir Edward Gray nodded him.

"Your Excellency, the Germans did this purely to force the main force of the Royal Navy to go to sea to fight a decisive battle with them." Churchill said.

Prime Minister Asquith nodded: "That is to say, if we don't send the navy to fight them decisively, will their attacks continue?"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." Churchill nodded.

"Is the Royal Navy ready for battle?" Prime Minister Asquith asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency, the Prime Minister. The Royal Navy is ready to fight and can go to sea to fight at any time." Churchill said.

"If this is the case, then order the Royal Navy to go to sea to fight! This battle cannot be avoided, and there is no need to hide any longer." Prime Minister Asquith made a decision.

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