Jagged Germany

Chapter 807

Chapter 807: can't leave it to the british

The capital of Germany, Berlin.

Now Berlin already looks like the capital of a world hegemon. Although, in the past, Berlin was one of the famous big cities in the world. However, it is far from being comparable to London and Paris.

Paris has been destroyed in the flames of war, and London is about to be bombed into ruins. This will make Berlin the largest and most prosperous city in Europe. It is estimated that only New York can compare with it.

Although the war is not over yet, Germany's victory in this war is already a certainty. This will make Germany destined to become the future world hegemon. As the capital of the world's hegemony, Berlin will certainly gain a lot of color because of this. It is only a matter of time before it becomes the world's political and financial center.

The impact of the war has begun to decline. Although the battle against Britain still requires a large number of troops. For this reason, it is also necessary to consume a large amount of war materials. However, with the arrival of a large amount of war reparations from France and Italy, as well as a large amount of resources and food crops obtained from the occupied areas, this has gradually allowed Germany to get rid of the influence of the war. People's living standards will also continue to improve. This makes their support for the emperor and the government of the empire also continue to rise.

In another time and space, Germany lost the war, causing the country to collapse. However, in this time and space, everything is different. Germany won the war, not only avoiding the collapse of the empire, but also developing stronger because of it.

Imperial Palace, the office of Emperor Qin Tian.

"Your Majesty, according to the information we have received, the British already intend to abandon their homeland. They are secretly transferring their wealth to Canada." Admiral Feng Bolaiming, director of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau, reported.

Qin Tian nodded. It is completely understandable for the British to evacuate the mainland after they found that the mainland could not be defended. Qin Tian didn't expect to conquer the British mainland, so he let the British bow their heads and surrender. The British are used to being the hegemons of the world. Even if they lose in this war, they will definitely not just bow their heads and admit defeat. At least some of them will not lower their noble heads, such as the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the British royal family.

Qin Tian only hopes that after taking over the British mainland, Germany will be able to establish a solid line of defense in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. At least the enemies of the German Empire will not be allowed to use the British mainland as a bridgehead to counterattack the European continent. In addition, after losing their homeland, even if the British continued to resist, they would not be able to turn up any big waves.

"Pay close attention to the actions of the British! They must not be allowed to transport that wealth to Canada!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Admiral Feng Bolaiming nodded.

Subsequently, Qin Tian summoned Marshal von Tirpitz, Minister of the Imperial Navy. To intercept the wealth of the British, at this stage only the navy can do it.

"Your Majesty, the wealth accumulated by the British Empire over hundreds of years is quite astonishing. There is no amount of gold alone. Those wealth cannot be transported to Canada!" Marshal Earl Tirpitz immediately Said.

Qin Tian nodded: "However, although we have blocked the UK, there are actually many loopholes in the blockade. If the British secretly transport the wealth away, we really have nothing to do with them!"

Britain's coastline is long and tortuous, and the German navy can only complete a general blockade. It is almost impossible to completely block Britain. Especially at night, the current navy's night combat capability is quite poor. Coupled with the restricted line of sight, the British can easily find loopholes and break through the blockade of the German army.

Among other things, if the British use destroyers to transport the wealth and set off at night, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to catch the British. What's more, the British also have a lot of submarines. Although the performance of those submarines is far inferior to that of the German Navy, it is also not easy to find and sink those submarines. Those submarines can also be used to transport the gold.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly very difficult to intercept the British and prevent the British from transporting those wealth to Canada.

"Your Majesty, even if we send more warships to further strengthen the blockade against Britain, it will not have much effect. The British can use destroyers and submarines to transport them. It is unlikely that we will successfully intercept them!" Till Marshal Earl Pitts looked a little frustrated.

The wealth of the British is undoubtedly mouth-watering. If Germany can get this batch of wealth, its national strength will be further improved. At the same time, it can also greatly weaken the United Kingdom. Otherwise, once the British successfully transported this batch of wealth to Canada, they would quickly develop again. Although it will not pose a fatal threat to Germany, it is still no problem to make trouble for Germany.

"I know that it is almost impossible to completely stop the British. What we can do is to intercept the wealth of the British as much as possible. It is naturally the best if we can **** it from the British. However, if you can’t grab it, just sink it directly, sinking into the sea is better than falling into the hands of the British!” Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal Earl Tirpitz nodded.josei

"General Bleming, the intelligence department should focus on searching for relevant information. It is best to be able to determine when the British will transport the gold, whether to use destroyers or submarines, which route to take, etc. If this is the case, we will arrange warships to carry out special The interception, the possibility of success is naturally much greater." Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The intelligence department will do its best!" Admiral Feng Bolaiming nodded.

Although he knows, this is a very difficult task. The British will keep the news about the gold transshipment strictly confidential. However, no matter how difficult it is, you have to find a way to complete it. It is very important to intercept the gold of the British.

"In addition, the Navy can dispatch aircraft carriers to the Atlantic Ocean. The patrol radius of carrier-based aircraft is much larger than that of warships. Once a suspicious ship is found, immediately call the warship to intercept it, or launch an attack directly. The efficiency is also better than simply It is much higher to use warships." Qin Tian suggested.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will arrange it!" Marshal Earl Tirpitz nodded.

"For the benefit of the empire, we must stop the British! The gold cannot be allowed to be brought to Canada. If the empire can't get it, it will be sunk directly, and no one can get it." Qin Tian said solemnly .

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