Jagged Germany

Chapter 612

Chapter 612: carrier aircraft attack

North of the main fleet of the High Seas Fleet, a small fleet is heading south at a cruising speed of 12 knots. This small fleet consists of two aircraft carriers, four light cruisers and six destroyers. In front of the huge main fleet, this small fleet is nothing at all. However, almost the entire High Seas Fleet believed that this small fleet represented the future development direction of the Imperial Navy.

In the last naval battle, two aircraft carriers attacked, and one carrier-based aircraft after another used torpedoes to severely damage and sink the battleships of the British Navy. upper hand. Prior to this, the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier formation was undoubtedly not recognized. After all, isn't it a joke to use those carrier-based aircraft that look like toys to sink a capital ship that looks like a hill?

However, the results of the naval battle shut up all those who questioned the aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier formation has proved to the world with their brilliant record that huge battleships are completely vulnerable under the attack of carrier-based aircraft. Even battleships can be equipped with anti-aircraft weapons. But don't forget that the carrier-based aircraft of an aircraft carrier is still very simple. With the development of technology, the shipboard opportunity is more and more powerful. When carrier-based aircraft can carry heavy aerial bombs and heavy aerial torpedoes, it will become a nightmare for all surface warships.

This time, all members of the High Seas Fleet are dispatched. The "Pioneer" aircraft carrier and the "Victory" aircraft carrier were not far behind and joined this operation. Every member of the aircraft carrier formation is looking forward to more victories in this battle. After all, although the number of carrier-based aircraft carried by the aircraft carrier this time remains unchanged, it is still 48. However, performance has been greatly improved. The carrier-based aircraft carried before, except for 12 fighter jets, were all torpedo attack aircraft. This time is different, the number of fighters is still 12. The other 36 are 18 bombers and 18 torpedo attack aircraft. These bombers can carry aerial bombs weighing up to 250 kilograms and dive and drop bombs at a certain angle. The torpedo attack aircraft can carry 450mm medium aviation torpedoes. The power is naturally much stronger than the previous light aviation torpedoes.

It is precisely because of this that the officers and soldiers of the aircraft carrier formation are full of confidence in this battle. They believe that when they launch an attack, they will definitely be able to obtain more results than the last time.josei

On the island of the USS Pioneer, Marshal Prince Heinrich was holding a cup of coffee and looking at the carrier-based aircraft parked on the deck. Last night, the ground crew had already filled up the fuel for each carrier-based aircraft, and loaded the bombs and torpedoes. Marshal Prince Heinrich believes that the decisive battle between the German Navy and the British Navy will start today. Therefore, he asked the ground crew to prepare overnight.

On another aircraft carrier, the situation is similar. All carrier-based aircraft are ready to take off.

"Marshal, the flagship's order!" A staff officer reported to Marshal Prince Heinrich. There was uncontrollable excitement on his face.

"It seems that this is good news!" Prince Marshal Heinrich said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal. The flagship ordered us to get ready to take off the carrier-based aircraft. An hour later, the carrier-based aircraft began to take off. The enemy is about 150 kilometers south of us. There are thirty-six ships Capital ships, not only British capital ships, but also French and Italian!" The staff officer said excitedly.

"Thirty-six ships? The French and Italians have also joined in, more than we expected! However, this is also our chance! There are so many enemy battleships, it depends on whether we can eat them How much. Tell the flagship that we are ready." Marshal Prince Heinrich was also excited.

According to the time required for the attack, the aircraft carrier formation can launch a maximum of two rounds of attacks. There are a total of 96 carrier-based aircraft. After deducting fighter jets, a total of 144 sorties can be carried out. If you're lucky, you should be able to sink about ten of the enemy's capital ships, then there should be no problem. This is already a huge victory for the aircraft carrier formation.

If the aircraft carrier formation can continue to attack when the main fleet of one's own side starts a decisive battle with the enemy, then their battle results will be further improved.

Time passed bit by bit, and the two aircraft carriers of the German Navy were waiting for the order to attack. Everyone seems to have seen that a lot of military exploits will soon be obtained.

On the battleship "Bavaria", the flagship of the German Navy, Admiral Reinhard Scheer and others are also conducting the final demonstration of the tactics.

"My opinion is that after the aircraft carrier formation launches two rounds of attacks, the main fleet will attack and engage in a decisive battle with the Allied Powers fleet. With the attack power of the aircraft carrier formation, after two rounds of attacks, the Allied Powers fleet will pay at least five capital ships to be sunk The price. In this case, we will gain a further advantage." Lieutenant General Hipper said.

"Even after the decisive battle between our main fleet and the fleet of the Allied Powers, the aircraft carrier formation can continue to attack. When they drop bombs and torpedoes, they only need to avoid our warships. Of course, the prerequisite is that the pilots must be responsible." The body can bear it." Lieutenant General Spei said. After all, flying a plane to fight is undoubtedly extremely exhausting of physical strength and energy. Two rounds of attacks are enough to exhaust the pilots. But it's not out of the question to launch a third attack if you take a break.

Admiral Reinhardt Scheer nodded: "That's it, let the aircraft carrier formation launch two rounds of attacks first, and if there is room left, launch a third round of attacks."

"Yes, General." Lieutenant General Hipper nodded.

When Marshal Prince Heinrich received the telegram from the flagship, he was very satisfied. Although, launching multiple rounds of attacks in a row will make the pilots very tired. But as long as you pay attention to rest, it is not impossible. This also means that in this battle, the aircraft carrier formation can freely attack. They will once again establish a victory for the German Navy in this battle.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Marshal Prince Heinrich issued an order for the carrier-based aircraft to take off.

A carrier-based aircraft took off almost simultaneously on the aircraft carrier 'Pioneer' and the aircraft carrier 'Victory'. The other carrier-based aircraft also took off one after another.

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