Jagged Germany

Chapter 611

Chapter 611: Carriers lead the charge

On the battleship "Bavaria", the flagship of the German Navy's High Seas Fleet, Admiral Reinhard Scheer, Lieutenant Admiral Hipper, and Lieutenant Admiral Spee were shaking their heads and smiling wryly at a piece of information.

"Thirty-six ships! The British actually produced thirty-six capital ships. Where did the other sixteen ships come from?" Admiral Reinhard Scheer couldn't figure it out. After all, according to their estimates, even if the British obtained 12 battleships from the Americans, there were only 20 battleships in total!

For the High Seas Fleet, 20 capital ships are a big enemy. However, the High Seas Fleet still has enough strength to eat it. But 20 capital ships have become 36, so there is a problem. All the capital ships of the High Seas Fleet add up to only 34 ships, which is two fewer than the British.

Although, the performance of the capital ships of the German Navy is enough to ensure that they have an absolute advantage in this battle. However, there are many unexpected factors that determine the outcome of a naval battle. If you are unlucky, you may lose the naval battle. In addition, even if he wins again, he will definitely pay an unimaginably huge price.

After the German Navy became the hegemony of the sea, it was somewhat indecisive. The previous aura that tried its best to pull the British Royal Navy from the throne of maritime supremacy no longer exists. Of course, this is inevitable.

"Could it be that the scouts misread it? They regarded an armored cruiser or a pre-dreadnought as a capital ship!" Lieutenant General Hipper said.

This is undoubtedly possible. After all, a reconnaissance plane flies through the air, and it is not necessarily clear at a height of at least several hundred meters from the sea.

"Probably not! The scouts have all received professional training, and the pre-dreadnoughts and battleships, as well as armored cruisers and battleships, are still clearly distinguished. It seems that for this decisive battle, the British once again learned from us. We got more battleships where we knew. This battle is even more difficult. If we want to win, and win at a small price, we need to be more cautious!" Reinhard Scheer said the admiral.

"Indeed. Our task now is not only to defeat the British, but also to maintain a strong navy to ensure that after the empire wins, it can effectively safeguard the interests of the empire in the world." Lieutenant General Spee said.

Once Germany wins this war, the colonies of Britain, France and other countries around the world will fall into the hands of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As an ally of Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will get a part of the colonies. But the most important colony will still fall into the hands of Germany. You know, the colonies of Britain, France and other countries are all over the world. Without a strong navy, it is impossible to keep these interests at all.

While Admiral Reinhardt Scheer and others were discussing how to win this decisive battle with the least cost, the staff officer sent a second piece of information.

"General, the seaplane reported that they approached the British fleet and found that there were French flags and Italian flags in the fleet. Among them, there are ten capital ships flying the French flag, and six capital ships flying the Italian flag!" Staff Officer The officer reported.

"The seaplane scouts are all good!" Lieutenant General Hipper admired sincerely.

General Reinhard Scheer and Lieutenant General Spee also nodded in agreement. The seaplane pilots are undoubtedly very brave. They brought more accurate information to the Imperial Navy, so that they would not make too many mistakes when making decisions.

"It turned out that the French and Italians also joined in. No wonder the British were able to gather so many battleships this time!" Admiral Reinhard Scheer said.

"Yes! France, Italy, and the United Kingdom are on the same boat. In order to avoid failure, the two countries will of course do their best." Lieutenant General Hipper said.

After all, once the war is lost, it will be a devastating blow to the three of them.

"The battleships of the French and Italians are very good on paper. However, they have not been tested in actual combat. Perhaps they will be very vulnerable." Lieutenant General Spee said.

"The French and Italians really can't build any good warships. However, we can't take it lightly. Now, although we have figured out how the enemy's thirty-six battleships are composed. But the most critical The problem is still to defeat them!" Admiral Reinhard Scheer said.

Lieutenant General Hipper and Lieutenant General Spee nodded again and again. Indeed, this is the most critical issue to win this decisive battle. All other questions are empty. As long as you win, all problems will be solved.

"General, why don't we let the aircraft carrier attack the British first! The aircraft carrier 'Pioneer' and the aircraft carrier 'Glory' made great achievements in the last naval battle. Now, they have changed into more The powerful carrier-based aircraft can drop bombs and launch medium-sized torpedoes. In this way, almost all the warships of the British are targets that they can sink. Let the aircraft carrier launch an attack before our capital ship and the British have a decisive battle , sink some of their warships. This can not only weaken their strength, but also damage their morale." Lieutenant General Hipper suggested.

Admiral Reinhardt Scheer's eyes suddenly brightened. Indeed, after the last naval battle, the powerful combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier has been unanimously affirmed by the German naval commanders. They all recognized the powerful strength of the aircraft carrier, and expressed their support for the Imperial Navy's plan to no longer build battleships and battlecruisers in the future, but only build aircraft carriers.

Although there are many people who express regret that the capital ship, which represents the giant cannon of the big ship, will withdraw from the position of the capital ship in such a short period of time, but they know that this is the trend of development. If the German Navy wants to secure its position as a maritime supremacy, it must continue to lead the development of the trend. Only in this way can their dominance be stabilized.

"The 450mm medium-sized torpedo can indeed threaten the safety of most capital ships. If the British capital ship is hit, even if it will not be sunk, it will definitely be severely damaged." Lieutenant General Spee said .

"How far is the aircraft carrier formation from us?" Admiral Reinhardt Scheer asked.josei

"Just a hundred kilometers behind us!"

"Order the fleet to continue going south, and let the aircraft carrier launch an attack after the distance between us and the British is reduced to 50 kilometers!" Admiral Reinhard Scheer made a decision.

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