Jagged Germany

Chapter 789

Chapter 789: The plan of the Air Force (seeking a monthly ticket)

"General, there are only two ways to eliminate the advanced fighter jets of the British Air Force. The first way is to continue to attack and engage in air battles with the British. Through one after another air battle, all the British fighter planes will be eliminated. The second method is to directly bomb the British airport and destroy all their fighter planes on the airport." The captain of the 4th Bomber Wing suggested.

"The first method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and our losses will not be small. In this case, it is very uneconomical. If the second method can be successful, then we can get It worked," said Lieutenant General Zeckert. Personally, he is more inclined to the second method. However, the implementation of the second method is also quite difficult.

First of all, if you want to bomb the airports of the British Air Force, you must first find these airports. At the same time, it must be confirmed which airports are stationed with fighter jets of the British Air Force and which airports are only backup airports. Secondly, the defense of these airports by the British Air Force must also be very strict. There will be dense anti-aircraft weapons all around. Once the Luftwaffe launches an attack, it must be prepared to be shot down by these anti-aircraft weapons. In the end, the British are not immune to this. Once the German planes enter the sky over the British mainland, they may be discovered by the British. At that time, they will have to face the British Air Force in full swing.

"General, regarding the location of the British airport, we can ask the intelligence department for help. Our intelligence personnel in the UK will definitely be able to obtain relevant information." A general suggested.

Lieutenant General Zeckert nodded. The German intelligence agency also showed its talents in this world war. Now Britain, although it continues to resist. But there are still many British people who are very pessimistic about the outcome of the resistance. This makes them see no hope for the future of Britain. Once these people are lured by German intelligence personnel, they will easily betray the interests of the country. This made Germany well aware of a lot of British intelligence.

"Second question, we can choose to launch a surprise attack in the early morning or at dusk. However, in order to ensure that our bombing planes can return home smoothly, it is more appropriate to launch an attack in the early morning. Based on the current weather conditions, 5 o'clock in the morning The fighter plane can take off before it arrives. It is only after six o’clock when it flies over the battlefield. It is difficult for the British to be prepared. If you are lucky, it is completely impossible to blow up the British fighter plane at the airport. No problem." said the captain of the 4th Bomber Wing.

Blowing up the enemy's fighter planes at the airport is undoubtedly the best way to defeat the enemy's air power. If it can be successful in this way, it will be very beneficial for the German Army Air Force to gain air supremacy.

"General, as for the last problem, I think it is very easy to solve. Although, the British are equipped with some new fighter jets. However, I don't think they will have too many new fighter jets. Otherwise, they will not wait until The attack is only now being launched. As long as we send enough **** fighters for the bombers, we will be able to deal with them. With our fighter pilots already cautious, if the British Air Force wants to launch a surprise attack on us again, it is almost impossible. It's impossible!" said the captain of the 3rd Fighter Wing.

Lieutenant General Zeckert thought about it, and it was indeed the case. Compared with the British Air Force, the German Army Air Force is much stronger. They don't need to be so cautious at all, they just need to launch an attack according to the predetermined plan. If the British Air Force dared to send fighter planes to intercept them, they would simply shoot down their fighter planes.

"Then, the only thing we need to worry about is whether the British have the courage to fight us. If they choose to escape, then our attack will be greatly reduced!" Lieutenant General Zeckert said.

"General, that's all right. If the British escape early, then we will bomb their airfields and destroy their airfields. Without the airfields, the British will no longer be able to influence the frontline fighting. Even if they It will take time to quickly repair the airport. At worst, we will blow it up once they repair it. I think, after a few times, the Army should have won the Battle of Canterbury!"

"Well, very good, this is a good idea! Then, everyone, go down and prepare immediately! Tomorrow morning, launch an attack. Try to defeat the Air Force in one fell swoop and seize the air supremacy over the British Isles!" Lieutenant General Zeckert said.

"Yes, General!" Everyone replied.

Lieutenant General Zeckert hopes that the attack tomorrow morning will solve the problem in one fell swoop. No matter how bad it is, it is also necessary to ensure that air supremacy is in their hands during the Battle of Canterbury.

The German Army Air Corps moved very quickly. After the order was issued, a combat plan was submitted in less than two hours. After the review, Lieutenant General Zeckert felt that there was no problem, and then rushed to the British Combat Command in person to report to Marshal von Falkenhain.

Marshal von Falkenhain also expressed support for the Army Air Corps' plan. Fighting in places far away from the coast, the air support of the Army Air Force has become an increasingly indispensable and important fire support for the Army in combat. Therefore, he certainly hoped that the Army Air Force's plan would succeed and win air supremacy in one fell swoop.

At 4 o'clock in the morning on August 30, the various airports of the German Army Air Force on the front line were brightly lit. The ground crew was busy early on, because the number of planes dispatched this time was very large. So, they need to be ready for these planes in advance.

Tanker trucks run wildly at the airport, refueling every plane. The ammunition truck was also very busy, stuffing bullets and bombs from aviation machine guns into fighter planes.

Pilots, eating breakfast and listening to operational briefings. They will soon have to fly the plane and participate in this operation.

"Are you ready?" Lieutenant General Zeckert asked.

"General, all the ministries involved in this offensive have completed their preparations!" A major general reported to Lieutenant General Zeckert.

Lieutenant General Zeckert looked at the watch in his hand, it was only 4:30 in the morning. The sky is not yet bright, but there is not much time until dawn.

"Take off the fighter in half an hour!" Lieutenant General Zeckert gave the order.josei

At 5 o'clock in the morning, the fighter planes of the German Army Air Forces began to take off from various airports.

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