Jagged Germany

Chapter 469

Chapter 469: The United Fleet of the Three Kingdoms (ask for a monthly ticket)

Britain has the most extensive colonies in the world, from Africa to Asia, and then to America. Wherever the sun shines, there is their land. Therefore, Britain is also known as the empire on which the sun never sets.

The rest of the world covets Britain's vast colonies. Especially Germany and the United States, as the two rising powers. By the time they rose up, the world had been almost divided up, and they just picked up bits and pieces that others didn't want. Watching countries such as Britain and France relying on their vast colonies to plunder a lot of wealth. But they can only work hard to develop industry and economy, which naturally makes Germany and the United States very unbalanced.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the Americans chose the decadent and backward Kingdom of Spain as their target, and took Cuba and the Philippines from the Kingdom of Spain as their colonies.

As for Germany, its appetite is greater than that of the United States, and it directly targets Britain and France. If Britain and France can be defeated in the war, then all the colonies belonging to these two countries will belong to Germany. This will make Germany the number one colonial power in the world.

Although the industry of the United States is developed, its military strength is far from that of Germany. Therefore, the Americans can only look enviously at the war launched by Germany. Of course, for the benefit of the United States, the Americans naturally do not want Germany to win the war. In that case, a strong Germany is of no benefit to the United States. Therefore, the Americans will engage in small actions in private to support Britain and France against Germany. However, Britain and France are like fools who cannot be supported. Even though the United States has invested huge sums of money, they still suffered a complete defeat on the battlefield. And seeing that they are about to be defeated, this naturally makes the Americans very anxious.

British Prime Minister Asquith knew very well that overseas colonies are the foundation of the British Empire and their most precious wealth. Without these colonies, the British Empire would cease to exist. However, when the war was about to be lost, Prime Minister Asquith was also willing to use these colonies as bargaining chips in exchange for more possibilities for the British Empire to win.

"Churchill, we can transfer some colonies to the United States in exchange for their warships. However, I hope it is the worst colony. Our core colonies must not be given to the Americans. In addition, the Americans will definitely be a lion It is open. It is necessary to reduce the loss of the British Empire as much as possible." Prime Minister Asquith said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." Churchill nodded. Prime Minister Asquith was able to let go, which made him very satisfied. At least, with the support of the prime minister and cabinet, his plan can go ahead. If those capital ships can be obtained from the Americans, the Royal Navy will have the strength to confront Germany again.

"Your Excellency Churchill, the Americans only have 12 new-type battleships. Even if we add these 12 new-type battleships, we only have 20 battleships, right? Compared with the Germans, the gap is still too big." Minister of War Richard? Haldane said.

"Yeah! We had more battleships than the Germans before, and we couldn't defeat them. Not to mention that we have fewer battleships than them now. What should we do if we fail again?" The Colonial Secretary also proposed questioned.

Prime Minister Asquith immediately looked at Churchill, and he did not want to lose again after investing a huge amount of money this time. In that case, it will undoubtedly be in vain.

"Your Excellency, the American battleships are different from ours. Our battleships focus on speed and firepower, and despise defense. This design idea has been proved to be wrong. The Americans are focusing on defense and firepower. A design that underestimates speed. This makes the overall performance of American warships no worse than that of Germans. When we are in a decisive battle with the Germans, we don’t have to worry about those aspects.” Churchill said.

"In addition, in addition to purchasing warships from the Americans, we can also ask the French Navy to cooperate with us in combat. The French Navy's capital ships have served ten ships so far, including four 'Colbei-class (that is, isolated Bat-class)' battleships, three 'Brittany-class' battleships, and the first three of the 'Normandy-class' battleships. At such a critical juncture, the French Navy should cooperate with us in fighting together. If we are defeated , they will also fail. In this case, adding the ten battleships of the French Navy, we will have thirty capital ships. At least in terms of the number of capital ships, it is not much different from the Germans." Churchill continued .

"Besides that, there is the Italian Navy. They also have several battleships, including the 'Dante', three 'Cavour-class' battleships and two 'Duirio-class' battleships. If the Italians If we can join in, then we will be able to assemble 36 battleships. This is no less than the Germans in terms of quantity. It is also not inferior to them in quality. If our luck is a little bit better, we can defeat Germany People, it is not impossible." Churchill confessed his plan for the multinational naval joint fleet.

In fact, before the start of this naval battle, Churchill was thinking about how to make a comeback if the Royal Navy lost. Originally, he also expected that even if the Royal Navy lost, it would cause heavy casualties to the Germans. But now it seems that the Germans are stronger than he thought. When he was about to give up this plan for a while, he was unwilling to surrender to the Germans, so he decided to give this opportunity a try. This is the only plan to deal with the Germans that can be thought of at present.

The British cabinet ministers are very interested in the plan proposed by Churchill. This is mainly because they are really unwilling to bow to the Germans. If you can defeat the Germans, no matter how much you pay, it will undoubtedly be worth it.josei

"It may be very difficult to buy warships from the Americans while uniting the French and Italians," said Prime Minister Asquith.

"Your Excellency, no matter how difficult it is, as long as you can defeat the Germans, then everything is worth it." Churchill said.

Prime Minister Asquith nodded, and then looked at the other cabinet ministers: "Everyone, what's your opinion?"

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I think you can try it. After all, even if it fails, it will not be worse than it is now." Minister of War Richard Haldane said.

Other ministers also echoed. In their view, the current situation is undoubtedly the worst. It couldn't be worse than this.

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