Jagged Germany

Chapter 802

Chapter 802: surprise attack

"Marshal, the 1st Army and the 2nd Army have already gained the absolute upper hand in the battle around Canterbury. The main force of the British army has been defeated by us in the battle. A large number of British troops who have no fighting spirit have even become organized Surrender to us. If this continues, we will eliminate all the British troops gathered around Canterbury in a short time." Lieutenant General Ludendorff, acting commander of the 8th Army, said.

Marshal von Falkenhain nodded, the situation of the war is developing towards the very favorable side of the German army. This satisfied him. Because, as long as the German army can win this great war, then the German army will be one step closer to victory in the British mainland war.

"What if the British continue to invest troops in Canterbury? Don't forget, they still have more than one million troops in London and surrounding areas." Marshal von Falkenhain said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal. The British have an absolute advantage in terms of military strength. If they continue to invest in reinforcements, it will make the battle more difficult. However, it only makes us feel difficult. At most, it will cost more With a little more time and a little more price, we can win this battle." Lieutenant General Ludendorff was very confident of winning.

Marshal von Falkenhain is equally confident.

"General Ludendorff, you and your soldiers, I'm afraid you can't hold back anymore?" Marshal von Falkenhain asked.

Lieutenant General Ludendorff smiled, and then nodded: "Yes, Marshal. The departments on the front line are winning, and we can only watch from the sidelines. This feeling is indeed very uncomfortable. In addition, I also think that the first The 8th Legion is ready for battle."

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Marshal von Falkenhain asked.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the 1st Army and 2nd Army are currently holding back the main force of the British army around Canterbury. As long as we continue to fight according to the plan, the British army there will be eliminated soon. But, don't forget At Maidstone, there are hundreds of thousands of British troops. Although the 3rd Army is attacking, it will be difficult to wipe out this British army. Once they withdraw to London, this will give us the next attack on London. The attack caused a lot of trouble. Therefore, I think that at this time, the 8th Army can land in the UK, cooperate with the 3rd Army to launch an attack on the British army gathered in Maidstone, and eat them in one fell swoop. If it can be successful, Not only can it eliminate hundreds of thousands of British troops, but it can also greatly deter the British troops in London, making them afraid to act rashly. In this way, we will soon be able to win the victory in the southeast of England." Ludendorff The lieutenant general analyzed.

Marshal von Falkenhain thought for a while, then nodded: "General Ludendorff, this is indeed a very good plan. Eating the British army entrenched in Maidstone will allow the British army to The troops of the army are afraid to send reinforcements to Canterbury. At the same time, it can also weaken the strength of the British army to the greatest extent."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal."

"Well, let's do it according to your plan!" Marshal von Falkenhain said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal. The 8th Army is ready, and they can board the ship tonight. Tomorrow morning, they can land in Eastbourne." Lieutenant General Ludendorff said. He and the soldiers of the Eighth Army didn't want to wait any longer.

"Well, I will let the Navy fully assist you!" Marshal von Falkenhain said.

"Yes, Marshal!" Lieutenant General Ludendorff was very excited. He and the 8th Army are finally going to the battlefield, and he believes that the 8th Army will definitely be able to create another glories.

The 8th Army has won one victory after another, whether it is on the Eastern Front or the Western Front. On the British battlefield, they can also win.

On the night of September 3, a large number of transport ships assembled in Ketweier. The German 8th Army has been staying around. After receiving the order, a large number of troops began to board the ship.

The 4th Division of the German Marine Corps will cooperate with the 8th Army to land in Eastbourne. After that, the main force of the 8th Army will quickly approach Maidstone from Eastbourne, and cooperate with the 3rd Army to eliminate the 3rd Army and the 8th Army of the British Army.

At this moment, the main force of the British army has already assembled in places such as the southeast theater and London. In other areas, there are not many troops at all. For example, in Eastbourne, the British army only deployed one infantry brigade, with more than 4,000 people. It is almost impossible to prevent the landing of the German army.

At 6:00 am on September 4, five "King-class" battleships and five "Kaiser Frederick III-class" battleships of the German Navy appeared off the coast of Eastbourne.

Subsequently, these warships poured shells on Eastbourne against Caesar.

German intelligence agencies have long since found out the British barracks and other fortifications in Eastbourne. This allowed German warships to fire directly on these areas.

When the sound of the guns sounded, and one after another large-caliber naval guns smashed directly into the British barracks, the British army woke up like a dream.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Among the violent explosions, countless panicked British soldiers rushed out of the barracks in disheveled clothes, and more British soldiers were killed directly in their sleep.

Under the cover of the powerful firepower of the German Navy, the 4th Marine Division launched a landing operation.

The British army, which suffered heavy losses, could not have any impact on the German landing operations. The German marines succeeded with only one attack.

The British troops stationed in Eastbourne were quickly defeated and fled Eastbourne. They didn't even have time to blow up the port, leaving the port intact in the hands of the Germans.

Immediately, the 4th Division and the 8th Army of the German Marine Corps were able to use the port facilities in Eastbourne to disembark quickly. Especially for heavy artillery and tanks, without professional port facilities, the disembarkation speed will be very slow. However, everything is not a problem now.

The tank was hoisted from the transport ship to the dock by a crane, and then drove away directly. The heavy artillery was also directly towed away by the truck, very fast.josei

In the evening of that day, the 8th Armored Division and two infantry divisions of the German 8th Army formed an assault force, starting from Eastbourne and advancing along the road to Maidstone. The rest of the troops are also disembarking quickly. It is estimated that in a maximum of one or two days, all the troops of the 8th Army can land on the British mainland.

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