Jagged Germany

Chapter 790

Chapter 790: I have to fight (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Whoo! Whoo!"

The plane taxied on the long runway, and then rushed into the sky. After a slight formation over the airport, immediately head west.

Although the sky is not yet bright at the moment, it will not have much impact on the flight. Besides, as time goes by, the sky will get brighter and brighter.

For this operation, the German Army Air Force has dispatched all the main forces. All 4 fighter wings and 4 bomber wings participated in this operation. In addition, in order to strengthen the defense, a fighter wing and a bomber wing were drawn from other places as reserves. The number of fighters invested has reached thousands.

According to information obtained from intelligence agencies, the airports of the British Air Force are mainly located in and around London. At present, the main combat aircraft of the British Air Force are distributed in four airports, with about two hundred aircraft. This is undoubtedly good news for the German Army Air Force. The British Air Force has a small number of new fighters, so the threat to the German Army Air Force is not very great. The German Army Air Force can directly consume the British Air Force with the number of fighters.

According to the task assignment, each fighter wing and a bomber wing are responsible for attacking a British Air Force airport. If you are lucky and can destroy the British Air Force's fighter planes on the airport, that would be the best. If it is not successful, the airport will also be destroyed, making it impossible for the British Air Force to use these airports in a short time.

The huge fleet flew over the Strait of Dover and flew towards the intended target. Although it is still morning, the sky is not too bright. But in order to avoid being discovered by the British, all the planes stayed at high altitude.

However, with so many planes operating together, the noise produced by the engines is still quite astonishing. If you are not careful, you may be discovered by the British on the ground. The Luftwaffe can only pray now that the British will not react so quickly. Otherwise, the effect of their bombing this time will be greatly reduced.

From the coast of Calais to London, at the speed of the aircraft of the German Army Air Forces, it only takes an hour. In other words, at 6 o'clock in the morning, the bombing of the German Army Air Force could begin.

In this era, there is no radar. Therefore, the early warning of air strikes can only rely on manpower. Rely on the eyes and ears of the observer to search for the target. Once the target is found, report to the airport quickly.

In order to guard against the German sneak attack, the British Air Force also made special preparations. They sent a large number of scouts to the coastal areas. These scouts carry telegraphs, and if a threat is detected, it will be reported immediately.

At 5:40 in the morning, the investigators of the British Air Force based in Canterbury heard a "buzzing" sound in the sky, as if wild bees were flying. However, when they looked up to the sky, they found nothing.

"Enemy attack!" The scouts of the British Air Force immediately sounded the alarm. They thought it was an air attack by the Luftwaffe on Canterbury.

But then they discovered that no bombs were dropped at all. Obviously, the German planes were not directed at Canterbury at all.

"Damn, what do the Germans want?"

"Boss, their plane seems to be headed northwest."

"Northwest direction? That's London! Damn, the Germans don't want to bomb London! No, we have to report immediately and let London get ready!"

"Perhaps, the Germans want to launch an attack on our airport. Yesterday our pilots caused the Germans to pay a lot of losses!"

Regardless of whether the German planes want to bomb London or want to attack the airfield of the Luftwaffe. This is a big deal for the British Air Force. They immediately reported the news to their superiors.

The Royal Air Force Staff, Chief of Staff Admiral Trenchard has not gotten up yet. However, his adjutant pushed open his bedroom door roughly.

"What happened?" Admiral Trenchard turned over from the bed.

"General, the front reports that a large number of German planes are flying towards London. Their target is most likely London or our airport!" the adjutant reported.

"What?" Admiral Trenchard looked shocked. Although, the performance of the Royal Air Force yesterday made him very satisfied. He also expected that the Germans would obviously not sit idly by. But I didn't expect that the German counterattack would come so quickly.

"Immediately order our fighters to take off and prepare to meet the Germans! The air defense force is also on emergency combat readiness." Admiral Trenchard ordered.

"General, the Germans are aggressive and have dispatched a large number of fighter planes. If we fight them head-on, we may lose badly. Perhaps, we can order our planes to shift to preserve our strength!" the adjutant suggested.

Admiral Trenchard was taken aback for a moment, but then shook his head. Although, Admiral Trenchard knows that preserving strength is the best way. Only in this way can the Royal Air Force have enough strength to continue fighting with the German Army Air Force. However, if London is attacked by the Germans, and the RAF avoids fighting, it will undoubtedly have extremely bad effects. At that time, the leaders of the Royal Air Force will be dealt with.

"Order the troops to prepare for battle. We cannot retreat at this time, and it is impossible to retreat!" Admiral Trenchard said.

"Yes, General." The adjutant also understood what Admiral Trenchard was worried about. He also knew that Admiral Trenchard had no choice but to issue such an order.


Stern sirens sounded over the airports around London, and the pilots quickly rushed to their planes.

At the same time, the ground crew also began to fill up fuel and ammunition for other aircraft that were not ready, trying to make them ready for take-off in the shortest possible time.josei

The four main airports where the main fighter jets of the Royal Air Force are located, each airport has 12 'Camel' fighter jets on standby 24 hours a day. Therefore, after the takeoff order is issued, these aircraft can take off as soon as possible. However, other aircraft need to be prepared. And this all takes time.

"Please take off! Please take off!"

A 'Camel' fighter that was ready, started the engine with the help of the ground crew. The propeller rotated rapidly, and the strong power brought the fighter plane to slide on the runway, and then the nose was pulled upwards, rushing into the sky.

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