Jagged Germany

Chapter 470

Chapter 470: american shock

On the evening of March 22, Churchill, the British Secretary of the Navy, secretly left the UK on a destroyer of the Royal Navy and headed for the United States. There is only one reason for taking a destroyer, and that is that the destroyer is very fast and can cruise at a speed of nearly thirty knots. In this case, Churchill will be able to arrive in the United States in less than three days.

Originally, Prime Minister Asquith decided that the British ambassador to the United States would discuss with the Americans about the purchase of American battleships. However, Churchill refused. Churchill believed that it would be very difficult to persuade the US government to agree to sell those warships to Britain. Ordinary diplomats simply cannot do it. Because there will be many issues of interest exchange between countries involved. An ambassador alone may not have that much power to talk to Americans.

Churchill, as the Lord of the Navy of the British Empire, was an important member of the cabinet. In addition to discussing the purchase of warships, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate for him to come forward. Churchill also believed in his ability to persuade the Americans to comply with their demands.

Churchill went to the United States this time, with the expectations of all members of the British cabinet. They all hope that Churchill's visit to the United States will be successful. After all, forming a joint fleet of the three countries and purchasing warships from the Americans will be the most critical step. If you can't buy warships, even if Britain, France and Italy form a joint fleet, it will definitely not be the opponent of the Germans. So, if Churchill can't make it. Then, the whole plan would have no chance of success.

As one of the world's major powers, the United States is also very concerned about the decisive naval battle between Britain and Germany. As soon as the naval battle between Britain and Germany was decided, the US embassy in the UK and some intelligence personnel immediately took action to inquire about the details of the naval battle. After Churchill received a telegram from the Grand Fleet, the Americans also almost figured out the entire naval battle. They immediately sent this information back to the country.

U.S. Secretary of the Navy Daniels was stunned after receiving the telegram. Regarding the sea confrontation between Britain and Germany, the U.S. Navy has also done quite a lot of analysis and war games. They believe that the German navy undoubtedly has a great advantage. However, the British Navy has been the maritime hegemony for hundreds of years, and its background is undoubtedly very strong. Therefore, they predicted that even if the German Navy wants to win the final victory, it will inevitably pay an extremely heavy price.

Such a result is undoubtedly very beneficial to the United States. The German navy, which suffered heavy losses, could no longer pose a threat to the United States. And the United States may also take advantage of this opportunity, and make a little trick behind the scenes to trick the Germans.

As emerging powers, the United States, like Germany, hopes to smash the world colonial system built by countries such as Britain and France, and strive for more interests for their own countries. It's just that the United States absolutely cannot allow Germany to win this war. Because a strong Germany is more threatening to the United States than a weak Britain and France.

If possible, the United States even hopes to join the Allied Powers to ensure the defeat of Germany. After defeating the ambitions of the Germans, they will gradually replace Britain and become the world hegemon.

But it is a pity that the troops of the Allied Powers performed too badly in this war. The United States also has no confidence that it can win the war after joining the war. For this reason, they naturally need to think about it.

Combined with the threat of the Germans to the United States, the United States had no choice but to remain neutral even if it was unwilling.

Therefore, the US government is very concerned about this naval battle. If the Germans lose, or if Germany pays a terrible price, it will not be enough to blockade Britain again. Then, the support of the United States to the United Kingdom may be restored immediately. But unfortunately, as a result of this naval battle, the Americans were once again slapped severely. All their plans seemed so ridiculous in the face of the clean victory of the German navy.josei

"Oh my god! How could the Germans be so powerful? Didn't the British have been the overlord of the sea for hundreds of years? How could they be defeated by the Germans so easily? And they lost so much!" Minister Daniels was completely dissatisfied with this result. dare to believe.

He then asked the people from the U.S. Navy Department to contact the British side immediately to confirm the authenticity of this information, and then report to President Wilson.

An hour later, Minister Daniels finally confirmed that the information was true. This result kept the Daniels department silent for a long time.

"The Germans are too powerful, so powerful that the British were defeated so easily. It seems that the American Republic cannot go to war with the Germans until it is strong enough. Otherwise, we will definitely fail." Secretary Daniels sighed.

Although the United States has a strong industrial strength, its military strength is too weak. Even if they have now realized this problem, they have begun to strengthen their armaments. However, this cannot be accomplished overnight. And Germany, while having strong industrial strength, also has the most powerful army and navy in the world. Compared with the United States, its comprehensive strength is undoubtedly much stronger than that of the United States.

Although, it's evening EST now too. But Minister Daniels still got in the car and went to the White House to report the results of the Anglo-German naval battle to President Woodrow Wilson.

"Your Excellency, just a few hours ago, the Germans and the British had already decided the final victory in the North Sea." Minister Daniels said.

President Woodrow Wilson nodded: "If I'm not wrong, the Germans should have won! After all, their navy has too many advantages."

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Germans have won this naval battle, which means that the German Navy will replace the British Navy and become the supremacy of the sea. Your Excellency, I suggest that we remain neutral in this war. Otherwise If the Germans are angered, the consequences will be very serious." Minister Daniels said with a serious face.

President Woodrow Wilson was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought of something: "What? Did the Germans win a big victory?"

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Germans defeated the British Royal Navy at a very small cost. In this battle, the Germans only sunk one battleship, and several other battleships and battlecruisers were severely damaged. But However, they sank 22 British battleships and 5 battlecruisers. In addition, they also severely damaged 3 British battleships and 1 battlecruiser." Minister Daniels said.

President Woodrow Wilson, with his mouth open, was almost able to stuff his fist.

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