Jagged Germany

Chapter 471

Chapter 471: Strictly observe neutrality (seeking monthly ticket)

"The Germans only lost one battleship, but they sank 22 British battleships and 5 battlecruisers? This, how is this possible?" President Woodrow Wilson couldn't believe this result at all. After all, such a battle damage ratio is too high.

At the same time, President Woodrow Wilson couldn't help but feel a little rejoicing that he didn't choose to go to war with the Germans. Otherwise, the twelve battleships of the U.S. Navy probably would have been directly eaten by the Germans, and there would be no scum left! The strength shown by the German navy is so strong that no other country has the guts to confront them!

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Germans have achieved such great results. This is undoubtedly beyond everyone's expectations." Minister Daniels said.

"Minister Daniels, I completely agree with your point of view. Germany is already invincible. We should not be its enemy." President Woodrow Wilson felt a little regretful.

Minister Daniels knew what President Woodrow Wilson was lamenting, but there was no way to do it! Who makes the current military strength of the United States far from being able to compete with Germany? Once it breaks with Germany rashly, the final result will be fatal. If it is not done well, the United States will pay a heavy price. Although, the Atlantic has given the United States good protection. However, the Atlantic Ocean is obviously unable to stop the attack of the maritime hegemony.

"Your Excellency, our navy has begun to accelerate its development. With our industrial strength and economic strength, we will soon have a powerful navy that can rival the Germans. By then, we will no longer have to be afraid of the Germans It's over." Minister Daniels said in relief.

President Woodrow Wilson nodded: "I hope so! Tomorrow morning, the cabinet will hold a meeting to discuss the British's loss of this decisive naval battle. Let's discuss how this will affect the American Republic."josei

"Yes, Your Excellency the President." Secretary Daniels nodded.

The next morning, in the conference room of the White House, senior officials of the US cabinet all attended the meeting. However, Secretary of State Brian was late.

"Why hasn't Your Excellency the Secretary of State come yet?" President Woodrow Wilson asked.

"Your Excellency, the Secretary of State just called. The British ambassador made an urgent appointment to meet him. He will come to the meeting after meeting with the British ambassador," the secretary said.

President Woodrow Wilson nodded. He knew that after the disastrous defeat of the British Navy, he might not be able to sit still. That's why I made an urgent appointment with US Secretary of State Bryan, trying to figure out a way here in the US. But it is a pity that the Germans have shown such strong military strength, and the United States is not a fool, how could it offend such a powerful Germany?

"Your Excellency, it seems that the British can't sit still." Vice President Marshall smiled. Although Britain was defeated, this is of no benefit to the United States. However, many high-ranking officials in the United States undoubtedly feel relieved from the bottom of their hearts. After all, over the years, Britain has suppressed the United States a lot. Now, they finally tasted their retribution.

The United States' industrial strength is very strong, but in terms of cutting-edge technology, there is a huge gap with the old continent. This makes Americans often try their best to steal the advanced technology of the Old Continent. And those countries in the Old Continent are guarding against the United States in every possible way. All of this is as if a hundred years later in another time and space, the West, led by the United States, is doing everything possible to prevent the rise of the Eastern powers.

The other ministers of the US cabinet couldn't help laughing after hearing Vice President Marshall's words.

"Well, the Secretary of State has other things to deal with, so we won't wait for him, let's start the meeting!" President Woodrow Wilson said.

Everyone stopped talking and began to prepare for the meeting.

"Everyone, yesterday the German Navy and the British Navy fought a decisive battle in the North Sea. In the end, the Germans sank 22 battleships and 5 battlecruisers of the British Navy at the cost of one battleship being sunk. As a result , The British Royal Navy has been completely defeated. The German Navy has also replaced the British Royal Navy and has become the new maritime supremacy. Under such circumstances, what should the United States of America do?" President Woodrow Wilson asked.

"Your Excellency, judging from the current battle situation, the victory of the German Navy has undoubtedly further established their victory in this war. According to the information we have obtained, the German Army has been carefully preparing for the past six months. It is foreseeable that They are about to launch a fatal attack on the British and French allied forces on the Western Front. If the British and French allied forces cannot resist, then France will be defeated first. After the navy is defeated, Britain cannot be alone. After France is defeated, they Surrender to Germany, or wait for the Germans to land in Britain and be defeated by the Germans, there is almost no other ending," Secretary of War Garrison said.

"That is to say, the Germans won the war, is that almost certain?" asked President Woodrow Wilson.

"Yes, Your Excellency. At least judging from the current situation, the Germans have a very good chance of winning." Minister Garrison nodded.

"Is it possible that the British and French coalition forces resisted the German attack on the Western Front? In this case, the war will continue to be a stalemate!" Vice President Marshall said.

"It's almost impossible! Even if the Anglo-French coalition can hold off the German attack temporarily. However, after the defeat of the British navy, the connection between Britain and the European continent will be cut off. The French simply cannot afford millions of troops At that time, they will still be defeated." Minister Garrison said.

"It seems that the Germans defeated Britain and France and became the hegemony of the world. That is already unstoppable!" President Woodrow Wilson sighed.

"Your Excellency, since the Germans are sure to win. Then, we should not provoke the Germans anymore. In that case, it will be very detrimental to us. I suggest that from now on, we strictly observe neutrality and no longer provide the British with Any help. In this case, even if the Germans are dissatisfied with us, they have no excuse to attack us." Vice President Marshall said.

Other US government cabinet ministers also nodded. They agree with this too. That is, the United States must never become enemies with Germany, which is about to win.

President Woodrow Wilson nodded. Under the current circumstances, strictly maintaining neutrality has undoubtedly become the best choice.

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