Jagged Germany

Chapter 801

Chapter 801: abandon

"Your Excellency, this is a telegram from General Hamilton. He wants us to send the 4th Army and 5th Army to attack Canterbury from London, break through the German defenses, and take them back to London!" A general told the British Army Secretary Richard ? Haldan reported.

Richard Haldane frowned tightly. He was undoubtedly very dissatisfied with the performance of the British army in the southeast theater.

"What the **** are Hamilton and the others doing? Didn't he swear before that he would be able to withstand the German attack in Canterbury, and even defeat them? In just a few days, such a problem has arisen!" Li Chad Haldane complained. You must know that the troops assembled by the British army in the southeast theater are more elite than those in London. In the end, it ended up like this, which naturally made Richard Haldane very dissatisfied. What's more, the troops that Hamilton requested to be transferred were the only two elite army groups stationed in London. If there is any mistake in these two armies, the consequences will be even more unimaginable. Isn't London only protected by some mobs?

"Your Excellency, the Germans are too powerful. So that our plans in the Southeast Theater could not be successful. Moreover, under the German attack, the losses were heavy. Under the onslaught of the Germans, the troops in the Southeast Theater are indeed about to I can't hold on anymore," the general explained.

Richard Haldane remained silent, the situation of the battle was so corrupted that it was beyond his expectation. But at the same time, he didn't want to send reinforcements to the southeast theater any more. In that case, London's defense will become even more empty. Once the Germans attacked London, what would they use to resist it?josei

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, Prime Minister, please go to the Prime Minister's Office." The secretary reported.

Richard Haldane's eyes flashed a hint of displeasure, and he could guess almost immediately that it must be Hamilton who sent a telegram to Prime Minister Churchill.

"Get the car ready, I'll be right there!" Richard Haldane said.

Sure enough, as soon as Richard Haldane saw Churchill, Churchill asked about the battle situation in the southeast theater.

"Your Excellency, the current situation in the southeast theater is indeed very unfavorable to us! Under the onslaught of the Germans, the southeast theater has lost more than 300,000 people. Moreover, this loss is still increasing." Richard said de Haldane.

"Three hundred thousand people?" A trace of pain flashed across Churchill's face. For the British Empire, such a loss is simply too great. In particular, Churchill knew that the troops assembled in the southeast theater were elite compared to other theaters. The loss caused to the British Empire is undoubtedly even greater.

"Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister. Especially the two elite troops, the 1st Army and the 2nd Army, are about to be disabled!" Richard Haldane continued.

"That is to say, we are in the southeast theater, and I am afraid we will be defeated."

Richard Haldane nodded: "Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister. Judging from the current situation, the possibility of our victory is very small. The German offensive is too strong, and our losses are too great. Southeast Asia The troops in the theater are now in crisis."

"So, can they be withdrawn to London?" Churchill asked.

Since the British army is doomed to fail in the southeast theater, in Churchill's view, it is better to withdraw the troops immediately to preserve their strength.

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to withdraw. The connection between Canterbury and London has been cut off. Unless we send troops to reconnect. However, the troops sent may also be deeply involved and cause our losses. Further rise. In that case, not only will we not be able to rescue the troops in the southeast theater, but we will also lose more troops. This will cause major problems for our defense in London." Richard Haldane said.

Churchill nodded, he knew what Richard Haldane said was very reasonable. With no hope of victory in the southeast theater, it is undoubtedly necessary to strengthen London's defenses. Otherwise, once the German army wins in the southeast theater, it will soon take London.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, we now have no extra troops to reinforce the southeast theater. The troops around London are constructing fortifications nervously. In order to resist the most likely German attack on London, we must do everything well All you have to do is prepare. Otherwise, the unfavorable battle in the southeast theater will repeat itself again." Richard Haldane said.

"Well, Your Excellency, Minister of War, I respect your opinion. However, we still have so many troops in the southeast theater. It would be a pity if we just give up like this. If possible, let as many troops as possible Withdraw to London. I think that will also be very helpful for us to hold London!" Churchill said.

"Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister. I will order the troops in the southeast theater to find ways to break through as much as possible." Richard Haldane said.

Churchill nodded and said nothing more.

When Richard Haldane ordered the troops in the southeast theater to find a chance to break through by themselves, the expressions of General Hamilton and others changed drastically.

They cursed Richard Haldane's order one after another. Under such a situation, if they could retreat on their own, they would not wait anxiously for London to send reinforcements. If you retreat now, you can certainly withdraw part of the troops. However, the rest of the main force will definitely be wiped out by the German army. At that time, the British Army will suffer unprecedented losses.

Once the British army is defeated in the southeast theater, can they still resist the German attack in London? In this regard, the frontline generals of the British Army will never believe it.

"Richard Haldane, does that guy want to disregard the lives of so many of our troops? If we are wiped out by the Germans, he won't even try to hold London!" Admiral Hamilton cursed.

"Your Excellency, Commander, it is obvious that we have been abandoned. Your Excellency the Minister of War believes that we have become a burden. If reinforcements are sent to us, it will only further increase the loss. Therefore, he wants to let us fend for ourselves Yes!" Admiral Haig looked angry.

"Short-sighted guy! Even if he builds a strong fortification in London, it is impossible to withstand the German attack! What he has done will harm the British Empire!" Admiral Hamilton said through gritted teeth. After seeing the powerful strength of the German army, General Hamilton finally had a clear understanding.

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