Jagged Germany

Chapter 491

Chapter 491: Devastated (ask for a monthly ticket)

At two o'clock in the afternoon on March 31, when the 41st Fighter Brigade of the 4th Air Force was covering the mission of the 42nd Bomber Brigade, it suddenly noticed a large number of planes flying from the southern sky.

Those planes, slow and clumsy. It is even more obviously different from the single-seat aircraft of the German army.

"I found the aircraft of the British and French coalition forces. I don't know if it is the French Farmant F.20 or the British F.E.2b." The captain of the 41st Fighter Battalion said.

Because the shapes of these two aircrafts are so similar. In the face of strong pressure from the German air force, Britain and France chose

Immediately, he took out the flare gun and fired the flare. The meaning of this signal flare is to let the bomber drop the bomb immediately and then evacuate.

Although, the German aircraft are more advanced than those of the Anglo-French allied forces. However, the bomber is undoubtedly very clumsy. It is obviously unwise to use bombers to deal with enemy fighters.

After receiving the order, the bombers of the 42nd Bomber Group immediately dropped their bombs and then withdrew from the battlefield. At this time, they no longer care whether they can hit the target accurately. The most important thing is to evacuate the battlefield, free up the airspace and hand it over to fighter jets.

After the bomber group began to evacuate, the captain of the 41st Fighter Group fired another flare. It means to get all the pilots of the fighter brigade ready for the battle.

In the absence of radio miniaturization technology, the only way to command air combat is to use this old-fashioned method. Although a bit crude, it is sufficient.

More than forty F2 fighter jets of the German army rushed towards the incoming enemy plane.

Although, the fleet dispatched by the British and French allied forces is as high as hundreds of aircraft, which is more than twice that of the German 41st Fighter Brigade. However, these pilots not only have no fear, but are full of fighting spirit.

In an air battle, a large number of aircraft cannot win. The pilot's flying skills and the performance of the aircraft play the most critical role. In front of the pilots of the German army, these planes of the British and French allied forces were undoubtedly the targets of their massacre.

The soldiers of the British and French allied forces on the ground couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw their own plane coming, and some even started to cheer. After all, the previous violent bombing by the German army cost them a lot.

"Kill the German planes, shoot them all down!"

"Come on! Warriors of the British Empire, shoot down the German plane cleanly!"

The soldiers of the British and French allied forces on the ground even cheered for their own air force, hoping that they could defeat the German planes. After all, at least in terms of numbers, the fleet of the British and French coalition forces has an absolute advantage.

Because of the distance of the battle, it was just over the south bank of the Marne River. On the German side, it can also be clearly seen.

"Boys of the German Empire, come on! Shoot down those French and British planes."

"Kill them, brave German pilots!"

The soldiers of the German army are also cheering for their own pilots.

Even Qin Tian and other high-level German troops used binoculars to stare intently at the air battle that was about to break out.

For the pilots on both sides, they couldn't see or hear the cheers on the ground. Now they have only one task, and that is to shoot down the opponent's plane and win the air battle.

The F2 fighter jets of the German army are very fast, with a maximum speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. This speed is much faster than the fighter jets equipped by Britain and France. This makes them often have a great advantage over you in battle.

As the distance between the two sides got closer, the German F2 fighter jets took the lead in climbing. Although Qin Tian is not a soldier, as a professional military enthusiast, he is undoubtedly very clear about some commonly used tactics. In the absence of precision-guided weapons, the most common tactic in air combat is undoubtedly to climb, seize the altitude, then dive to attack, then climb again, and then launch an attack, and so on. Especially when dealing with enemy aircraft with poor maneuverability, such tactics are very effective. Even in another time and space, the Japanese-style zero battle with excellent dog fighting ability was defeated under such tactics.

The plane that fought the German army was the French Air Force. The Farmand F.20 fighter jets they equipped cannot compare with the German F2 fighter jets in performance. However, after seeing the German planes begin to climb, they immediately followed suit. But because of the difference in climb rate, they fell far behind.

"Comparing our climb with us is simply asking for trouble. Our aircraft is the most advanced aircraft in the world." A German pilot said disdainfully after looking down at the French aircraft.

Sure enough, as the altitude got higher and higher, the performance of the French aircraft became more and more difficult. Some aircraft even had power failures because of the high altitude. After the engine stopped, they fell directly from high altitude to the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several French planes fell to the ground and exploded. The soldiers on both sides were stunned.josei

"My God! What's going on? Why did our plane fall down by itself?"

"Haha! The French plane is too bad, isn't it? It fell down like this, how could they fight us?" The German soldiers were already cheering.

Qin Tian also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. With his help, the German army equipped the world's most advanced aircraft. Now, these advanced aircraft are helping Germany gain an advantage on the battlefield and win the war step by step.

Facing the plane that was climbing continuously, the French Air Force was powerless and had to stop the climb. If they continue to climb, I am afraid that all their fighter planes will have to fall.

It's just that the German pilots would not let this opportunity go, and immediately launched an attack.

Dozens of aircraft attacked from high altitude, and aviation machine guns started firing.

"Da da da!"

Dense aviation machine gun bullets shot towards the French aircraft below.

The powerful bullets easily penetrated the wooden body and skin of the French aircraft, leaving large holes in the body.

There were even some French aircraft that were directly broken up and fell from a high altitude.

In this era, except for the German pilots, pilots from other countries are not equipped with parachutes, which means that after they are shot down twice, there is only one consequence, that is, they are directly smashed into meatloaf.

Under this round of attacks by German aircraft, more than a dozen French aircraft were shot down.

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