Jagged Germany

Chapter 805

Chapter 805: The King Runs Away (ask for a monthly ticket)

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, was once the most prosperous city in the world. As the capital of the world's hegemony, the British Empire, London can be called the center of the world.

Sadly, those days are long gone. The powerful British Empire collapsed in this war, which directly made London less prosperous. Even, when the war was about to break out here, the whole of London had become jittery.

Residents living in London have already fled away. Except for those who really had nowhere to escape, everyone who could escape has already escaped. The rest are almost old, weak, sick and disabled.

Millions of troops entered London and its surrounding areas. They are constructing fortifications in full swing every day, almost turning the whole of London into a huge construction site. The labor of millions of soldiers is still very fruitful. At least, London has completely changed under their efforts.

The bustling streets were dug with potholes, and there were barricades and firepower points everywhere. The windows of many buildings were also sandbagged. Once in battle but not destroyed by enemy artillery, these buildings will serve as commanding heights. Deploying a single machine gun can seal off a large area, causing great casualties to the enemy.josei

It can be said that London has completely become a city of war and a city of soldiers. The people here have only one idea, that is to defeat the Germans and hold London in the upcoming war. Of course, it is very difficult to say whether it will be realized.

Buckingham Palace, as the most magnificent British royal palace, is also in a state of tension and panic. The palace guards were on guard, as if an enemy would attack them at any moment. Of course, these palace guards are just for show. Dressed in gorgeous costumes, their true combat power is not as good as those veterans who survived the battlefield. In addition, if even these palace guards need to go to the battlefield, then the battle situation has developed to an extremely unfavorable situation for Britain.

A car with the sign of the Prime Minister's Office drove into the Huanjin Palace. After the car stabilized, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and War Secretary Richard Haldane got out of the car. The expressions on the faces of both of them were very dignified, as if someone owed them money and hadn't paid it back.

"Your Excellencies, Your Majesty is waiting for you in the office!" said the waiter.

Churchill and Richard Haldane nodded and went straight to King George V's office.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty!" Churchill and Richard Haldane greeted respectfully. Although, the king no longer has any real power. However, it still has a high prestige among the people. This made these senior cabinet officials still behave respectfully and humbly in front of the king.

"Your Excellency, please sit down!" King George V said. His Majesty the King looked very tired, his eyes were bloodshot, obviously he hadn't rested for a long time.

In fact, after the German army landed on the British mainland, King George V began to worry. Although he knew that the possibility of the British army resisting the German attack was very small. But he still hoped for a miracle. It's just that God doesn't seem to favor the British anymore. Not only did the miracle not happen, but the bad news of the British army's fiasco was waited.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, Your Excellency, Minister of War. The German attack on London will begin soon, right? We are here, can we resist the German attack?" King George V seems to have stopped reporting anything. Confidence.

"Your Majesty, we will do our best to hold London! Over the past few months, we have been strengthening London's defenses. Now we have seen initial results." Churchill said.

"So, is it possible that we can withstand the German attack?" King George V asked.

"Your Majesty, this may be very difficult! The Germans' offensive power on the battlefield has far exceeded our expectations. Of course, we can use fortifications to attack the Germans. But whether we can succeed is undoubtedly a question." Hard to say," Richard Haldane said.

After the disastrous defeat at the Battle of Canterbury, the morale and confidence of the British army have been severely damaged. This made Richard Haldane not have much confidence in the next battle.

"Is the British Empire destined to be destroyed this time?" King George V couldn't help but sigh.

George V felt very aggrieved. Why was his luck so bad? When other people were kings, the British Empire dominated the Quartet, constantly expanding its territory. None of the other countries in the world dared to confront the British Empire. It was his turn to be the king, but the British Empire fell straight from the peak to the trough, without even a transition period. Now, the enemy has landed on the British mainland, which has not been done for hundreds of years. The British Empire was already facing an existential crisis. If it doesn't work out, the destruction of the British Empire is just around the corner!

"Your Majesty, even if London falls, or the whole of Britain falls, the British Empire will not be destroyed. We will continue to persevere." Churchill's eyes flashed with determination.

Even though the current situation is very unfavorable to Britain, Churchill is still confident that they can win the final victory.

"Your Majesty, we have prepared everything in Canada. Your Excellency the Foreign Minister has arrived in Canada first, and we have reached an agreement with the Americans. If the mainland falls, we will go to Canada to continue fighting. The United States will give us the greatest Support. In this war, we may fail. However, in the next war, we may not have a chance to defeat the Germans. As long as we can defeat the Germans in the next war, the British Empire still has a chance to revive!" Churchill Said.

"Canada?" George V frowned. Although Canada has a vast territory, other conditions are too poor. George V obviously believed that it would undoubtedly be very difficult to rely on Canada to revive the British Empire.

"Your Majesty, the Germans are about to launch an attack on London. We hope that Your Majesty can leave London and go to Canada. Only in this way can His Majesty's safety be guaranteed. At the same time, when the situation is not good for us, he can also lead the subjects of the empire. Keep fighting!" Churchill continued.

George V was a little hesitant. Although he was afraid of death, he also didn't want to flee the British mainland. After leaving the British mainland, is he still a king?

However, after careful consideration, King George V nodded and agreed to leave England.

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