Jagged Germany

Chapter 424

Chapter 424: courage of the royal navy

After the cabinet meeting, Churchill answered the Admiralty. Prime Minister Asquith has made a decision to order the Royal Navy to go to sea to fight the German Navy. Therefore, Churchill had no other choice but to follow this order.

However, Churchill did not think that now is the best reality. It's just that the German Navy chose to shell German coastal cities to force the Royal Navy to go to sea to fight, which made it impossible for the Royal Navy to shrink back. Otherwise, the Germans might really destroy all the coastal cities of Britain. In that case, there would be no need to continue this battle. After the coastal cities were destroyed, Britain could not hold on at all.josei

More importantly, British shipyards are all located in coastal areas. Once these shipyards are destroyed, Britain will have no strength to continue the war. Even, there is no possibility of a comeback.

"Send a telegram to the Grand Fleet and tell them the news that Edinburgh has been shelled. In addition, tell them that the Prime Minister has issued an order to ask them to go to sea and fight the Germans. I hope they can act according to the plan and serve the Germans. The British Empire is fighting for a chance." Churchill said to the secretary.

"Yes, sir." The secretary immediately went to send a telegram.

"The despicable Germans, have they tried their best to defeat the British Empire? God bless the British Empire and must win this naval battle!" Churchill secretly prayed to God.

In the situation where the disparity in strength is too great and the odds of winning are too small, praying to God and praying for victory has become their only way. Of course, this is just a kind of spiritual sustenance.

Scapa Flow, Royal Navy Grand Fleet Headquarters. Even though it was late at night, the headquarters was still brightly lit. The German Navy has already left port, which puts great pressure on the Grand Fleet. Because they know that the target of the German Navy is them. If they don't do it well, they will lose completely in the next naval battle. At the same time, it will also cause the British Empire to suffer defeat for this.

"Is there any news about the Germans?" Admiral John Jellicoe asked.

"Your Excellency, not yet. However, what is certain is that the German fleet may not be too far away from Scapa Flow. This afternoon, their reconnaissance plane just passed over Scapa Flow." Dai Lieutenant General Wei Beatty said.

"It seems that the **** Germans are trying to block us here. If we go out to sea, we will definitely bump into them." Admiral John Jellicoe couldn't help cursing. The German Navy's tactics of overwhelming them left them with no room for extra play!

"General, an urgent telegram from London." A communications officer hurried in.

General John Jellicoe hastily accepted the telegram. After reading the telegram, his face had turned ashen.

"Damn the Germans, they are too despicable!" John? Jellicoe Admiral cursed.

"What's wrong? Your Excellency Commander!" David? Betty Lieutenant General asked.

"Tonight, the Germans attacked Edinburgh. The entire port of Edinburgh was reduced to ruins. Not only were the shipyards destroyed, but at least thousands of civilians were killed by the German bombardment." John? Admiral Jellicoe said.

"What? Damn Germans, how dare they do that? Aren't they afraid of being condemned by the whole world?" Lieutenant General David Betty was taken aback for a moment, and then became furious.

"Huh! The Germans have used everything to defeat us. How could they be afraid of condemnation? That will have no impact on them at all." Admiral John Jellicoe said.

"Damn it, if we can defeat the Germans, I will definitely lead the fleet to destroy all the coastal cities of the Germans!" Lieutenant General David Beatty said through gritted teeth.

It's just that both he and John Jellicoe knew that it would be very slim.

"Your Excellency, does London have any other requirements?" Lieutenant General David Betty asked.

"Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, has issued an order, asking us to go to sea to fight the Germans and prevent the Germans from further attacking our coastal cities. Your Excellency Churchill asked us to carry out operations according to the original plan and destroy as many German warships as possible. Follow-up actions create opportunity," Admiral John Jellicoe said.

"It seems that this battle between us and the Germans is inevitable. They can't let us continue to hide in the military port. And after they start shelling our coastal cities, it's impossible for us to hide anymore "Lieutenant General David Beatty said.

General John Jellicoe nodded. The current situation is indeed like this.

"Give orders to the ships. After two hours, all the warships will go to sea and fight the Germans." Admiral John Jellicoe ordered.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander. However, I think that this order, Your Excellency, should be issued to all officers and soldiers through a tweeter, and by the way, tell them that the Germans shelled Edinburgh to arouse everyone's anger. In the case of excitement, perhaps, the fleet His strength can be displayed beyond normal. Then, maybe there will be a miracle.” Lieutenant General David Betty said.

John? Admiral Jellicoe know that David? Beatty is not willing to give up any chance of winning. Of course, doing so is also very beneficial to the Royal Navy. If they can defeat the German navy with their strength, that would be the best.

Half an hour later, Admiral John Jellicoe, like all officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy Grand Fleet, delivered a speech through the radio.

"Seamen of the British Empire, I now have to tell you sad news. This evening, the Germans sent a fleet to bombard Edinburgh, destroying the entire port and causing a large number of civilian casualties. The Germans did exactly that. In order to force us to go to sea and fight them. If we don't go to sea, they will definitely continue to bombard our coastal cities. By then, more cities will be destroyed by the Germans, and more people will die under the Germans during the shelling.

Although, our strength may not be as good as the Germans. But we can no longer sit still. We must stand up and fight the Germans. This is our duty. Even if he was killed by the Germans because of this, he would not hesitate. I believe that all the officers and men of the Royal Navy are warriors, not cowards! "The words of Admiral John Jellicoe reached the ears of every soldier in the Grand Fleet through the radio.

Suddenly, the entire fleet erupted with great courage and will to fight.

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