Jagged Germany

Chapter 806

Chapter 806: gold transfer

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, can the Americans really be reliable? I am always a little worried." King George V said. Although he has decided to flee the UK and fled to Canada. However, he had to think about the future! He would certainly like to return to England someday, if possible.

"Your Majesty, the Americans are of course unreliable. In fact, we and the United States are just using each other. After the fall of the Empire, the United States has become the only opponent of the Germans. As long as the Americans do not want to be defeated in the confrontation with Germany, They have to find a way to strengthen their own strength. The United States has a vast territory, a huge population resource and a huge industrial output value. However, they also have many shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming is science and technology The gap with Germany. With the help of the empire, the Americans can quickly shorten the gap with the Germans in this respect. But if we want to defeat the Germans, it is very difficult to rely on our own strength , must rely on the strength of the Americans. Therefore, we also need to spare no effort to strengthen the strength of the Americans." Churchill explained.

George V nodded: "So, Your Excellency, after we defeat the Germans in the future, can the British Empire maintain its status as the world's hegemon?"

Britain has been the world's hegemon for hundreds of years. If the hegemony is lost from his hands, George V will not know how to explain to the kings who fought for the rise of the British Empire all their lives.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that the supremacy cannot be maintained!" Churchill said.

George V's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of sadness, even though he had already guessed that this would be the result. However, hearing Churchill say it so clearly still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, this is inevitable. Since the empire lost this war, it is impossible to keep our hegemony. Even if we use the power of the Americans to defeat Germany, the new hegemon will be The United States. However, the situation of the empire will be much better. According to our agreement with the Americans, we can retain most of the colonies. Especially important colonies such as India and South Africa can be preserved. In that case, the empire will still have The opportunity to rise. If we are lucky and can seize the opportunity, we may not have the opportunity to become the world's hegemon again in the future!" Churchill explained.

George V nodded. Churchill's explanation satisfied him. Although, the British Empire is destined to lose its hegemony next. But as long as they keep their homeland and most of their colonies, they will always have a chance to rise. Maybe in a few decades. They will be able to rise again.

"Well, Your Excellency the Prime Minister, I fully support the cabinet's decision. I believe that for the British Empire, the difficulties are temporary. We will definitely overcome this difficulty and bring the British Empire back to the pinnacle of the world!" George V Said firmly.

"Your Majesty, I fully believe this too!" Churchill also had a firm expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, Canada's infrastructure is terrible. After we arrive in Canada, we need to carry out large-scale construction. In addition, we need an armed army. These require a lot of money. Even in the future, we will have to do something to counterattack the mainland. Prepare. It is obviously not enough to rely on Canada's tax revenue alone." Churchill continued.

George V was also a smart man. When Churchill said that, he immediately understood what Churchill meant. The finances of the current British Empire have already collapsed. If you want to achieve re-emergence, you need a lot of money. And Churchill's purpose was nothing more than to focus on the wealth of the British royal family.

The British Empire has been the world hegemon for hundreds of years, and the wealth accumulated by the royal family is also very amazing. Gold alone has accumulated thousands of tons. Including other treasures, the wealth accumulated by the royal family may exceed tens of billions of pounds.

It's just that these wealth are gold, silver and jewelry. It is very difficult and time-consuming to turn them into money. Therefore, when the British Empire was in danger, these wealth could not be directly turned into weapons and equipment. However, if you can escape to Canada, you can gradually realize these wealth, and then use the money to build Canada and arm the remaining troops.

"Your Excellency, the British Empire has reached this point. As the king of the British Empire, I am naturally responsible for revitalizing the empire. After arriving in Canada, I can lend the royal family's wealth to the government in the form of an interest-free loan .After defeating Germany, it will be returned to the royal family slowly." George V said.

It would be impossible for King George V to donate such a large amount of wealth to the government. Even if he agrees, the rest of the royal family won't either. If it is a loan to the government, then there is no problem. Anyway, everything is used to revive the British Empire.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!" Churchill nodded, already very satisfied with the result. With the support of the royal family's large wealth, they will soon be able to rebuild a strong industry and army in Canada. At that time, these will become an important boost for them to defeat Germany and become a world power again.josei

The British royal family has a lot of wealth, which is scattered all over the UK for the sake of confidentiality. It is not an easy task to transfer these wealth to Canada. This is especially true when the German navy has almost blocked the entire United Kingdom.

In order to transport these wealth away, Churchill specially set up a gold transfer committee, which is directly responsible to him. The sole responsibility of this committee is to safely transport the wealth of the royal family and the British government to Canada.

The wealth of the royal family is amazing, and the British government also has a lot of wealth. Especially the gold and other precious metals stored in the bank vaults must be transported away. If it falls into the hands of the Germans, Germany will become stronger because of this wealth. At that time, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for Britain to defeat Germany.

Under Churchill's order, this department quickly operated. The army, navy and intelligence agencies are all fully cooperating with them. A large amount of gold and other wealth were transported from secret warehouses in various places, and then secretly transported to port cities, and then transported to Canada through warships, submarines, and other ships.

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