Jagged Germany

Chapter 610

Chapter 610: Proximity investigation (1200 votes plus update)

At six o'clock in the morning, just after dawn, the German Navy's High Seas Fleet was busy. A seaplane with one took off from the sea and headed south. They will search the nearby sea area of ​​200 kilometers and be responsible for finding out the British fleet.

At the same time, the main force of the High Seas Fleet is also heading south. Although, the actions of the High Seas Fleet have become more cautious. However, the goal of defeating the British Navy has not changed in any way.

Admiral Reinhard Scheer and Lieutenant General Hipper stood on the bridge of the battleship "Bavaria" and watched dozens of seaplanes take off to perform reconnaissance missions.josei

"With so many seaplanes, the British can't escape this time anyway. Unless they hide back to the Irish Sea again. Otherwise, they can only be wiped out by us!" Reinhard Scheer said the admiral.

"Yes, Commander. If the British retreat to the Irish Sea again, I suggest setting up a large minefield at both ends of the Irish Sea to block all the exits. In this way, the British will no longer be able to leave The Irish Sea is gone. Or, let the submarine force ambush at both ends of the Irish Sea. Once the British leave the Irish Sea, they will first be attacked by our submarine force and suffer heavy losses." Lieutenant General Hipper suggested.

"This is a good idea. I will propose it to the Admiralty. However, it is uncertain whether it will be adopted. After all, once the minefields are laid down, these mines will threaten the safety of passing ships after the war. The bustling I'm afraid the coast of the Irish Sea will be depressed." Admiral Reinhard Scheer said.

The coast of the Irish Sea is undoubtedly a relatively developed place in the UK. But these prosperity are all built on the well-developed shipping. If the mines blocked the shipping lanes and no ships entered the Irish Sea, the sea would become a dead sea.

Of course, this has little to do with Germany. After experiencing this war, Britain will quickly decline and will no longer be the hegemony of the world. It is also no longer the political and economic center of the world. Germany will replace Great Britain as world power. Berlin, the capital of Germany, will become the political center of the world. Those industrially developed cities in Germany are the new economic centers.

When the German Navy High Seas Fleet began to search for traces of the British fleet, Admiral John Jellicoe and Lieutenant General David Beatty, who had not slept all night, were drinking espresso. It seems that only the kind of strong coffee that the bitter people will shed tears can lift their spirits.

"General Betty, it seems that the Germans will not give us a chance to attack them. In this battle, we can only fight them in an upright manner." Admiral John Jellicoe said with a wry smile.

All day yesterday, they were waiting for the German Navy's breaking fleet. Prepare to destroy or disable this fleet first, and then concentrate its forces against the main force of the German Navy's High Seas Fleet. But unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, the German Navy's breaking fleet never appeared at all. This makes their plan undoubtedly come to nothing.

"Your Excellency, even if it is a decisive battle with the Germans in an open and honest manner, we may not lose! After all, our current number of capital ships is no less than that of the Germans, and there are even two more. It is just the performance of the battleships. It’s not as good as the Germans. But if our luck is better, maybe we will be able to win the decisive battle.” Lieutenant General David Beatty said. He is very confident about this decisive battle in the future. Although, I don't know where his confidence comes from. But having confidence is better than having no confidence!

"Yes, General Betty. This time we still have a chance. I also believe that we will not be as unlucky as last time." Admiral John Jellicoe said.

Luck is illusory, but in naval battles, luck has become an important factor. The lucky side is undoubtedly more likely to win. For example, if it was also hit by a shell, the front of the turret was hit and the ammunition depot was hit, which were completely different things. The former can escape the crisis with thick armor, while the latter is undoubtedly dead.

"When will General Martin's fleet join us?" Admiral John Jellicoe asked.

"In another hour, we will probably be able to join us." Lieutenant General David Betty said.

In the case that the German Navy was not fooled, the combined fleet's combat plan also had to make some changes. The fleet led by Vice Admiral Martin, who was originally used as a bait, was ordered to assemble with the main force of the fleet. In this way, when they encounter the German Navy's High Seas Fleet, they will have enough strength to fight against it. If they continue to disperse, once they are encountered by the German Navy's High Seas Fleet, they will only be destroyed one by one. At that time, they really have no chance of winning.

Admiral John Jellicoe nodded: "I hope God can bless the British Empire this time, we can't lose again."

"God will bless the British Empire, we will definitely defeat the Germans!" Lieutenant General David Beatty said.

A seaplane of the German Navy, hiding above the clouds. And under the clouds, there is the combined fleet of Britain, France and Italy.

"God! Didn't the British just get 12 battleships from the Americans? Adding their own battleships, there are only 20 battleships. However, there are 36 battleships below, It is no less than our battleship!" said the pilot.

"Then how do we report to the flagship? Do we send the report directly to the flagship?" asked the transmitter sitting in the back seat.

"Report truthfully. After you finish sending the telegram, we will lower our altitude and fly over the heads of the British to see clearly what is going on!"

"Okay, although this is a bit risky. However, the British should not be able to catch up with us!"

A few minutes later, the seaplane left the clouds and flew directly over the United Fleet.

"It's the French flag and the flag of the Kingdom of Italy! It turns out that the British not only got warships from the Americans, but also brought in the French and Italians." The driver exclaimed.

"Quick, the British seaplanes are coming. We must get rid of them and report to the flagship!"

The seaplane of the German Navy immediately pulled up and began to climb. At the same time, he staggered to avoid the bullets fired by the British seaplane.

And they didn't know that the telegram they had sent back had stunned Admiral Reinhard Scheer and others. The British fleet actually has 36 capital ships, which undoubtedly greatly exceeded their expectations.

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