Jagged Germany

Chapter 613

Chapter 613: Horror (ask for a monthly ticket)

When an aircraft carrier takes off a carrier-based aircraft, the fighter jets are the first to take off. Fighter aircraft are the lightest and require the shortest runways to take off. Bombers and torpedo planes followed in turn.

The plane that takes off first will not fly away immediately, but wait in circles over the aircraft carrier. After all the carrier-based aircraft have taken off and completed the air formation, they will fly away from the aircraft carrier and start the attack mission.

One after another, carrier-based aircraft took off from the aircraft carriers 'Pioneer' and 'Victory'. The dense fleet of aircraft hovering over the aircraft carrier, such a scene is undoubtedly very shocking.

When the last carrier-based aircraft takes off and completes formation. The fleet flew to the south in a mighty manner.

"May God bless these lads!" Prince Marshal Heinrich murmured to God. He not only hopes that these carrier-based aircraft can sink as many British warships as possible during the battle, but also hopes that they can come back safely.

Training a carrier-based aircraft pilot is not so easy. It can be said that every carrier-based pilot is a treasure of the German Navy. In the last naval battle, because the British fleet had no anti-aircraft weapons at all, the pilots could drop bombs calmly without worrying that they would be shot down. However, this time is different. The British, who had suffered enough last time, installed a lot of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns on the battleship. It is undoubtedly very difficult for a carrier-based aircraft to launch an attack easily and then evacuate safely.

Of course, where there is war, there will be death, which is unavoidable. The only thing that can be done is probably to win the war at the least cost. This is what the German Navy has been working on.

When the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft began to go south, the Allied Fleet was also ready for battle. Their seaplanes spotted the German Navy's High Seas Fleet to the north of the fleet.

"The Germans have already arrived, and they are less than 60 kilometers away from us. At the current speed, we will meet in two hours at most. The survival of the British Empire depends on this battle!" John Jay Admiral Rico said.

Lieutenant General David Betty nodded. No matter what words are used to describe the importance of this battle to the British Empire, it is not an exaggeration at all. It can be said that now is the critical moment of life and death.

"This time, the Germans are also all out. 23 battleships, 11 battlecruisers, a total of 34 capital ships. We only have two more capital ships than them. If the previous plan can be successful, completely defeat the Germans How wonderful it would be if we had a battlecruiser formation! In this way, we will have a greater chance of winning in this battle!" Lieutenant General David Beatty sighed.

"Yes! But unfortunately, our plan did not succeed. The Germans are no longer as bold as before. It is no wonder that they now have the advantage in this war. The German navy is even more It has replaced the Royal Navy and has become the overlord of the sea. Under such circumstances, they will naturally be more cautious." Admiral John Jellicoe said.josei

Wasn't he equally cautious when he commanded the Grand Fleet in order to defend the supremacy of the British Empire when the Royal Navy was still in its heyday? There is no way, after all, each of their orders is related to the fate of the empire!

"It's useless to say these things now. We must prepare for a decisive battle with the Germans. This time, if we lose again, we will never have another chance. Therefore, we must win this battle. ’ said Admiral John Jellicoe.

David? Betty Lieutenant General nodded heavily.

Indeed, in order to make up enough battleships capable of confronting the German Navy, they have exhausted all means. Now in the world, there are no countries that still have advanced capital ships, except for Japan in the East. Therefore, if Britain loses this naval battle, they will never have a chance to come back.

"Send a telegram to General Lame and General Paul that the battle will start in two hours. This time, we have no way out. If we want to win, we must work hard!" Admiral John Jellicoe Said.

"Yes, General!"

Admiral Lame and Admiral Paul have returned to their respective flagships. In this naval battle, in order to win, they must cooperate closely. It is undoubtedly the most appropriate for the two of them to command their respective fleets.

The capital ships of the entire Allied Allied Fleet were divided into five divisions. Among them, the 12 battleships purchased from the United States under the command of Vice Admiral Martin were divided into the 1st Battleship Division and the 2nd Battleship Division. , including the 'Tiger' battlecruiser, formed the 3rd Battleship Squadron. The 10 capital ships of the French Navy formed the 4th Battleship Squadron. The six battleships of the Italian Navy formed the 5th Battleship Squadron.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the officers and soldiers of the United Fleet of the Allied Powers at this moment did not expect that the battle had already begun. The carrier-based aircraft unit of the German Navy is coming. There will be an attack on them soon.

At 9:00 am, the carrier-based aircraft unit of the German Navy flew over the combined fleet of the Allied Powers.


The shrill sirens resounded over the fleet. Admiral John Jellicoe, Lieutenant General David Beatty and others rushed out one after another, looking at the little black spots on the edge of the sky. Using binoculars, they can clearly see the appearance of those small black dots. An airplane with an Iron Cross painted on its wings, with bombs or torpedoes hanging under its belly. This made the faces of the two of them full of expressions of horror.

"Damn, German planes! Fighting in the Atlantic, can their planes be dispatched?" Admiral John Jellicoe cursed.

In the last decisive battle, they suffered enough from the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft. Originally thought that this time fighting in the Atlantic Ocean, the level can avoid this. But I didn't expect that I still encountered a carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy.

"It seems that the German planes did not take off from the airport on land, but from a ship on the sea. Otherwise, they would never have flown here." Lieutenant General David Betty's face was ashen .

Admiral John Jellicoe nodded, but even if he guessed this now, what's the use?

"Command the fleet and prepare for air defense! This time, the Germans must not use these toys to sink our capital ship again!" Admiral John Jellicoe said through gritted teeth.

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