Jagged Germany

Chapter 839

Chapter 839: Grand Parade (ask for monthly ticket)

On December 18, 1915, the weather was fine. Although it has just snowed, the temperature is a bit low. However, the snow had already been cleared away. The square in front of the palace gathered people from all over Germany. They all came to visit this military parade admiringly.

On the rostrum built, Kaiser Wilhelm II, the heads of state and government who went to Germany, as well as the envoys of various countries in Germany, senior military and political officials and celebrities in Germany, sat on it.

At 9 a.m., Admiral Crook, who served as the commander-in-chief of the military parade, reported to Qin Tian that the troops to be paraded were ready. Qin Tian nodded, indicating that the military parade can officially begin.

The first item of the military parade is the formal speech of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian did not use the speech draft prepared by the cabinet, but directly delivered the speech without the script. He praised the contributions made by the German army and people to this war, thanked the soldiers for their hard work and the dedication of the people, and attributed this victory to them. Qin Tian claimed that if it were not for their dedication, there would be no victory for Germany.

Qin Tian also stated that the German Empire is a peace-loving country. Participating in war is nothing more than a passive counterattack. In this case, people in other countries will naturally be disdainful. If Germany is a peace-loving country, how did they get a large number of territories and overseas colonies now? If they hadn't won other countries, how could other countries willingly cede their territories to Germany and transfer their rich overseas colonies to Germany?

So, Qin Tian's future is simply talking nonsense with his eyes open.

However, the German people bought it! They thought what His Majesty said was really good.

After Qin Tian finished his speech, the crowd burst into loud cheers spontaneously.

"Long live the German Empire! Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" The cheers of the people almost resounded through the sky. Qin Tian's reputation has been further improved.

Next, Qin Tian sat in a convertible car and inspected the troops under review.

The troops under review include 14 foot phalanxes and other phalanxes.

These soldiers are elites selected from various units. Their faces are firm and their eyes are fiery. Full of loyalty to the Empire and His Majesty the Emperor.

"Hello, soldiers!"

Qin Tian's voice spread far away through the loudspeaker.

"Hello Your Majesty!"

"The soldiers have worked hard!"

"Fight for the Empire!"

The whole process is completely in accordance with Qin Tian's intention. Of course, Qin Tian also referred to the military parade of later generations in doing so.

This kind of military parade process made the heads of state of other countries who came to watch the ceremony feel very fresh. Some even decided they could do the same when they returned home.

Next, it is columnar.

When the majestic phalanx passed the rostrum with neat steps and loud slogans, everyone was shocked.

Although, countries often hold military parades. However, it has never been as grand as the German military parade. Each phalanx is composed of more than two hundred officers and soldiers. Everyone's pace is the same, which fully demonstrates the discipline of the German military.

In addition to these soldiers, almost all of them have been on the battlefield. The kind of murderous aura rushing towards the face makes people dare not look directly at it. No one does not think this is a truly elite force.

12 group armies, each mobilized elites to form a phalanx. In addition, the Marine Corps and the Navy each formed a phalanx. The logistics force also formed a phalanx, a total of 15 foot phalanxes.

After that is the cavalry phalanx, although the cavalry has gradually declined. But at this stage, all countries are equipped with cavalry to some extent. More than two hundred skilled cavalry rode through the square, and when they passed the rostrum, they even raised their sabers in salute to His Majesty the Emperor.

After the cavalry phalanx is the artillery phalanx. There are 3 artillery phalanxes, namely 75mm field artillery phalanx, 105mm light howitzer phalanx and 150mm heavy howitzer phalanx. All the cannons are towed by trucks. The cannons one by one shocked the others a lot.

"I heard that this is a cannon equipped by an infantry division of the Germans? A total of 54 75mm field guns, 36 105mm light howitzers and 18 150mm howitzers! Such artillery strength is really too strong!" A spectator The military officer said.

Crown Prince Yuren just heard these words, and he was even more shocked.

A German infantry division is equipped with so many artillery pieces. In contrast, a division of the Japanese army has more troops than a German infantry division. But the artillery they are equipped with is far inferior to that of the German army. Not only the number of artillery is seriously inferior, but even the caliber of the artillery is far inferior. This allowed him to fully see the gap.

"After returning to China, we must strengthen the equipment development and construction of the army. Otherwise, if a war breaks out with the Germans in the future, we will not be their opponents at all!" Crown Prince Hirohito made up his mind secretly.

After the artillery phalanx passed, it was the armored phalanx. There are only two armored phalanxes, one is a tank phalanx, and the other is an armored personnel carrier phalanx.

When these steel behemoths passed the rostrum at a slow speed, the delegations from various countries watching the ceremony were even more shocked.

The armored forces of the German Army are powerful, which is well known to the world. Tanks and armored vehicles have become weapons developed by various countries. The tactics of the armored forces have also become the key research tactics of various countries. Everyone knows that in future wars, if there is no powerful armored force, it will be impossible to fight against the enemy.

When the armored soldiers passed the rostrum, there was a buzzing sound in the sky.

Everyone looked up to the sky, only to see 36 F2 fighter jets flying over the rostrum at a slower speed. Then, 18 H1 bombers also flew over the rostrum at a lower speed.josei

Everyone witnessed these fighter planes flying over their heads, and the shock they received was beyond words.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is, the Germans are too powerful. Not only has powerful infantry, but also has the most powerful armored units. Even the Air Force is number one in the world. Under such circumstances, who can stand against Germany?

Of course, many countries have secretly made up their minds and must find a way to catch up with Germany. Of course, this was mainly because they were enemies of Germany. If they don't find a way to develop their own military strength, then what awaits them may not end well.

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