Jagged Germany

Chapter 492

Chapter 492: Heavy damage (seeking monthly ticket)

"Da da da!" The German pilots fully utilized the performance of their own aircraft. They were flying planes, chasing and killing these planes of the French army.

After an F2 fighter bit the French Army's Farmand F.20 fighter jet, it opened fire immediately, pouring a string of bullets from the aviation machine gun into the tail of the French Army's F.20 aircraft.

The structure of the wooden body is so fragile that the tail of this French military aircraft was torn to pieces immediately. Afterwards, the French aircraft plummeted into the ground with billowing smoke, and the two pilots were all killed.

"God! Why are these German planes so fast? They are much faster than our planes." A French pilot shouted in horror.

"Yeah! Compared with the German aircraft we fought against last year, these aircraft seem to be more advanced." The observer and shooter sitting in the front seat also agreed.

Although the aircraft equipped by the German Air Force are still F2 fighters, they are also constantly improving. In particular, the shape and structure are constantly being optimized, and the engine is also being updated, enabling the aircraft to have greater speed and maneuverability. Under such circumstances, the aircraft equipped by Britain and France were naturally thrown farther and farther by the German aircraft.

"God! There is a German plane overhead." The observer and shooter yelled in horror.

The pilot looked up immediately, just in time to see a German plane coming towards them from the sky. He immediately piloted the plane, trying to escape. However, it was too late. The German plane has already opened fire.

"Da da da!"

The aviation machine guns of the German aircraft began to fire, and the bullets directly hit the cockpit of the French aircraft. Aircraft in this era do not have a glass cockpit, and the pilot is directly exposed to the outside.

The bullets of the aviation machine gun easily killed the pilots and observers on the French aircraft. After losing its pilot, the plane plummeted to the ground, hitting the ground and exploding in a ball of fire.

Facing the attack of the German planes, the French planes had no power to fight back. The entire air battle has shown a one-sided situation. The planes of the French army were shot down one after another, like burning firebirds, falling to the ground continuously.

In contrast to the German aircraft, although some were shot down. However, the number is very small. Often, more than ten French aircraft were shot down, and only one German aircraft was shot down. Such a battle loss ratio is undoubtedly very large.

The pilots of both sides watching the battle on the ground were undoubtedly stunned. Usually, those pilots who wear handsome uniforms, receive generous salaries, and enjoy the best food are undoubtedly the objects of their envy. But, now it seems that they are not so good! Once shot down, there will be no bones left.

Of course, the ones with no bones left mainly refer to the pilots of the French Air Force, and the pilots of the German army, as long as they were not killed on the spot in an air battle, they would choose to parachute. Compared with airplanes, these pilots are the most precious wealth.

However, because the fighting area is located in the sky above the British and French coalition forces, once those pilots parachute, they are likely to fall into the control area of ​​the British and French coalition forces. In that case, they will obviously not end well. Therefore, these pilots often choose to continue flying the plane after being hit, and then parachute until they fly to the north bank of the Marne River. Only in this way can their safety be guaranteed. After all, in the previous battles, it was not without pilots who were directly killed by the enemy after being captured by the enemy.

Although, some pilots who were shot down inevitably suffered casualties. However, on the whole, the casualties of the German army were much smaller than those of the French army.

Watching our own planes being shot down one after another, the morale of the British and French allied forces continued to drop.

Marshal Joffre, commander-in-chief of the French army, was also watching the battle in the sky. However, as the planes of the French army were continuously shot down, his complexion couldn't help turning black like the bottom of a pot.

"Oh my God! Is there such a big gap between our aircraft performance and the Germans?" Marshal Joffre couldn't believe such a result. You know, in order to ensure victory, he mobilized hundreds of fighter jets to participate in the battle. However, with less than half of the number of German aircraft, they directly made them pay such a heavy loss, which Marshal Xia Fei never thought of before.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the performance of the German aircraft is indeed more advanced than ours. However, the Farmand Company is already developing a newer Farmand F.30 fighter jet. By that time, we will definitely have an aircraft that is not inferior to the Germans. Yes," said a French air force general.

"Farmand F.30 fighter jet? What's the use of that? What I want is an aircraft that can fight against the German aircraft now." Marshal Joffre said angrily.

Suddenly, the generals fell silent and said nothing. Obviously, the result of the current battle made them all very ashamed. It's just that they have no other way to do it! Who made them not only seriously inferior to the German army in the performance of their aircraft, but also seriously inferior to the German army in the quality of their pilots? So if it is like this, there is no other way.josei

"Give me an order to mobilize more planes to the front, and we must defeat the Germans!" Marshal Joffre ordered.

This is the only way he can think of. Since the performance is not good, he can only make up for it with the advantage of quantity. Marshal Xiafei also saw that during the air battle, some German planes were still shot down. This also means that the German aircraft is not immune to being shot down. As long as they have the opportunity, or if the conditions are ripe, they can also shoot down the German planes.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!"

The battle in the sky will soon end. The German 41st Fighter Group, with the loss of five aircraft, shot down more than seventy French aircraft. Seeing that the situation was not good, the rest of the French planes fled away one after another. Otherwise, the results of the German air force would be even greater.

However, even so, the French army did not admit defeat easily. On the afternoon of March 31, many battles broke out between the two sides in the airspace on the south bank of the Marne River. The French army dispatched a large number of fighter planes in an attempt to prevent the German army from bombing the French defense line.

In the fierce air battle this afternoon, the German army lost more than fifty fighter planes. The number of fighter planes lost by the French army is even more. According to preliminary statistics, they also lost more than 600 planes. This is definitely a serious blow to the newly established French Air Force.

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