Jagged Germany

Chapter 506

Chapter 506: Stick to it (2100 votes plus updates)

From Aumale to Rouen, it is only more than 50 kilometers. At the advancing speed of the German army, it took only two days for the German 1st Armored Division, 1st Infantry Division, 8th Armored Division and 34th Infantry Division to advance to the outskirts of Rouen.

However, the German army did not launch an attack immediately, but was waiting for the arrival of the main force. After all, the British have nearly 200,000 troops in Rouen. Rouen is also a big city. With only four divisions and tens of thousands of people, it is very difficult to capture Rouen, which is defended by 200,000 British. Even if it can be fought down, the casualties will definitely not be so small.

Although the armored forces of the German army are very strong, once the enemy has counter weapons against tanks, the armored forces entering the street battle will inevitably suffer heavy losses. The true strength of the armored forces should be brought into play in field battles, that is the best battlefield to fully display the strength of the armored forces.

The German 8th Army and other units of the 1st Army are also on their way to Rouen. In order to speed up the march of the troops, the German army mobilized a large number of trucks. France has convenient transportation facilities, and without interference from the enemy, troop transport is undoubtedly very fast. By April 6, the main forces of the German 8th Army and 1st Army had arrived in Rouen.

As more and more German troops gathered in Rouen, the British and French allied forces can already be sure that the German army's attack target is Rouen. Although this made them very confused, but at this point, there was no time to think about anything else. The most important thing is to resist the German attack first.

The basement of the Rouen City Hall became the headquarters of the 1st Army of the British Expeditionary Force. Admiral Haig has a serious face. All the information obtained from them can show that the German army is about to launch an attack on Rouen. So, can only 200,000 people withstand the attack of more than 500,000 German troops? Even though Admiral Haig had great confidence in his troops, he knew that it would be very difficult.

"How long will it take for the reinforcements led by General Benson to reach Rouen?" Admiral Haig asked.

If the 300,000 reinforcements led by Admiral Benson can arrive in time, then at least they can make up 500,000 people. Even if the combat power cannot be compared with the German army, but relying on city defense, it should still be able to withstand the German attack. If it can consume a large amount of the active force of the German army, it will create favorable conditions for the subsequent counterattack.

"General, General Benson is not far from Rouen. It is estimated that it will take up to three days to arrive." A general reported.

The reinforcements led by Admiral Benson did not march fast. Especially when the German army did not launch an offensive in Rouen, it made him worry that he would be attacked by the German army. So, stop and go all the way, knowing that it has not arrived yet.

General Haig thought for a while, and then said: "Send a telegram to General Benson, telling him that once Rouen is attacked by the German army, I hope he can send troops to attack the rear of the German army to reduce our pressure."

"Yes, General." The general nodded.

Admiral Haig was obviously not only thinking about resisting the German attack in Rouen, he also hoped to defeat the German army here in one fell swoop. In that case, not only will it change the current situation, but it will also be of great benefit to him personally.

General Crook, commander of the German 1st Army, and Lieutenant General Ludendorff, chief of staff of the 8th Army, did not waste time. After the main force of the two legions arrived in Rouen, they immediately gave the order to attack.

The German firepower preparations began at 10 am on April 6. The two armies used 504 105mm heavy howitzers, 1008 105mm light howitzers and 1512 75mm field guns to attack the British defense lines around Rouen. And shells poured into the city.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shells fell like raindrops and exploded on the British defense line. Earth and rocks splashed and gunpowder smoke filled the entire position. The shrapnel was mixed in the dust and scattered in all directions. Once a soldier was hit, he would often lose his life.

Under heavy artillery fire from the German army, the fortifications of the British army outside Rouen were destroyed bit by bit. Although the artillery of the British army also launched a counterattack, the entire 1st Army of the British Expeditionary Force had only 180 114mm howitzers and 540 83.8mm field guns, which were far from being comparable to the German army in terms of numbers. In terms of power and performance, it is even at a disadvantage.

Under the suppression of the German artillery, the British artillery suffered heavy losses, and it was impossible to stop the German artillery bombardment of Rouen.

The city of Rouen was also heavily bombarded by the German army, causing the city to become ruins little by little under the German bombardment.

The air teams of the German 1st Army and 8th Army also came to reinforce. A large number of aircraft bombed the artillery positions of the British army, causing the loss of the artillery of the British army to continue to soar.

"Damn it, the artillery fire of the Germans is too powerful. They are only half a million people, and they are equipped with so many cannons. Even if all the cannons of the entire expeditionary force are added up, I am afraid there are not so many cannons." Admiral Haig Seeing my artillery being eaten up bit by bit under the pincer attack of German cannons and planes, my heart felt like it was dripping blood.

"General, in terms of artillery alone, the Germans are definitely number one in the world. The cannons equipped by each infantry division are simply incomparable to the armies of other countries."

"The German planes are also very powerful, and many of our artillerymen were killed during the strafing and bombing of their planes."

General Haig nodded, feeling very helpless. He knew that in terms of firepower, the British Expeditionary Force was far from being able to compare with the German Army. What's more terrible is that once the British and French allied forces are defeated in France, the German army is very likely to land in the British mainland. At that time, they will have to face the attack of such a powerful army. That would be disastrous for the UK.

"These damned Germans must not be allowed to land on the British mainland. Otherwise, the British Empire will be over. I don't know how many British cities will be destroyed by the Germans, and I don't know how many British people will die under the guns of the Germans." Next!" Admiral Haig secretly made up his mind. If they could defeat the Germans on the French battlefield, they might be able to reverse the situation. At least, it will be impossible for the German army to land on the British mainland again.josei

"Order all ministries, once the Germans attack, they must stick to their positions and never retreat!" Admiral Haig issued an order.

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