Jagged Germany

Chapter 505

Chapter 505: The intention of the Germans (ask for a monthly ticket)

Cray, British Expeditionary Force Command. The news that the German army captured Omal and easily defeated the 2nd Infantry Division of the 1st Army of the British Expeditionary Force has been confirmed, which makes these generals of the British Expeditionary Force look a little unsightly.

After all, the 2nd Infantry Division can be regarded as the elite of the British Army, and it was defeated so easily. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the British Army!josei

"Your Excellency, the 2nd Infantry Division was completely unprepared when it was attacked by the Germans. Major General George Milne even received an order, but still did not take precautions. These are obvious dereliction of duty. I request that he Send them back to the country and accept the trial of the military court." Admiral Haig said with a dark face. What happened to the 2nd Infantry Division made him, the commander of the army group, ashamed.

Sir French nodded: "Major General George Milne, this time he has indeed made an unforgivable mistake! However, the Germans were able to defeat the 2nd Infantry Division and take Omar in just two hours. , it can be seen that their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated."

"Your Excellency, this is because the Germans dispatched a large number of infantry. On the one hand, the 2nd Infantry Division was unprepared, and on the other hand, it had no experience in dealing with German armored forces. That's why it suffered a disastrous defeat so quickly. ” said Admiral Benson, commander of the 3rd Army of the British Expeditionary Force.

"Your Excellency, the German armored forces are indeed very powerful. In particular, it was the German 8th Army that attacked Omal. They were on the Eastern Front, but they defeated the Russians on their own." French Army General Despere, commander of the 1st Army, sighed.

Originally, the French had great hopes for Russia, an ally. In their view, France and Russia are attacking Germany on both sides. No matter how powerful the German army is, it will certainly not be able to withstand their attack. But I didn't expect that the Russians would be so vulnerable and easily defeated by the German army. This puts the current France in extreme danger.

"Anyway, since the Germans have already launched an attack, then we need to resist their attack and find a chance to defeat them. I don't want what happened to the 2nd Infantry Division to happen again." French Sir said.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Several army commanders replied.

"The Germans captured Omal, can we now determine the direction of their attack?" Sir French asked.

"Your Excellency, after the Germans captured Aumale, there were two directions. One was to continue to attack southward, attacking Rouen, which was garrisoned by the 1st Army, and the other was to attack the 1st French Army. Garrison Beauvais, and then attack Paris from here. At present, it is more likely that the Germans will attack Beauvais." Admiral Haig said.

The reason why he made such a judgment is entirely because he believes that Paris is still the primary target of the German army. Attack Beauvais and defeat the French 1st Army. In that case, the German army will be very close to Paris.

Sir French nodded: "In this case, we have to strengthen the defense at Beauvais. General Benson, from the 3rd Army, transferred half of the troops to Beauvais to assist the French 1st Army in defense. Here. In any case, the German attack must be stopped. I will send other troops to reinforce it. If we can smash the German attack at Beauvais, then we can defeat them in one fell swoop."

"Yes, sir." Admiral Despere and Admiral Benson both replied.

"General Haig, your 1st Army should also be ready. Once we hold off the German attack at Beauvais, the 1st Army will immediately attack the German rear, assist the frontal troops, and defeat them in one fell swoop!" Sir Wrench went on.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Admiral Haig nodded, and he regarded this as an opportunity to avenge his shame.

According to Sir French's order, the British and French allied forces immediately acted. The French 1st Army fortified its position at Beauvais, waiting for the German attack. At the same time, the British Expeditionary Force sent 100,000 troops to reinforce Beauvais, preparing to stop the German army there.

Unfortunately, Sir French and the others were wrong from the beginning. The goal of the German attack, although it is Paris. However, instead of attacking Beauvais, they planned to cross the Seine from Rouen.

The German 8th Armored Division and 34th Infantry Division set off from Aumale on April 2 and approached Rouen.

Because of the disastrous defeat of the 2nd Infantry Division in Omal, other troops of the British and French allied forces did not dare to take it lightly. As soon as the German army set off from Omal, they were discovered by their reconnaissance troops.

"The German army started from Omal and went all the way south? How is this possible?" Sir French was shocked when he heard the news, and he couldn't believe it.

"Your Excellency, it seems that the Germans are not attacking Beauvais, but Rouen. We need to tell General Haig to prepare him." Admiral Benson said.

Early in the morning on April 2, Admiral Haig left Creil and returned to Rouen to take command of the 1st Army of the British Expeditionary Force.

Sir French nodded, but he still couldn't figure it out. Obviously Beauvais is closer to Paris, but why did the Germans go far and away to attack Rouen?

"Send a message to General Haig to hold off the German attack in Rouen. General Benson, you will lead the entire Third Army and a part of the French First Army to Rouen immediately, and cooperate with the First French Army. Army Group, foil the plot of the German army. This time, no matter what, the Germans must be defeated!" Sir French said.

"Yes, sir." Admiral Benson replied.

In response to the direction of the German attack, the British and French allied forces immediately changed their deployment. General Benson, commander of the British 3rd Army, led the entire 3rd Army and part of the French 1st Army, providing 300,000 people, to Rouen to reinforce the 1st Army of the British Expeditionary Force.

Admiral Haig was even more nervous when he learned that Rouen had actually become the target of the German army. After he rushed back to Rouen, he immediately ordered the 1st Army to enter a state of emergency combat readiness. At the same time, began to shrink the line of defense. All the troops deployed on the periphery will be withdrawn to the periphery of Rouen, ready to stand here for help.

After learning of the powerful attack power of the German army, General Haig didn't even have the courage to fight the German army again. After all, when fighting in the wild, they simply had no way to resist the attack of the German armored forces.

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